Preliminary Meeting Minutes

Mid Columbia Library Council Chambers

July 23, 2009 at 7:00 pm

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Meehan at 7:07 p.m.

Roll Call

Planning Commissioners present were, Chris Kemp, Lucinda Luke, Bob Perkes, and Shea Meehan.

Absent; Nona Diediker and Al Hawkins.

Also present were Community Development Director Bob Leedy, Associate Planner Thaniel Gouk, and Associate Planner Aaron Lambert, and Staff Recorder Penny Mayfield.

Approval of the Agenda

A request was made to change Item 9a to Item 8a.

A motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Lucinda Luke, and seconded by Chris Kemp. The motion carries unanimously.

Approval of the Meeting Minutes

A motion to approve the May 28, 2009 as presented was made by Bob Perkes, seconded by Lucinda Luke. The motion carries unanimously.

Announcements, Reports, and Comments

None made.

Citizen Public Comments

None made.

Unfinished Business


Presentations / Public Hearings:

a) Continue to August 13, 2009 Meeting: Motion to continue the Preliminary Plat of Paradise Estates (File No. PP 2009-19). (Awaiting additional information from developer)

Jeff Alhers, 6500 Paradise Way, lives immediately adjacent to the property to be developed. He wanted to know if there was anything that could prevent this from happening.

Chairman Meehan said that procedurally we could recommend against and the City Council could go that direction. He further explained that there is nothing that binds the Planning Commission to any recommendation. This would be considered independently based on each of the commissioners thoughts on the matter. Another issue is that without a staff recommendation and full information Commissioners are not ready to make a decision. He suggested to Mr. Hollered that he gather information through city staff.

Mr. Ahlers said they have already submitted their written comment to staff. Mr. Chairman said it would continue to be included in any further record held on the matter.

Jeff Ahlers; asked Mr. Meehan to clarify what he meant by procedural questions.

Mr. Meehan explained that, procedural questions are questions that evolve how we go about doing business or the way in which they operate. He said he couldn’t tell him whether there is anything that will or will not stop this in terms of what’s going on, and that the Planning Commission would consider everything that’s presented to them, including staff recommendations, citizen comments, and written submissions from citizens. He said he cannot speak for fellow commissioners on how they’re going to decide the matter.

Jeff Ahlers asked about the kind of information that the Planning Commission would be looking for or would want to hear from citizens.

Chairman Meehan: “whatever you believe to be relevant in our decision making process you should tell to us”.

Shawna Holland, 69207 East 715 PRNE, Richland, asked who she should direct her questions about the outside structure.

Chairman Meehan suggested she contact city staff.

Chairman Meehan asked for any other citizen comment. None were made.

Chairman Meehan called for a motion to continue to August 13, 2009

Motion: Lucinda Luke moved to continue the Preliminary Plat of Paradise Estates, File No. PP2009-19 to the August 13, 2009 West Richland Planning Commission meeting. Bob Perkes seconded the motion, the motion carries unanimously.

b)  Public Hearing to consider File No. RZ 2009-22 (West Richland Plaza), Rezone to Multi-family Residential (MR-3)

Aaron Lambert summarized the staff report.

Lucinda Luke asked about the buffer between the vacant commercial and the proposed development. What was going to be done to buffer between those two areas if anything.

Aaron Lambert explained the code requires adequate screening, vegetation, and fencing between commercial and multi-family. Staff would require and insure that there is adequate screening, but there would also have to be shared parking so we would have to have pedestrian access across in order to accommodate parking for both developments.

The public hearing opened at 7:27pm.

Melissa DeHaan, 73103 Arena Road, said she knew the property was commercial and was okay with that, but putting high density residential in a rural setting is not right. She feels there are a lot of other areas to put high density. She would like to see it not happen.

Shawna Holland, 69207 E 715 PRNE said they just finished building a very expensive new home in the area and like the country feeling. They would also be losing their only view. Other concerns she had was the rental rate of the units, is it going to be low income or subsidizes housing or is it going to be higher end apartments. Secondly, the exterior siding of the building, can it be updated as time goes by to keep up with the times. And Thirdly, can the air-conditioning units on the back side of the buildings be updated and dressed up by adding stone veneer and most importantly, evergreen landscaping.

Kristen Rowe 4512 Valdez Ct., agrees with what the other comments. They moved here from Las Vegas because they like the country feel. They have concerns with their view, traffic, crime, and the fact that apartments can get run down. She would prefer it remain commercial, but if it does go multi-family she would like to have a tree line so it doesn’t ruin the reason they came to the area.

Merle Johnson, 4625 Blue Heron, asked questions about the proposed sidewalks on Kennedy and Dallas Road. He also commented on the rezone criteria, and wonders how staff will address the transportation issue since Ben Franklin Transit is reducing transportation and would like to know how it was accessed in the Transportation Mitigation Plan.

Richard Vandervert, 12906 North Addison, Spokane, explained why they are not in a viable retail location anymore. He said if he lived there he would rather look at a multi-family with a residential flavor with lots of landscaping than the back of a bigbox store or concrete grocery store. Mr Vandervert presented a rendering showing a grocery store that was approved to go there but did not happen than another rendering of the apartment complex. Mr. Vandervert described how the complex would look, and the amenities it would include. The rents would be between $900 and $1500 per month so they get pretty good clientele. He said they would be doing more than is required with fencing and landscaping which is one of their trademarks. The entrance to the complex would be off Dallas Road.

Melissa Dawn, said it’s not really two parking spots but they would be using the stripmall for the overflow parking. She doesn’t think it’s big enough for high-density but maybe an MR-2.

The public hearing closed at 7:45pm

Lucinda Luke said she would like to see the property being used and developed. We need multi-family housing in this city. She understands the concerns of the neighbors and hopes there can be enough buffering and ascetics done to help that, but they did move and purchase in areas that are commercial. She understands what Mr. Vandervert is saying about looking at the back of a large store and has experienced herself garbage blowing from stores. With apartments you have the opportunity to keep it cleaner. She likes the idea of sidewalks surrounding the area saying it would be a safety feature that would enhance the property.

Bob Perkes said he agrees with Ms. Luke and that losing a view is unfortunate, but it has to go in somewhere. The builder is going overboard to try to mitigate concerns.

Chris Kemp asked about changing the Comprehensive Plan and it was confirmed changing it is part of the long term process. He feels there is no basis to deny the request. South of Arena the speed is 50 mph and crossing needs to be considered to make it safe for everyone.

Chairman Meehan said he likes the fact that we have the character of the large lots but also must acknowledge that we need to have variations for a variety of reasons. One of those reasons being the Growth Management Act. The other reason is in supporting commercial services. Two and a half acre lots will not support those services that everyone needs. Mr. Meehan said he was a supporter to having high density residential by Yolks. He said that a dead zone area is developing and we need to do something to provide the population base to support another noted commercial development. He does want to see it beautiful and held to a high standard that will support the kind of commercial development that won’t be a detriment to those who live in the area, and be a benefit to West Richland. It would also help comply with the requirement the commission has to supply high density residential housing.

Chairman Meehan explained this in not a final decision, but a recommendation to City Council. He indicated he would entertain a motion.

Motion: Upon a motion by Lucinda Luke, seconded by Chris Kemp, that the Planning Commission accept the findings, conclusions and recommendation found in the staff report and recommend that the City Council rezone the property to Multi-Family Residential (MR-3) as depicted on the attachehed map. The motion carries unanimously.

c) Public Hearing to consider File No. PP 2009-17 Preliminary Plat of Hazelwood Estates

Thaniel Gouk summarized the staff report.

The public hearing opened at 7:57pm.

There was no public comment and the public hearing closed at 7:57pm.

Discussion with the Planning Commission culminated with the following motion:

Motion: Upon a motion by Chris Kemp, seconded by Lucinda Luke, the Preliminary Plat be approved, subject to the following conditions. All conditions are the developer’s responsibility, and all conditions must be completed prior to final plat approval, unless otherwise stated or later authorized under WRMC 16.16.370, Performance Bond. The motion carries unanimously.

New Business: There was none.


The meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.

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