Western Extension Directors Association
Conference Call
Monday, January 22, 2007
3:00 – 5:00 PM Pacific Time
Phone: 509-335-1700, Passcode 7179#
I. Approve minutes, November 13, 2006, NASUGC meeting of WEDA
II. Welcome new member to WEDA: Pete Pinney, Associate Dean for the College of Rural and Community Development, University of Alaska and Interim Director, UA CES,
III. New Business
A. Replace Tony Nakazawa on following committees:
1. Budget and Legislative Committee – Karen Hinton
2. Regional Aquaculture
B. Western Region Administrative Officers’ Conference
Approved by AHS and WESDA for Guam in August 2007 (tentative). In fairness to colleagues in Guam hosting the conference, we should provide an estimate of number of attendees from our states from Extension which we will be sending to Guam. Typically those who attend the Administrative Officers’ conference are the personnel, fiscal, grant and contract support staff from the Dean and Director’s office level, thought occasionally department level support staff will attend. Be prepared to tell us the number of attendees from your state on the call (or email Linda Fox, if you won’t be on the conference call).
Don’t forget the national CSREES Administrative Officers’ Conference April 22-26, Seattle, WA, including special session CSREES Plan of Work. Followed by the National Diversity Conference, April 25-27, Seattle, WA.
C. Update the federal budget, Budget and Legislative Committee – Chuck Gay & Paul Gutierrez
D. Report on the western PLC Urban “Think Tank” meeting in Las Vegas, January 17-19, 2007 – Karen Hinton, Lyla Houglum and other WEDA attendees
E. WEDA budget for the Executive Director.
Update on budget shortfall and plans for next 6 months.
IV. Committee Updates by committee chairs *
* If you can email any update to WEDA list serve prior to the conference it will speed up the call and help with the minutes.
ECOP Task Forces: Forestry (Reed); EFNEP (Fox): 4-H (Hinton); Diversity (Eberlein); Marketing & Communication (Steele)
National 4-H Council (Steele) and 4-H Congress (Steele)
JOE (Journal of Extension) Board (Eberlein)
National Water Quality (Mahler, ID)
FALCON Liaison (Steele)
eXtension (Gay, Hinton, others)
Other committee reports:
Western IPM Center and Western Pesticide Safety Committee (Eberlein)
Western Rural Development Center (Christenson)
Western SARE (Young)
V. Other agenda items
VI. Reminder of upcoming WEDA meetings
§ Breakfast at National Extension Directors and Administrators (NEDA), Thursday, February 8
§ March 27 (begin at noon), March 28, and until noon, March 29, 2007 at the Homewood Suites (505) 881-7300, Albuquerque, NM, joint with W Program Leaders Committee (WPLC)
C:\Documents and Settings\lkfox\My Documents\Western Region Directors\2007\Agenda Jan 22 conf call WEDA (2).doc