Minutes of PACT Panel meeting held on July 12 2012 at Parley First School
Present: Barbara Manuel (chair), John Cullen, Paul Timberlake, Shirley Cowan, PCSO Alan Downing, Jenni French, Martha Perry, Jon Ladd (minutes).
Apologies: Graham Kewley, John Wilson, Dawn Jones, Trevor Sams.
Previous meeting minutes – accepted.
Matters arising
Scooter Awareness– the afternoon had been worthwhile and a success: feedback forms were very positive. There is an event for the vulnerable and elderly (not including scooters) being held in Verwood on August 31.
Walkway– Wollaton Rd/First School– litter and vegetation have been cleared: some graffiti is still present but this may have been put there since the first writings were cleaned. PT will speak with Ian Jones (Ferndown TC).
Glenmoor Rd – an email had been received this week from Alan Jowsey saying that the works to place parking restrictions on the north side of Glenmoor Road will be carried out during August. A press release (AD) will be issued by PACT soon to say that the parking restrictions are imminent and a secondrelease for when they are in force.
Glenmoor Rd car park – BM has again written to LondonCambridge re wheel clamping and lighting – still no reply.
BM will enlist the help of Chris Chope MP (letter).
Church Lane – DCC have agreed to put in low cost traffic calming measures in the Lane.
Parley shopping parade – the original proposal for parking restrictions in the service road in front of the shops has be re-submitted , this time to Andy Brown, Traffic Engineering Manager at DCC.
Road & Traffic Issues
JC reported that in future,all road and traffic improvement issues will be submitted by WPPC directly to Andy Brown at DCC with full supporting documentation containing reasonsand evidence for the proposal.
Police & Crime Commissioner
BM reported that there were four candidates for the election in November. Some are representatives of political parties. The Community Safety Partnership will be funded through the new Commissioner.
Any other Business
A new Shopwatch scheme has started in Ferndown. This puts shop keepers/owners in touch with each other by radio so that information about crime and antisocial behaviour can be quickly communicated between each other.
JC reported that the Rugby Sevens tournament at Chapelgate in May had been marred by litter, including broken glass on the recreation field, and inconsiderate parking.
WPPC have emailed ChristchurchBC (the licensing authority in this case) to request that future events are managed in a better way.
The Scout hut on the recreation field is due for demolition starting on July 21: it will be transported to Hampshire and used by a Scout group there. Although the site will be fenced off, there are concerns that the partially demolished building will be a target for antisocial behaviour: Police patrols will be increased at this time: the scouts are intending to camp nearby for the 3-4 days deemed necessary.
Community Speedwatch will be coming to the Wimborne area. Volunteers will be trained in how to use a speed gun and drivers exceeding the local limit will have licence plates noted; the police will subsequently send a letter to the driver concerned advising them of their speed. Volunteers will not be working in their own neighbourhood.
Date of next meeting: Thursday October 4 2012 at 4pm at Parley First School.