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Growing Ads & repeated text: 1882 issues
Last Updated August 2009
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
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4th WARD CO-OP., under the management of C. B. Robbins, who will make it a object for all wanting anything in the way of general merchandise, to call on him at the 4th Ward Co-Op. Main Street, half a block north of Z. C. M. I. Highest market price paid for wool, and all kinds of produce.
$5 OUTFIT sent free to those who wish to engage in the most pleasant and profitable business known. Everything new. Capital not required. We will furnish you everything. $10 a day and upwards is easily made without staying away from home over night. No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much as men, and young boys and girls make great pay. No one who is willing to work fails to make more money every day than can be made in a week at any ordinary employment. Those who engage at once will find a short road to fortune. Address H. Hallet & Co., Portland, Maine. 23-ly
$10 OUTFIT furnished free, with full instructions for conducting the most probable business that anyone can engage in. The business is so easy to learn, and our instructions are no simple and plain, that any one can make great profits from the very start. No one can fail who is willing to work. Women are as successful as men. Boys and girls can earn large sums. Many have made at the business over one hundred dollars in a single week. Nothing like it ever known before. All who engage are surprised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money. You can engage in this business during your spare time at great profit. You do not have to invest capital in it. We take all the risk. Those who need ready money, should write to us at once. All furnished free. Address True & Co., Augusta, Maine. 23-ly
$25 TO $50 PER DAY! can easily be made by using the celebrated Victor well auger and rock boring machinery. In any part of the country. We mean it, and are prepared to demonstrate the fact. They are operated by either man, horse or steam power, and bore very rapid. They range in size from 8 inch to 4 ½ feet in diameter, and will bore to any required depth. They will bore successfully and satisfactorily in all kinds of earth, soft sand and limestone, bituminous stone coal, Slate, hard pan gravel, lava builders’ serpentine and conglomerate rock, and guaranteed to make the very best of wells in quick sand. The are light running, simple in construction, easily operated, durable, and acknowledged as the best and most practical machine extant. They are endorsed by some of the highest state officials. We contract for prospecting for coal, gold, silver, coal oil and all kinds of minerals. Also for sinking artesian wells and coal shafts, &c. We also furnish engines, boilers, wind mills, hydraulic rams, horse powers, brick machines, mining tools, portable forges, rock drills, and machinery of all kinds. Good active Agents wanted in every country in the world. Address, Western Machinery Supply Depot, 511 Walnut Street, Saint Louis, Missouri, U. S. A. State in what paper you saw this. 46-ly
$66 a week in your own town. $5 Outfit free. No risk. Everything new. No capital required. We will furnish you everything. Many are making fortunes. Ladies make as much as men, and boys and girls make great pay. Reader, if you want a business at which you can make great pay all the time you work, write for particulars to H. HALLET & Co., Portland, Maine.
A (top)
A. B. TAYLOR, attorney-at-law Third street, Logan. Special attension given to land and water claims. 7-tf
A NEW lot of Winchester Rifles, cheap, at Z. C. M. I.
AGENT For The Singer, White & Victor Sewing Machines And dealer in all First Class Sewing Machines, Parts, Findings, &c (etc.). Wardleigh’s Pure Sperm Oil. Orders most promptly attended to. Call on me and see for yourselves. Inspect the Goods and ascertain the Terms and you will surely purchase. H.C. Wardleigh, Main Street, - Ogden, Utah, Opposite Z.C.M.I.
AGENTS WANTED. I Want a General Agent For Cache And Bear Lake Counties Or one for each county, or a local agent for each settlement, for the Royce Reaper And Richmond Mower, Rakes, Plows, Etc. Terms easy and profitable. Address A.J. Johnson, Salt Lake City. 39H
ALBUM VIEWS OF SALT LAKE CITY. The Second Edition of these Beautiful Views of Salt Lake City has arrived, and are reduced in price from 75 cts. [cents] to 50 cts. [cents], each. Just the thing to sent [send] to friends at a distance. The Album contains 20 exquisite views of the most prominent places in the city. The Wasatch Mountains, with letter press description of each view. Published and for sale by James Dwyer, Wholesale and Retail Bookseller and Stationer, Salt Lake City. Mailed to any address throughout the United States for 50 cts. [cents], post paid.
ALL western farmers and mechanics bear witness to the healing power of Brown’s Arnica Salve. Sold by all druggists.
THE AMERICAN POPULAR DICTIONARY, $1. Only. (Illustration of Dictionary). This useful and elegant volume is a complete Library and Encyclopedia as well as the best Dictionary in the world – superbly bound in Cloth and Gilt. It contains every word of the English language with ???unreadable??? and a vast amount of ???unreadable??? Library of References. “Webster’s Dictionary costs $10.00 and The American Popular Dictionary costs only $ ten times the money.” - N.Y. Times. “We have never seen its equal, either in price, finish or contents.” – ???unreadable name???. “A perfect Dictionary and Library of References.” - ???unreadable name???. One copy of the American Popular Dictionary illustrated, the greatest and best book ever published, postpaid to any address on receipt of only $1. Your entire satisfaction guaranteed. Two copies postpaid for $2. A Grand Holiday Present. This offer good for 60 days only and may never appear again. 6,000 copies sold in two months. Agents wanted. ???bottom line unreadable???
B (top)
BAILEY & PARSONS, (Successors to T. C. Bailey.) Land Agents and Attorneys, Main Street, first door South of White House. Salt Lake City, Utah. Contested land and mineral cases conducted. Prepare promptly mineral applications for patents, and entry papers under all agricultural land acts. Also, maps, tradings, and lands of all descriptions. Answer all letters concerning land matters when stamp is enclosed. P. O. Box 126. 38 tf
MR. N.B. SEBREE of the Bain wagon depot at Ogden and Salt Lake arrived in our city yesterday, looking after the interests of these celebrated Wagons, Machines, Oliver Chilled and Moline Plows, etc. Mr. Sebree sells nothing but first class goods in every particular, and everything is fully warranted. All of these wagons, from the light carriage to the heavy freight wagon, are carried in stock by the C. O. Foundry of this city, which sells them at Ogden price, regardless of freight. Mr. Wilson, Manager of the Foundry, is making large preparations and has in course of erection a large warehouse with 100 feet front to store these goods as the fast increasing trade demands it. We can say from experience to the farmers, freighters and all those wishing such goods, if they want the best at the lowest price, call on or write to the C. O. Foundry. – Adv. (Advertisement).
BAKERY, W.G. Burton, Formerly of Evanston, Wyoming, desires to inform the citizens of Logan and Cache Valley generally that having opened a Bakery on 3d (rd) Street, next door to Farnes Butcher Shop will have on hand Bread, Buns, Cakes, Pies, Crackers, Candies of the best kinds, Nuts, Fruits, and all goods generally kept at a bakery. He will also be prepared to entertain the wayfarer with Tea, Coffee, Lunch, On terms of Live and Let Live. Orders Delivered Daily.
A BEAUTIFUL PORTRAIT Of Any one can be made from a common photograph or any ????. We will send ??? other kind of small ?????? descriptions, price, etc. to any reliable man or woman who will act as our agent. To such a party we offer a permanent and profitable business, of the “highest” dependability. Resale Copying agents should address this by fuller printing experience, quality of work they handle and prices paid. The Auburn Copying Co. (Company), 80 & 81 Genesee St. (Street), Auburn, N.Y. (New York).
BEST business now before the public. You can make money faster at work for us than at anything else. Capital not needed. We will start you. $12 a day and upwards made at home by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. You can work in spare time only or give your whole time to the business. You can live at home and do the work. No other business will pay you nearly as well. No one can fail to make enormous pay by engaging at once. Costly outfit and terms free. Money made fast, easily and honorably. Address TRUE & CO., Augusta, Maine.
BOOKS, STATIONERY! Wall Paper! I wish to remind the public that my stock of Miscellaneous Books includes all of the Standard, Historical and Literary Works, and Works of Fiction. I am constantly receiving new books, cheap novels and literary works for summer reading. If you want anything in the Stationery Line, Give me a call, you will be sure to find what you want. Full line of Blank Books cheap. A large stock of Writing Paper and Photograph and Autograph Albums.
I have about 100 Different Patterns of Wall Paper, All of which are new and priced low. Will be glad to have the public call and inspect my stock and prices, whether they buy or not. James T. Hammond.
A BOOM IN BOOKS!! Grand closing-out sale of books at greatly reduced prices during conference week. Dwyer’s book store, Salt Lake City.
BOYLE & COMPANY, dealers in fine & medium furniture wholesale and retail. Also pictures, blinds and perambltators. Upholstery a specialty, Main Street, Ogden, Utah.
BOYLE & CO., of Ogden, are well known throughout the Territory for always having on hand a full line of furniture, for their patrons to choose from.
Caution! Different versions! 1880-08-01
BROWNING BROS. (Brothers). (Illustration of a rifle). Agents For Hallard & Marlin Repeating Rifles. Wholesale and Retail dealers in all kinds of Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and Sporting Goods. Send for Catalogue. Main Street, Ogden.
Caution! Different versions!
BROWNING BROS. (Brothers), Main Street, Ogden City, Utah, Agents for Ballard Rifles, Martin Repeating Rifles, Wholesale and Retail dealers in all kinds of Shot Guns, Rifles, Revolvers, Ammunition And Sporting Goods Of All Kinds. Lowest Prices Ever Known. Write for Price List.
BROWN’S PEPSIN TONIC cures Dyspepsia. Don’t suffer longer. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Logan and Utah.
BROWN’S VEGETABLE Liver Pills, cure Biliousness, Sick Headache, and Constipation. Try them. For sale by Ormsby & Riter.
BROWN’S RESTAURANT, Second Street, Logan. Opposite south entrance to Tabernacle Square. Meals at all hours, nicely served. Satisfaction guaranteed. Country patronage solicited. Single meals 25 cts. Give the new restaurant a trial. 33-tf
BUY AT dealers’ prices. We will sell you any article for family or personal use, in any quantity, at wholesale price. No matter what you want, send for our catalogue, free–contains over 1,900 illustrations. We carry in stock the largest variety of goods in the U. S. Montgomery Ward & Co. 227 & 229 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.
C (top)
Attention! Check names. This list is from issue 1882-01-06. A different list is below from issue 1882-07-07.
PROBATE JUDGE Milton D. Hammond.
SELECTMEN E. R. Miles, Smithfield; C. O. Card, Logan; Wm [William] H. Maughan, Wellsville.
CLERK James T. Hammond.
RECORDER James T. Hammond.
SHERIFF Alvin Crockett.
CORONER Ezra D. Carpenter.
Logan Precinct.
JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Jas. [James] A. Leishman, Wm. [William] E. Partington.
CONSTABLES Jas. [James] Adams, Eli Bell.
Providence Precinct.
CONSTABLE William Reading.
Hyrum Precinct.
CONSTABLE Henry H. Petersen.
Paradise Precinct.
CONSTABLE John Bradley.
Wellsville Precinct.
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Thos. [Thomas] Bradshaw.
CONSTABLE Thos. [Thomas] R. Leavett.
Mendon Precinct.
CONSTABLE Walter Paul.
Newton Precinct.
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE – Wm. [William] S. Griffin.
CONSTABLE – Hans P. Larsen.
Clarkston Precinct.
Trenton Precinct.
CONSTABLE Noah Lindsay.
Lewiston Precinct.
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Geo. [George] Leavitt.
CONSTABLE H. M. Rawlins.
Richmond Precinct.
CONSTABLE O. M. Stewart.
Smithfield Precinct.
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Wm. [William] A. Noble