16 APRIL 2012


1. Introduction:

This protocol is for staff and elected members. Its purpose is to provide a clear set of rules that should be adhered to when working with the media. In addition, to the protocol are guidelines to give staff and elected members comprehensive guidance and support on press and media issues.

The protocol has been prepared to support Borough of Poole’s Communications Strategy (date).

2. Key Aims

·  Improve public understanding of the work of Borough of Poole

·  Provide information about the Council’s policies, services and democratic processes so people feel more informed

·  Demonstrate the Council’s commitment to transparent ways of working

·  Set out protocols for publicising the work of the Council, Cabinet, Overview & Scrutiny, other committees, individual members and staff

·  Adhere to the Code of Recommended Practice on Local Authority Publicity.

Underpinning all aspects of this protocol will be the general principle that the council will not involve itself in any publicity which appears to be designed to affect public support for a political party.

In addition, the protocol will:

·  reflect the principle of executive decision-making and accountability of Cabinet

·  recognise the work of the Overview and Scrutiny and other committees as an important and integral part of the council’s political arrangements and democratic processes.

·  Treat all council meetings in the same way as far as issuing releases and following up the outcome for the media is concerned.

3. Legal framework

3.1 Code of Recommended Practice on Local Authority Publicity

The Code of Recommended Practice on Local Authority Publicity, issued by the Department for Communities and Local Government, highlights the factors to be considered when taking decisions on publicity.

The Code states that publicity by local authorities should:

·  be lawful

·  be cost effective

·  be objective

·  be even-handed

·  be appropriate

·  have regard to equality and diversity

·  be issued with care during periods of heightened sensitivity

3.2 Reporting the outcome of court cases bought by the Council

Investigations into such matters as benefit fraud, anti-social behaviour or environmental breaches, may lead the council to bring court proceedings against members of the public.

Once an individual has been found guilty then basic details of the case can legitimately be published.

Reporting restrictions may apply where court proceedings involve persons under the age of 18.

Advice should be sought from an appropriate officer from the council’s Legal and Democratic Services when preparing press releases or statements relating to legal action or court proceedings.

3.3 Data Protection

When responding to media requests for information or preparing press releases, consideration should be given to the Data Protection Act 1998.

As responsible public servants, it is appropriate to disclose general information (e.g. name, job title and direct phone number) about staff and elected members. In the case of Councillors, home addresses may also be given.

Where other personal information is requested, consent of the individual must be obtained.

3.4 Photographs

When using photographs for publicity purposes, permission should always be sought from the person photographed. Details of the publication and the likely date when it will appear should also be given.

Where photographs taken are likely to appear on the internet, it is good practice to gain explicit consent for this use.

Photographing children should be handled with great care. Permission of a parent or guardian must always be given before publishing photographs, and explicit consent sought before publishing on the internet.

It is not considered necessary to gain the permission of each individual featured in photographs of large groups (e.g. crowd scenes). However, consideration should be given to the use of such images in relation to sensitive or potentially contentious issues. For further guidance, contact the Communications team.

4. Role of the Communications Team

The Communications Team receives calls from local, regional and national journalists on a daily basis. On average, the team handles more than 1,100 media enquiries on behalf of the Council every year, working closely with senior officers and councillors to answer all enquiries satisfactorily.

As well as reacting to incoming enquiries, the Communications team actively promotes the work of the Council by issuing regular press releases to the media.

What we do:

·  Improve public understanding of the work of Borough of Poole

·  Maintain open and honest relations between the council and the media

·  Manage all sensitive or contentious media issues

·  Provide guidelines to all staff and councillors to following in handling the media

·  Provide media training for senior officers and councillors

·  Offer impartial and non-political communication advice and support

·  Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of media relations

What we don’t do:

·  Give journalists private or confidential information about the council, its staff or service users

·  Invent or exaggerate stories

·  Use ’spin’ to cover up for mistakes

The Communications Team will ensure:

·  All Council contact with the media is professionally managed to meet the communication needs of the Council and the media.

·  All official Council press releases/statements are issued by the Communications Team, in the standard format.

·  Incoming press enquiries are handled initially by the Communications Team, who will respond on behalf of the Council where appropriate. In reacting to media enquiries, the Communications Team will consult with the appropriate officer(s) and elected member(s).

·  Requests for interview with Council spokespersons are co-ordinated appropriately.

·  Council spokespersons are briefed as appropriate for media interviews.

Any requests from representatives of the media to officers, for comment, statements or information on council matters, should be immediately referred to the Communications Team in the first instance to arrange for an appropriate response.

4.1 The role of officers and elected members

The Communications team is the first point of contact for all media enquiries and is also responsible for issuing all official council press releases and statements to the media. Nevertheless, officers and elected members have a vital role to play in working with the media. As a general rule:

·  Members will ‘speak’ to the media on all issues relating to council policy and decision making

·  Officers will ‘comment’ on technical information or operational matters.

4.2 Press release and media statements – procedure for approval

The Communications Team will liaise with the Chief Executive, Leader of the

Council, relevant Cabinet Portfolio holder, Committee Chair, Group Leader, Strategic Director, Head of Service (or designated senior officer), as appropriate, to seek to ensure that information provided to the media is accurate.

Officers may provide ‘factual’ or ‘technical’ statements.

Prior to a press release being issued, the Communications Team will seek approval of the relevant senior officer and/or elected member, from the following:-

·  Leader of the Council

·  Cabinet Portfolio holder

·  Scrutiny or Committee Chair (or Vice-Chair)

·  Group Leader

·  Chief Executive

·  Strategic Director

·  Head of Service (or appropriate senior officer)

Cabinet Portfolio Holders will act as the Council’s principal spokesperson for those services within their assigned portfolio.

Comments/quotes from elected members cannot be included in press releases in the period between the notice of an election and the election itself except in the case of an emergency where there is a genuine need for the council to respond to the situation.

Press releases which contain financial information will be checked by the

Head of Financial Services or, in their absence, an appropriate senior officer. Legal implications will be checked with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services or, in their absence, an appropriate senior officer.

The Communications Team must be given notice of at least five working days’ of all requests for press releases in order to guarantee timely distribution to the media.

5. Publicising meetings of Council, Cabinet and Committees

5.1 Council

The continuing role of full Council will also be recognised in the Council's

communication with the media. In particular:

·  Press releases and statements to the media on policy and other matters which are the remit of full Council (other than the simple reporting of decisions taken) will be made by the Group Leaders, relevant Cabinet Portfolio Holder or Scrutiny Chair.

·  Media enquiries on such matters will be referred to the Group Leaders.

·  Group leaders will be given relevant and appropriate support, advice and training to enable them to deal effectively with the media.

Press releases and statements to the media about the outcome of Council meetings, decisions and outcomes should be issued no later than 24 hours after the conclusion of the meeting.

5.2 Cabinet

The principles of executive decision making and accountability will be

reflected in the Council’s communication with the media. In particular:

·  Press releases, media statements and interviews on Cabinet decisions will be made by the appropriate Cabinet Portfolio Holder (or an appropriate substitute), the Leader of the Council or issued on behalf of the entire Cabinet.

·  Interviews on Cabinet decisions will only be given by the appropriate Portfolio Holder, their substitute or the Leader of the Council.

·  Cabinet will be given relevant support, advice and training to enable them to play a proactive role in presenting issues to the media, explain their work and manage controversial issues covered by the media.

·  All official Cabinet press releases will be issued by the Communications Team in the standard format.

·  Where the Communications Team is asked to draft press releases, statements or letters on behalf of the Cabinet, such releases/statements/letters will be of a factual nature and will contain nothing that could be construed as politically-motivated or biased.

No comments from Portfolio Holders should be made ahead of items still to be considered by the Cabinet. However, factual press releases and/or statement(s) outlining a summary of a report can be issued from an appropriate officer (Chief Executive, Strategic Director, Head of Service or relevant substitute). Senior officers should liaise with the Communications Team, before agendas and reports are issued to the media to discuss whether a press release or statement is required.

The Communications Team will liaise with the Chief Executive, Strategic Directors, Heads of Service and relevant elected members at the report deadline stage to discuss issuing proactive press releases or statements following a meeting.

Press releases and statements to the media about the outcome of Cabinet meetings, decisions and outcomes should be issued no later than 24 hours after the conclusion of the meeting.

5.3 Overview & Scrutiny Committees and Working Parties

The work of the Overview & Scrutiny Committees and Working Panels are an important and integral part of the new political arrangements for the purposes of communication with the media. In particular:

·  Press releases, media statements and interviews on Scrutiny decisions will be made by the Chair of the Scrutiny Committee (or, in their absence, Deputy Chair), or Chairman of the relevant Working Party.

·  Chairs of Scrutiny Committees and Working Parties will be offered relevant support, advice and training to enable them to play a proactive role in presenting issues to the media and explain their work.

·  All official Scrutiny press releases will be issued by the Communications Team in the standard format.

·  Where the Communications Team is asked to draft press releases/statements/letters on behalf of Scrutiny, such releases/statements/letters will be of a factual nature and will contain nothing that could be construed as politically motivated or biased.

No comments from Committee members should be made ahead of items still to be considered by the relevant Committee. However, factual press releases and/or statement(s) outlining a summary of a report can be issued from appropriate officer (Chief Executive, Strategic Director, Head of Service or relevant substitute). Senior officers should liaise with the Communications Team, before agendas and reports are issued to the media to discuss whether a press release or statement is required.

Press releases and statements to the media about the outcome of Overview & Scrutiny meetings, decisions and outcomes should be issued no later than 24 hours after the conclusion of the meeting.

5.4 Development Control and other regulatory committees

The work of regulatory bodies and committees (planning, licensing etc) is

acknowledged as an important element of the Council’s function.

·  Key decisions and issues for decision will be publicised in consultation with relevant spokespersons and senior officers.

·  Press releases, media statements and interviews releases on issues and decisions arising from the Committees will be made by the appropriate Chair (or Vice Chair as their substitute).

·  Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs will be given relevant support, advice and training to enable them to play a proactive role in presenting issues to the media and explain their work.

·  All official press releases from Development Control and other regulatory committees will be issued by the Communications Team in the standard format.

·  Where the Communications Team is asked to draft press releases/statements/letters on behalf of Committees, such releases/statements/letters will be of a factual nature and will contain nothing that could be construed as politically motivated or biased.

No comments from Committee members should be made ahead of items still to be considered by the relevant Committee. However, factual press releases and/or statement(s) outlining a summary of a report can be issued from appropriate officer (Chief Executive, Strategic Director, Head of Service or relevant substitute). Senior officers should liaise with the Communications Team, before agendas and reports are issued to the media to discuss whether a press release or statement is required.

Press releases and statements to the media about the outcome of Development Control and other regulatory committees meetings, decisions and outcomes should be issued no later than 24 hours after the conclusion of the meeting.

5.5 Area Committees

The basic principles and procedures are the same as for Council, Cabinet and other Committees. Chairs of Area Committees are expected to represent the views of the forum as a whole.