West-Orange Cove CSD6th Grade Science –6th Six Weeks2012 - 2013
The Sixthsix weeks has 29 instructional days 4/29 – 6/7Early Release
Bad Weather Day
5/27 / Major Concepts
- During week 1 – 2, students will understand that all organisms are classified into Domains and Kingdoms
- During week 3 - 4, students will learn how organisms within taxonomic groups share similar characteristics which allow them to interact with the living and nonliving parts of their ecosystem. Also, students will understand that there is a relationship among individual organisms, populations, communities, and ecosystems.
- During week 5 – 6, students will learn and understand how scientific inquiry methods are used when planning and conducting field and laboratory investigations.
- Use models to represent aspects of the natural world.
- Collect and record data.
- Construct simple graphs, tables, and charts to illustrate findings.
- Analyze data to formulate reasonable explanations, communicate valid conclusions supported by the data, and predict trends
- Plan and implement comparative and descriptive investigations by making observations, asking well-defined questions, and using appropriate equipment and technology.
- Analyze, evaluate, and critique scientific explanations by using empirical evidence, logical reasoning, and experimental and observational testing, including examining all sides of scientific evidence of those scientific explanations, so as to encourage critical thinking.
- Communicate valid conclusions
In order to use time, resources, and hold students accountable for their own learning, we must agree to continue using:
- Notebooking. Also, remember to refer back to files sent during the first six weeks to expand on the use of notebooks in the science classroom.
- SMART objective posted and used daily. For example, the TEKs for the lesson (week or weeks) is….
- Recognize that the broadest classification of living organisms is divided into recognized Domains6.12 C.
- The SMART objective for the 2ndweek may be written in the following way,
- Today, we (or I, based on preference) will recognize Domains as the broadest classification of living organismsby using the Shoe Classification lab to learn how to create a classification system.
- The next day, the underlined part of the objective may change for the next part of the lesson such as Today, we (or I, based on preference) will recognize Domains as the broadest classification of living organismsby participating, understanding, and explaining the Domains Lab.
- Developing Effective Science Lessons. Developing effective science lessons is a critical part of our job to ensure students have opportunities to collaborate with others, to guarantee that students have the time needed to master various concepts, and to make certain students have the chance to reflect on those assessing and advancing questions. Refer to Figure 1.1, from Designing Effective Science Instruction: What Works in Science Classrooms. As we continue to engage students in the learning of science, we will focus on providing adequate time and structure for sense-making and wrap-up; enhancing the development of students’ understanding and problem solving through teacher’s questioning;providing a classroom culture in which the climate encourages students to generate ideas and questions; and having a quality classroom culture where intellectual rigor, constructive criticism, and challenging of ideas are evident (p.4).
- Creating a Positive Learning Environment. At the beginning of the school year, we presented Table 4.1, from Designing Effective Science Instruction: What Works in Science Classrooms, showing how to create a positive learning environment. During these six weeks, we will explore the laststrategy presented in this book. Environment Strategy 6: Teach Students to be Metacognitive; involve students in thinking about their ideas and assessing their own progress.177–185.
- Using technology and interactive games to support student engagement.
- Collaborative grouping
- Formative assessment in science and other formative assessment strategies that will work depending the needs of your class(once you are in the page, click on each formative assessment strategy to get more details)
- Use of the 5E scientific model:
- Engage
- Explore
- Explain
- Elaborate
- Evaluate
- Using a rubric or a criteria chart generated with the students, go over the expectations in the science lab as it concerns to safety, active participation, homework, research and other projects.
Week 1– Week 2
April 29– May 10
Learning Standards / Instruction / Resources / Products, Projects, Labs / Assessment
Organisms and Environments
The student knows all organisms are classified into Domains and Kingdoms. Organisms within these taxonomic groups share similar characteristics which allow them to interact with the living and nonliving parts of their ecosystem.
The student is expected to:
Recognize that the broadest classification of living organisms is divided into recognized Domains6.12 C / Essential Vocabulary :
domains, kingdoms, taxonomic groups, ecosystem, living, non- living
ENGAGE students daily by
- Watching the video segment Classification of Organisms, students will understand about how the process of classification helps biologists study Earth’s organisms. Classification is where scientists organize life forms into groups based on how they are related to each other. Students will collaborate to answer the question, “Why is the classification of organisms important?”
- Using various presentations related to classification in order for students to better understand the purpose of classification and its importance.
- You are part of a group of botanists who have discovered a rare plant species. Working with a partner or groups, students will use annotated drawings or create a cartoon describing the taxonomic groups and characteristics you will use to determine which domain and kingdom this plant belongs in.
- EXPLORE / EXPLAIN – Teacher will guide students in the understanding of classification using the Introduction to ClassificationSMART Notebook file.
- EXPLORE / EXPLAIN – using online resources, library books, and/or encyclopedias, students will select and research an organism that is classified in one of the domains
- Name of the organism
- Place of discovery
- Characteristics of the organism
- Interesting facts about the organism
- Create a poster to participate in a gallery walk
- EXPLORE / EXPLAIN –Using the Life on Earth information, students will learn more about each of the 3 classification domains.
Use the following lessons to support students’ understanding and knowledgeby using
- Science Starter 115
Discovery Education
Background information on Kingdoms and Domains
Science PowerPoint presentations / Gateways to Science 6th grade Unit 5 Lesson 5: Domains (T.E Not available – Student Edition P. 247 - 250)
Students will participate in this lesson to investigate and understand more about Domains.
Classification of Shoes Lab or Shoe Classification (depending on how much support students need – the second lesson has more specific instructions).
Students will participate of this laboratory to learn how to create a classification system and to understand the reasons for classification in science.
EXPLAIN / ELABORATE – students will use their knowledge of Domains and create a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast 2 of the 3 domains. / EVALUATE
Create a criteria chart and rubric for students to monitor their progress.
Students will create a poster or a poem/song displaying their understanding of classification
Reflection –
Students will describe and illustrate the similarities and differences between bacteria and archaea.
Week 3 – Week 4
May 6 – May 17
Learning Standards / Instruction / Resources / Products, Projects, Labs / Assessment
Organisms and Environments
The student knows all organisms are classified into Domains and Kingdoms. Organisms within these taxonomic groups share similar characteristics which allow them to interact with the living and nonliving parts of their ecosystem.
The student is expected to:
Describe biotic and abiotic parts of an ecosystem in which organisms interact. 6.12E
Diagram the levels of organization within an ecosystem, including organism, population, community, and ecosystem. 6.12F / Essential Vocabulary :
Biotic, abiotic, ecosystem, organisms, interacts, ecology, community, population, habitat, and niche
ENGAGE students daily by
- Brainstorm with students using the following questions
- What do middle schoolers compete for?
- What do adults compete for?
- How does this compare with competition in nature?
- Watching the video clip Ecosystems: Abiotic and Biotic Factors, students will understand how the place where an organism lives depends on the biotic and abiotic factors present in the environment. This clip compares several ecosystems. A swamp is described in terms of its biotic and abiotic factor. Students will create a T-Chart listing biotic and abiotic factors.
- Understanding the role of non-living, abiotic factors and the role they play in shaping ecosystems. Students will learn about five abiotic factors being examined: water, air, soil, heat, and light. Students will use graffiti writing or two-minute paper to reflect on this video and then share with group.
- Using the Biotic and Abiotic song, students will learn the differences between abiotic and biotic relationships. This is a great exemplar to show students and have them come up with their own song, poem, or rap
- Taking a walk students select an area outside, on the school grounds, and identify the biotic and abiotic factors and how they are related.
- Using the stories and pictures of ecosystems provided in the Abiotic and Biotic SMART Notebook file students will identify the biotic and abiotic factors
- Using a level o thtic and abiotic factors t11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111f organization that students are familiar with such as, a school system. (Ex: student, teacher, principal) or a family. Using think-pair-share or collaborative groups, students will share how their levels of organization are similar to ones that might be found within an ecosystem (use P. 73 to provide a visual if students are not familiar with this concept).
- EXPLORE / EXPLAIN – Teacher will guide students in the study of Ecological Relationships to support students in better understanding how organisms depend on and may compete for biotic and abiotic factors.
- EXPLORE / EXPLAIN- Teacher will support students in the understanding of ecosystem organization. Students willexplore the different levels of an ecosystem (organism, population, community, ecosystem) by choosing an organism and creating an ecosystem pyramidabout that organism.(See sample)
Use the following lessons to support students’ understanding and knowledgeby using
- Science Starter 14
- Science Starter 11Abiotic and Biotic
- Science Starter 77
Discovery Education
My Science Box
Prentice Hall school / Gateways to Science 6th grade Unit 5 Lesson 1: Biotic and Abiotic Factors (T.E Not available – Student Edition P. 210 - 215)
Students will participate in this lesson to investigate and understand more about biotic and abiotic parts of an ecosystem in which organisms interact.
Gateways to Science 6th grade Unit 5 Lesson 2: Levels of Organization within an ecosystem (T.E Not available – Student Edition P. 216 - 220)
Students will participate in this lesson to investigate and understand more about the levels of organization within an ecosystem, including organism, population, community, and ecosystem.
Create a criteria chart and rubric for students to monitor their progress.
Students will create a poster, a poem/song, or an acrosticdisplaying their understanding of biotic and abiotic.
Students will use a picture(teacher or students may select their own picture) to list the biotic and abiotic components. Then, students will write a paragraph describing how the biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem are interacting.
Reflection –
Students will use their knowledge of levels of organization to read the Levels of Organization scenario and reflect on the students observations.
Week 5– Week 6
May 28 – June 7
Learning Standards / Instruction / Resources / Products, Projects, Labs / Assessment
Scientific Investigation and Reasoning
The student, for at least 40% of instructional time, conducts laboratory and field investigations following safety procedures and environmentally appropriate and ethical practices.
The student is expected to:
Plan and implement comparative and descriptive investigations by making observations, asking well-defined questions, and using appropriate equipment and technology. 6.2 A
Design and implement experimental investigations by making observations, asking well defined questions, formulating testable hypotheses, and using appropriate equipment and technology. 6.2B
Construct tables and graphs, using repeated trials and means, to organize data and identify patterns.6.2D / Essential Vocabulary:
problem, hypothesis, observation, experimental design, scientific method, data, conclusion
Teacher may use a few days to review or reteach concepts that students did not master, had trouble understanding, or did not have enough time/practice to learn or teachers will encourage students to choose special projects to work on for the next 2 weeks. Teachers will approve topic and/or testable hypotheses in order for students to work on purposeful projects following the scientific method.
ENGAGE students daily by
- Learning about the six steps in the design process through an exploration of the Wright brothers' story of flight (12:07 minutes). Students will identify and describe the steps of the scientific method and how scientists apply these steps.
- Interacting in a game with the steps of the Scientific Method.
- Reviewing the processes of scientific investigations by participating and discussing the Inquiry Board. Using the inquiry board will support students to determine a testable experiment and figuring out a testable question.
- Explaining how graphs, tables, and charts differ and how scientists present their data using graphs, tables, charts. Use this link to engage students in graphing activities- Graphs and/or use a PowerPoint presentation to EXPLORE various data analysis tools.
- EXPLORE / EXPLAIN- Teacher will guide students in the use of the Science Inquiry Boardusing the SMART file to show students how to move “sticky notes” around to generate a research question.
- Students will create their own experiments using the Independent Investigation format. Teacher may provide topic and the students create a question and design an experiment to find an answer. Students may select from various examples, students work in pairs to create a question about bouncy balls, such as "Does the diameter of the ball influence the height of the bounce?" If time is available after the labs are completed, the groups exchange experiments. After the experiments are completed, the groups meet to discuss the results,which provides a great opportunity to discuss problems related to the design of the experiment or data collection. It is great to see students taking the initiative to experiment on their own and develop ways to address errors that could cause unreliable data. Refer to independent investigation guidelines and rubric.
Use the following lessons to support students’ understanding and knowledgeby using
- Science Starter 5
- Science Starter 6
Discovery Education
PowerPoint Presentations
More ideas for Science Projects
ScienceSpot / The Egg-Drop Experiment:
Students will construct some type of container that will keep a raw egg from cracking when dropped from ever-increasing elevations. Students will gain the ability to design a product (a container), evaluate the product, and communicate the process of design modification.
Use some of these videos, 2, 3 to scaffold as needed.
Students will use this resource to choose great science projects for 6th graders!! Other ideas or resources will be approved by the teacher to make science fun with a winning project. / EVALUATE / Reflection
As students work on the Egg-Drop Experiment, they will be encouraged to experiment with a number of different designs for this task. Students will keep a record (field journal) of:
- the various designs
- rationales for the designs
- any experiments performed subsequent to the actual Egg- Drop
SMART Objective
In the book, Learning by Doing, P. 126, Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, Thomas Many, and Robert Eaker, talk about SMART goals and how establishing these goals will assist stakeholders in creating a collaborative effort oriented by results.
According to Dufour et al, SMART objectives are Strategic and Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-Oriented, Timebound. For our purposes in the classroom, we will use SMART objectives in the following manner:
Standards-based – use the wording of the TEK
Makes a connection – find a way to connect to everyday situation
Attainable - do students feel they can learn the concept?
Results oriented – how will students know they have learned the concept?
Tell – Students are able to tell what they are learning
The objective does not have to change every day as you write it on the board or keep it in a prominent place. Keep in mind that by posting the learning objective in this manner and using with the students before, during, and after the lesson then the students will know the what, how, and why of the learning. Besides, using the standard will support the students learn the vocabulary they are expected to know and master by the end of the lesson.
Some Examples of Formative Assessments in Science
(Source: Science Formative Assessments by Page Keeley)
Concept Cartoons(p.71) / -cartoon of people sharing their ideas on common, everyday phenomenon/concept
-students choose the cartoon they agree with most and explain their reasoning
-used to assess and address misconceptions, diagnostic
-see: for examples
Familiar Phenomenon Probe/
Friendly Talk Probe
(p.85 & 102) / -a dialogue between characters addressing a concept
-students choose the character they agree with most and explain their reasoning
-used to assess and address misconceptions, diagnostic
Interest Scale
(p.115) / -students use sticky notes to indicate their interest in a subject on a low to high scale (e.g. a thermometer with the heading “How Hot is the Topic?”)