Westchester Elementary School

School Advisory Council

Oct. 25, 2016, 2:15 p.m.



Share information concerning the school



Financial Report

Presentation on Art: Ms. Colosi

SIP Update

Uniform Policy

Principal’s Report

SAF Report

Other Business: parent concerns, questions, etc

Future meeting Dates:

SAC - (2:15 pm) –Nov. 29, Jan. 24, Feb. 28, Mar. 28, Apr.25, May 23.

NAAC - (7:00 pm)–Nov. 17, Dec. 15, Jan. 19, Feb. 16, Mar. 16, Apr. 20, May 18

Innovation Zone - TBA

Westchester Elementary School (School Advisory council)
October 25, 2016

Objectives:Share information concerning the school, Art presentation.
Call to order:2:20pm
Minutes: Accepted with no changes
Art Presentation by Mrs. Colosi:

Grades 2-5- Key Pairing Project- 6 weeks long

Contour lines with tempera paint. Will be used at museum night in March

Grades K&1- Different kinds of lines

  • Use a sharpie to trace then use a water color crayon resist which is pushing hard with the crayon and painting over it with water color and creates beads.
  • Blobs of color: Creating a flower from bleeding/blending colors

Pottery projects can not be completed. Waiting for kiln to use.

MLK Art Project/contest is coming up. Info will be in Newschester.

Financial report: $7580 in accountability fund. None allocated for anything as of yet.

Principal's Report given by Mrs. Geraine and Mr. Saban:

Uniform Policy: Several hundred opt out. Why?Policy isn’t enforced at all and too many options for kids to choose from as “Uniform” ideas. To help reinforce may be a special activity for those in uniform.

School Improvement Plan (SIP)

Accreditation visit was on October 25, 2016. The accreditation committee was very happy with our school. Chose 8 teachers, chose 8 students from grades 4 & 5, visited K, 1, 2,4, 5 classes, visited bilingual program. Full report to be issued on October 26 or so. The accreditation process is an international accreditation and is completed every 5 years and will give each school/county 3 tasks to work on to get better.

McDonald's night is October 26

Monster Mini Golf fundraiser for 5th grade Washington DC trip is October 27.

Open House for 5th graders to Middle School will be in November.

$100,000 school choice grant update:

  • Bliss playground will be building playground with Jan-February completion for K-2 and will be fenced in.
  • Marquee has been approved at $35,000 with full electricity.
  • Computer Lab converted to a classroom is finished and paid for by the District.
  • STEM class was paid for by Aftercare.
  • Work on AC, Roof and Fire Alarm system in progress. Bidding to be done mid-November.

Reading Plus is going well. Students are showing significant gains so far.

Mrs. Geraine will also be meeting with all new teachers to make sure all are on the same page and successful.

“B” School this year:

  • Due to learning gains: Reading gains were significant, Science was not. Had the proficiency been better we would’ve been an A.
  • Did not show enough Lowest Quartile gains in reading and math.

Single point of entry through front office throughout the day, except for arrival and dismissal when doors are opened by teachers for carpool/bus.

Adjourned: 3:32pm