Regular Meeting- May 13, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.

In Attendance: Frank Haas, Barry Edwards, John Keesey, Bill Keen, and Cindy Mammarella.

The minutes of the April 8, 2014 meeting were read. John Keesey made a motion to approve the minutes, and Barry Edwards seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0.

Treasurer’s Report:

Income for April 2014 - $12,325.94

Expenses for April 2014 - $64,622.81

Income/(Loss) for April 2014 - $52,296.87)

A list of outstanding invoices as of today’s date totaling $14,267.87 from the general fund, and $12,069.17 from the liquid fuels fund was presented to the Board.

Frank Haas made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and to pay the outstanding invoices, and John Keesey seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0.

Zoning Report: The April 2014 zoning officer’s report was presented to the Board.

Police: Ofc. Moore presented the April 2014 Police Report to the Board.

Fire Company: Frank Haas presented the April 2014 KVFD report to the Board.

Planning: Nothing to present.


  1. Cory discussed ongoing master sewer planning between West Sadsbury and Sadsbury Townships. Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreements between the townships need to be considered. Barry Edwards made a motion to move forward with planning and agreements, and John Keesey seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0.
  2. Cory and Joe Prekup had been on site at Zook Road to evaluate the maintenance needs for the road. Cory had an aerial picture of Zook Road with a Section A and a Section B delineated. The Board wants to have Section A surveyed.
  3. The Township now has a NPDES Permit.
  4. Cory and Joe will discuss maintenance needed on Quarry Road.
  5. Cory recommends installing erosion-control matting to the wash-out that recently occurred at the new culvert on Newport Pike due to extremely heavy rain.

Old Business: None

New Business:

  1. A quote from Messick’s for a new road bank mower was reviewed by the Board. The final cost of the mower will be $8,375.80 after deducting a trade-in allowance of $5,200.00 for our disc mower. Barry Edwards made a motion to approve the purchase, and John Keesey seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0.
  2. In response to Atglen Borough’s request that we allow them to “rent” our road bank mower, the Board agreed to be a competitive bidder if Atglen wants to hire a contractor to mow road banks. The Board will not lease out the equipment.
  3. A pump and haul agreement from Gideon Zook/Stoltzfus Structures was presented to the Board. Mr. Zook has installed a cabin on his industrial/commercial property, which serves as office and sales space, and had a holding tank installed for the cabin. Cory said that a public sewer line runs in front of Mr. Zook’s property and recommended to the Board that Mr. Zook tie into it. Barry Edwards made a motion to not approve the pump and haul agreement and to require Mr. Zook to hook into the public sewer line. John Keesey seconded the motion, and the motion passed 3-0.
  4. Cindy informed the board of problems Abner Zook is having in his attempts toobtain a septic system permit. Mr. Zook’s property is on Windmill Lane, and the county line runs through the property. He plans to build a house on the Chester County portion of the property, but his septic system would have to be located on the Lancaster County portion of the property. This creates a problem as to which township or county should process the permit. We are waiting for more information and comments from DEP, Salisbury Township, and the Chester County Health Department.
  5. The Board discussed the COG’s proposal for the municipalities to join together and have the Cohen Law Group draft ordinance language regulating micro-communications towers. Mr. Keen is going to talk to Gary Moskovitz about this.
  6. An MOU between Sadsbury and West Sadsbury Townships and PennDOT was presented to the Board regarding PennDOT’s regional signal retiming initiativeproject being planned for the signalized intersections in West Sadsbury Township. Mr. Keen suggested the Board postpone signing the MOU until Sadsbury Township has signed it. Barry Edwards made a motion to conditionally approve the MOU pending approval by Sadsbury Township. John Keesey seconded the motion, and motion passed 3-0.
  7. Cindy presented the Board with a proposal from Charles Higgins & Sons, Inc. for repairs to the three traffic signals in West Sadsbury Township. Barry Edwards made a motion to authorize the repairs and for West Sadsbury Township to share the costs per the agreements with Sadsbury Township and the Wolfson Group. John Keesey seconded the motion, and motion passed 3-0.
  8. Donna Siter from the Western Chester County Chamber of Commerce was present and requested a commitment from the Board to share in the costs of a transportation projects study for Route 30. The study will include Caln Township, City of Coatesville, Valley Township, West Caln Township, Sadsbury Township, and West Sadsbury Township. Donna anticipates the cost to the Township will be $1,000.00 or less and that some grant funds may be obtained from the DVRPC and Chester County Planning Commission. The Board requested that the study look at the full length of Route 30 in the Township, up to the Lancaster County line. Barry Edwards made a motion to provide up to $1,000.00 to help fund the study, and John Keesey seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0.


  1. Brian Wischuck of Zion Hill Road complained about people discharging firearms in the Landis Woodland Preserve.
  2. Barry Edwards said that negotiations regarding the police contract have been resolved.

As there were no further public comments and no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9.25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Cindy Mammarella
