Regular Council Minutes of July 5, 2011
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JULY 5, 2011
The Lyndon City Council met in regular session on Monday, July 5, 2011, 7:30 p.m., at City Hall.
Members Present:Wayne Howard, Kay Jones, Bill Patterson, Brandon Smith,
Doug Watson
Absent by Notification:Mayor Jeff Bronson
Others Present:Kim Newman, City Administrator
Barbara Schattak, City Clerk
Pat Walsh, City Attorney
David Wilson, Maintenance Superintendent
Darrel Manning, Chief of Police/Zoning Administrator
Peggy Clark
- CALL TO ORDER: In the absence of the mayor, Council President Jonescalled the meeting to order.
- ROLL CALL: City Clerk called roll of the city council; all members were present with the exception of Mayor Bronson who is absent by notification.
- ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: A motion was made by Patterson to approve the special meeting minutes of June 6, 2011 as presented. Watson seconded the motion, which carried.
A motion was made by Smith to approve the regular meeting minutes of June 6, 2011 as amended. Watson seconded the motion, which carried.
- CORRESPONDENCE TO COUNCIL: City Clerk presented each council member with the following:
PWWSD #12 minutes of June 15, 2011
Thank you from the Lyndon Saddle Club for being a sponsor and advertiser
May issue of the Kansas Government Journal
Funeral information for Officer Smith’s daughter. The City Administrator reported city offices will be closed July 6th from 1:00 p.m. to close so city employees can attend the wake.
a)NEW WEBSITE PRESENTATION: The City Administrator gave a presentation of the new website to council members; it was reported the site will become live this week.
b)SPEED LIMIT CHANGES: The Chief of Police reported the 40 MPH signs have been moved to both sides of 245th Street.
c)AWARD OF BID FOR BAILEY HOUSE: Peggy Clark reported she had sent letters to five different firms requesting proposals to preserve the Bailey House to which only three firms responded. Proposals were to be due by June 30th but the committee received an extension to July 1st. The committee will be meeting Wednesday, July 6th at 7:00 p.m. to look at the proposals; anyone is welcome to attend the meeting. After some discussion, the matter was tabled to the next meeting.
a)DISCUSSION OF STORM WATER UTILITY: The City Administrator explained a stormwater utility fee would be a monthly charge to all properties to contribute towards the management, construction, operation and maintenance of a stormwater drainage system. After some discussion, the matter was tabled.
b)DATE FOR SPECIAL MEETING FOR BUDGET AND WATER RATES: Council was asked to have a special meeting to discuss the budget and water rates. After some discussion, it was the consensus of the council to have a special meeting on July 18, 2011 at 6:30 p.m.
c)PROMOTION OF LYNDON IN EMPORIA VISITOR GUIDE: The City Administrator reported correspondence had been received in the office giving the city opportunity to advertise in the Emporia Visitor Guide. After some discussion, it was the consensus of the council to not participate in the guide.
- MONTHLY FINANCIALS: A list of vouchers for payment of June expenses were presented. A motion was made by Watson to pay accounts as set forth. Smith seconded the motion, which carried.
- COUNCIL/STAFF COMMENTS: Patterson stated he could not attend the Pride Meeting this weekend but he will drop by some ideas.
Patterson commented on how great the fireworks show was at the Lyndon Saddle Club grounds and has heard nothing but great reviews of the show. The City Administrator stated she has heard good reviews and also reported the Horse Parade was a success. Howard suggested putting a thank-you in the paper to the fire department, saddle club, who promoted the event and all who attended for a successful show.
Patterson questioned the Maintenance Superintendent as to when streets will be asphalted this year. The Maintenance Superintendent reported he had called the company; there isn’t a date set yet but hopes it will be soon. It was reported Washington Street between 7th and 8th Streets will be removed from the project due to repairs being needed to the culvert under the street; Washington Street from 8th to 9th will be included in the project instead.
Howard reported complaints of business people parking on mainstreet all day; the Chief of Police will look into the matter.
Howard questioned when dog and cat issues could be updated; the City Administrator suggested looking fees next year.
Jones asked about a grand opening for Caffe Thyme; the City Clerk will be contacting them.
Jones reported the summer reading program had a touch a truck last Wednesday at the Community Center; city staff had vehicles there and did a really great job with the kids.
The City Administrator gave an update on the pool. Also reported pool attendance has been good with a couple of times a week there are 32 plus people a day at the pool and on the Fourth of July there 52 people at the pool and pool passes are equal to last year.
City Administrator reported on the City Wide Garage Sale being a success and the Lions Club thanked the City for the advertising in the paper.
Council was reminded of the swim meet to be held at the pool on July 9, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. and the Pride Meeting at the Community Center at 10:00 a.m. on the same morning.
- ADJOURNMENT: At 9:17 p.m. a motion was made by Smith to adjourn toMonday, July 18, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. for a special meeting. Watson seconded the motion, which carried.
Barbara Schattak
City Clerk