Emily Carr Secondary School Council
4901 Rutherford Rd, Woodbridge, Ontario, L4H 3C2 (905) 850-5012
Minutes–June 12, 2012
1)Administrative Items-
The Emily Carr School Council meeting was chaired by Dave Schenck.
- Welcome & Introductions
Dave welcomed everyone to the meeting.
- Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
The Minutes of April 10, 2012 were reviewed and passed by Council.
2)Additional Business
- Update on Board School Funding Policy
The school budget will pay for all student fees, including the student agenda. The new student agenda will resemble the parent handbook in size. Therefore there will be no charge for course packs or other programs.
In the past, ECSS paid for the Grade 12 graduation which averaged between 10K to15K. Next year, the fee will be charged to the students and will be capped at $75 (cost recovery only).
Also, in the past, for September to April, ECSS budgeted $7K for transportation expenses (cabs and busses for athletics). This year, in the month of May alone, the transportation expenses were $5K!
Fees can now be charged for extra-curricular (non-credit bearing courses) such as sports, drama, physical education during lunch etc.
Gym uniforms are mandatory and students are required to pay for them.
Also, the outdoor physical education course is chargeable.
Parking spots can be charged to students @ $50 per spot. Ms. Campoli is opting not to charge.
On Registration day, the Board has approved an optional “school activity fee” with a ceiling of $50. ECSS will be charging $20 - $25.
Fund raising is BACK ON THE TABLE!
3)Regular Council Reports
- Student Council Report – Alexandra Mandarino
Teacher/Student Soccer: Student Council will re-consider a teacher/student soccer tournament in early Fall 2012. Unfortunately it did not materialize this semester due to the lack of availability of the school field.
Silent Auction: Alexandra reported the Silent Auction was very successful. The bidding was very competitive and in fact it was one of the best events of the year producing the most profit which is donated to Sick Kids Foundation.
End-of-Year Carnival: Carnival received a strong feedback from both the teachers and students. Student Council started to setup at 6:30 am and finished one hour earlier than in other years, due to the large number of volunteers.
School-Wide Mosaic: For just $2 students can pose with a couple of friends (3 people max per photo). These photos, along with other photos taken throughout the year at the various school events, will form a collage in the shape of the Sick Kids logo. All profits will be donated to Sick Kids Foundation.
School Council Election: Alexandra reported the new Student Council Representative to be Helen Gang. Alexandra was thanked for all her hard work and wished continued success in her future endeavors.
- Teacher’s Report – Helen Grigoropoulos
Ms. Grigoropoulos reported that this year’s History trip to Vimy Ridge was very successful. The students were well behaved and great representatives of ECSS.
- Principal’s Report
Totem Award Selection: Ms. Campoli thanked Ms. Galucci (guidance), and parents, Grace Mandarino and Claudia Mazzone for their time and effort in participating in the Totem award selection. This year’s 2012 recipient of the award is Farah Dossa.
Eco-Schools: Ms. Campoli was proud to announce that Emily Carr placed “Silver” at board level for the “eco-schools initiative”. Schools are graded according to certain pre-determined criteria. Next year, ECSS is aiming for “Gold”!
Course Timetable: The course timetable for September 2012 is complete. Just some fine tuning remains. Placing teacher to courses – Ms. Campoli explained that it was much more challenging this year due to the odd numbers.
Prom Night: Ms. Steel reported that Prom, which was held at The Terrace, went fairly smoothly. The only exception was the trashing of the male washroom.
EQAO: Ms. Steel confirmed that ECSS’s results are consistent; the results will go public June 13th and they will be mailed out. Ms. Campoli added that the results were also consistently lower, by 14%, with students writing the test for the second time.
On June 25th, teachers will be meeting to discuss “where students failed”.
Parent Support: Last week Ms. Campoli mailed to the parents of Grade 12 students a letter informing them of the concern over “end of year celebrations” and asking for parents and student support.
Off-Property Behaviour: Ms. Campoli sadly informed Council that ECSS students were banned from Al Palladini Community Centre and Pierre Berton Library during the day. Also certain Plaza merchants have provided Ms. Campoli with negative feedback. On June 27th, a meeting is scheduled with the various stakeholders to discuss strategies to improve the situation.
4)Member Items
No items were brought forward.
5)Next Meeting Date
- September 11, 2012
Note: Dave Schenck will contact Council members later in August regarding representation at Registration Day on Tuesday, August 28th. Table is to display Totem Award and Driver’s Education Program info.