PSSC Meeting
February 1, 2017
6:30 PM
In Attendance:
- Peggy Frost, Principal
- Eric Beairsto, Chair
- Julee Wortman, Secretary
- Stephanie Thomas
- Janice Bos
- Roberta Brewer
- Trisha Friars
- Trudy Jameson
- Rebecca Thurrott-Slocum, Vice Chair
- Call to Order
- Approval and Adoption of the Agenda
- Approval and Adoption of the Minutes
- Business Arising from the Minutes
- SIP Update and Principal’s Report – Peggy Frost
- Reaching out to Petitcodiac PSSC
- Discussion on creating a SES Facebook Page or PSSC Facebook Page
- New Business
- Adjourn
Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 6:32PM.
Approval and Adoption of the Agenda
Peggy motioned to approve and adopt the agenda. Trisha seconded the motion.
Approval and Adoption of the Minutes
Janice motioned to approve and adopt the minutes from our last meeting. Trisha seconded the motion.
Business Arising from the Minutes
Update - Buzzer to enter the building:
- Buzzer was installed and set to go this past Monday, January 30th.
- The Newsletters may not have been distributed in time to notify parents.
- The implementation has been delayed until Monday, February 6th.
SIP Update and Principal’s Report
Principle’s Report
School Improvement Plan: Target Intervention - Math
- The first round of our math flex grouping ended around Christmas and the students and teachers are liking the program.
- This current round will last until March.
- They will reassess and go on to the next round.
- Friday, Feb 3rdis the Celebration for the month of January.
- Event - Zumba activity.
- Rescheduled Welcome to Kindergarten to Feb 16th at 4:00PM.
- Message was posted on Salisbury Happenings and The Boys and Girls Club.
- Feb 3rd- Grade 3 &4 Right to Play assembly.
- Program Mission: Every child has the right to play no matter what their circumstances.
- This is an information session for the students.
- No school Feb 24th.
- Theatre New Brunswick will be at the school for one week in March.
- Calithumpians drama group from Fredericton is coming March 21st.
- Environment presentation through song.
- No charge to the school.
- 45 minute presentations
- 30 workshops
- Peggy is off Feb 9th to March 22nd
- Denis will be the acting Principal
- Janice will be the acting VP.
Elf Literacy
- Program starts this week.
- Targets Grade 2 students who need a push.
- One on one tutoring.
- We have 6 tutors for this term.
- There are 20 sessions held on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Reaching out to Petitcodiac PSSC
- Eric reached out to the PSSC Chair at PRS.
- Inquiring if their PSSC had talks regarding the early FI and late FI starting next year.
- The PRS PSSC Chair said she would follow up after there next scheduled meeting on Feb 10th.
- Roberta passed the PSSC's concern regarding entry points for Immersion at SES and PRS to the Minister of Education, Brian Kenny. They also discussed the next steps the DEC will follow towards the decision of the future of the SES.
- Tabled until our next meeting.
Discussion on creating a SES Facebook Page or PSSC Facebook Page
- No school has a FB Page according to the District office but if the PSSC wants one, without naming the school, we can.
- Tabled until our next meeting.
New Business
No new business.
Next Scheduled Meetings(Start time 6:30PM):
April 20, 2017
June 15, 2017
Julee motioned to adjourn and Stephanie second. Adjournment at 8:04PM.