Minutes of a Meeting held at Probation Headquarters,

1 Victoria Square, Birmingham on

Tuesday 14th September 2010 7 April 2009 at 10a10:00am

PRESENT:Dr A HarrisonMr P Singh(Chair) (Chairman) (in the Chair)

MrMr K James, Mr T Johnson, Prof. H Kemshall,

Mr J Ryan, Mr R Singh, and Mrs B Thomas.

His Honour Judge R Orme (Part) - Advisors S Akhtar, Mrs P.M Bradbury, Mr K. James, Mr M. Maiden, HH Judge R Orme, (Part), Cllr J Rowley, Mr C. Small, Miss M Stevenson,

Mrs H Taylor and Mrs B.Thomas.

IN ATTENDANCE:Mr R A Steer-Secretary

IN ATTENDANCE:Mr R A Steer-Secretary & Director of Legal Services

Mr A Barr-Director of Finance

Dr G Bates-Director of Operations

Ms A Bell-Head of PR and Communications

Ms B Elphick-Head of Probation, Dudley (Part)

Ms K Woodhouse-PA, Dudley (Part)

Ms C Rushton-Probation Officer, Halesowen (Part)

Mrs S Jhali-Probation Officer, Stourbridge (Part)and Performance

Ms C. Holland-Director of People and Business Development

Mr R. Simpson-Acting Treasurer (Part)

Mrs K CorfieldCorfield-Trust Board Board Administrator

APOLOGIES:Mr M Maiden and Miss M Stevenson

APOLOGIES: Dr A Harrison,Professor H Kemshall and Mrs K Sidhu

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The minutes of the meeting held on 3 March 2009, copies having been circulated to members, were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
……..Member Visit
A member queried whether a meeting had taken place with the resident judge in Warwickshire, Judge Hodgson. The meeting was informed that this was being arranged by the District Manager in Coventry. The Director of Operations and Performance undertook to inform HH Judge Orme of the arrangements for the meeting. The current situation where a merger with Staffordshire was proposed would result in discussions in relation to joint projects. The Director of Operations and Performance informed members that protocols in respect of such projects were in place. / 2397
Minutes – Action Log
The Chief Officer reported that the bid for Health and Safety funding, referred to in Minute No. 2370, had been successful.
A round of introductions was made at the request of the Chair. / 2711
2712 /

Minutes - Performance General

The minutes of the meeting held on 13th July 2010, copies having been circulated to members, were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.Members were informed that the matter referred to in Minute No. 2370, would be considered further at the meeting of the District Judges on 5 May 2009 to be chaired by HH Judge Orme. The Director of Operations and Performance reported that Ms M Allder had now been appointed replaced Ms J Henderson, as an SPO at the Magistrates Court in Birmingham. / 2712
Minutes - People, Business Development and Facilities General Report
The Secretary provided the meeting with details of the timescales in relation to surrounding the agreement swithurrounding the Midlands Training Consortium, in relation to minute no. 2370.
Minutes – Information on the Probation Chief’s Association – Minute No: 2653.
This was covered in the Director of Finance’s report on the agenda.
Minutes – Standing Orders, Delegations and Financial Regulations – Minute No: 2653
The Letter of Delegation was detailed in the Chief Executive’s Report on the public agenda.
Executive Services Performance Report – Minute No: 2658
Information on agency staff was included in the Director of Executive Service’s Performance Report.
Performance Report – Finance, IT and Health & Safety– Minute No: 2659.
The ITSD Review would be submitted to the Board in November following consideration by the Executive Team.
Merger Programme – Minute No: 2660
A report on the Merger Programme would be submitted to the Board in November.
2713 / ACTION LOG (Minutes of the Board held on 13th July 2010)
An Action Log was submitted (Document Interleaved No.1).
THAT the contents of the Action Log be noted. / 2713
Minutes - Chairman’s Items
The Secretary reported that an advertisement for a new Board Member had been placed on the Public Appointments website, as referred to in minute no. 2370. The
Chief Officer informed members that this recruitment process was necessary and a member with financial skills was required as the Board moved towards obtaining Trust status.
Area Business Plan 2009-10
Section two of the Area Plan 2009-10 was tabled (Document Interleaved No.1).
Members were informed that the introduction to the Plan was to be rewritten. This was in relation to Minute No. 2373.
Performance General
The Director of Operations and Performance reported that the Operations and Performance Scrutiny Committee has ….had reviewed the Area targets for 2009/10 at its recent Committee meeting, as referred to in Minute No. 2374 (b).
Finance General
The Chief Officer referred to Minute No. 2376 (b), and reported that no response had yet been received from the Probation Chiefs Association. He requested that the item remain on the Action Log. In addition, officers reported that the date for a special Bboard meeting has not yet been agreed, and requested that the item remain on the Action Log.
People, Business Development and Facilities General
In relation to Minute No. 2377, it was acknowledged that the cost of the health MOTs has been provided to members via email.
Health & Safety
On referring to Minute No. 2378, the Director of People and Business Development reported that all eight accidents in December had been minor and would be referred to again on considering the Health and Safety Report later on the agenda.
Proposal to merge Dudley and Stourbridge and Halesowen Local Justice Areas
The Secretary referred to Minute No. 2379 and informed the meeting that he had confirmed to Her Majesty’s Court Service that the Board had no objection to the proposal to merge the two Local Justice Areas in Dudley and Stourbridge and Halesowen benches.
Audit Committee – 17 February 2009
The Secretary reported that the letter to the Probation Association, referred to in Minute No. 2385, had been prepared in draft in consultation with the Acting Treasurer and had been submitted to the Chairman for approval.
An Action Log for the 3 March 2009 was submitted (Document Interleaved No. 2)
THAT the contents of the Action Log be noted. / 2398
No declarations of interest were received.Mrs Akhtar declared a pecuniary interest in respect of any item considered relating to CPS Warwickshire.
Mrs Bradbury declared a non-pecuniary interest in respect of any item considered relating to YSS.
Cllr Rowley declared a non-pecuniary interest in respect of any item considered relating to Wolverhampton City Council. / 2714399
A report of the Secretary and Director of Legal Services was submitted (Document Interleaved No. 3).
THAT membership of Committees for the year 2009/10 be approved as follows:-
Audit Committee
Mrs P Bradbury
Miss M Stevenson
Mrs B Thomas
Mr R Singh (Chair)
Mr K James
Prof H Kemshall
Business Development & Stakeholders Committee
[Lead Officer – Director of People & Business Development, Catherine Holland]
Miss M Stevenson (Chair)
Mrs H Taylor
Mrs S Akhtar
Mrs K Sidhu
Mr C Small
Human Resources Committee
[Lead Officer – Director of People & Business Development, Catherine Holland]
Cllr J Rowley
Mrs H Taylor
Mrs B Thomas (Chair)
Mr R Singh
Mrs S Akhtar
Mrs K Sidhu
Operations & PerfromancePerformance Scrutiny Committee
[Lead Officer – Director of Operations and Performance, Ged Bates]
Cllr J Rowley
Mrs P Bradbury
Mr K James (Chair)
Prof H Kemshall
HH Judge R Orme
Mr C Small
Property and Estates Group
Cllr J Rowley
Mrs P Bradbury
Joint Negotiation and Consultative Committee
Cllr J Rowley
Mrs B Thomas
Mr R Singh
Health and Safety Committee
Mrs B Thomas / 2400
A report of the Secretary and the Director of Legal Services was submitted (Document Interleaved No. 4).
THAT representation on outside bodies for the year ending 31st March 2010 be approved as follows:
MidlandsRegionalMidlands Regional Probation Training Consortium (MRPTC The Executive)
Mrs B Thomas (Deputy Miss M Stevenson)
Local Strategic Partnership Boards
Mrs P Bradbury - Sandwell
Mr K James – Solihull
The Chief Officer reported that the representativesrepresentation on Local Strategic Partnership Boards would, in due course, become and ACO role in line with the development of Local Delivery Units.. / 2401
A report of the Secretary and Director of Legal Services was submitted (Document Interleaved No. 5).
THAT the Secretary be authorised to confirm to Her Majesty’s Court Service that the Board had no objection to the proposal to merge the two local current local justice areas in Warley and West Bromwich. / 2402
(a)Mr Singh be appointed Chair of the Audit Committee
(b)Miss Stevenson be appointed Chair of the Business Development and Stakeholders Committee
(c)Mr James be appointed Chair of the Operations and Performance Scrutiny Committee
(d)Mrs Thomas be appointed Chair of the Human Resources Committee. / 2403
A report of the Chief Officer was submitted (Document Interleaved No.6) and a letter from Ms Dymond-White on the Probation Qualifications Framework was tabled (Document Interleaved No. 7).
On considering the contents of the foregoing report, the Chief Officer reported that an internal commissioning facility was required by the Area. It was noted that if there was to be a national approach to training then the Area would retain the services of the Consortium but the existanceformat of any national approach was still not known.
The Chief Officer was doubtful that there would be any information from the Centre on any national approach to training nationally by the end of May.
(a)the contents of the foregoing report on the future role of the Regional Training Consortium be noted.
(b)Rrelevant officers be authorised to seek the best value possible in the delivery of training arrangements in the Area. / 2404
A report of the Chief Executive was submitted (Document Interleaved No. 2).
During consideration of paragraph 3.2 of the foregoing report in relation to the Midlands Training Consortium, members were informed that should the Consortium operate a social enterprise company, individuals would be required to undertake this rather than the trusts. For this and other reasons, it had been accepted that a social enterprise company would not be supported but members must keep in mind what the Consortium could achieve within its current structure. A ‘watching brief’ would be undertaken by members.
On considering the development of a new building in Dudley, detailed in paragraph 3.3 of the foregoing report, members were informed that the lease was now with the Cabinet Office for signing which meant that it was out of NOMS hands. Officers had informed staff from the ROM’s office that savings detailed in the Trust bid could not be achieved if the new building in Dudley was not authorised. There was a definite operational need for this facility. Some members were anxious that action on this issue should be taken locally in order to escalate the building of the new Dudley office. The Chair would consult the Chief Executive on this matter on the Chief Executive’s return from leave.
In relation to the Training Consortium’s bid to provide services to the Prison Service, the Secretary reported that Northamptonshire and West Mercia Probation Trusts did not wish to be involved in such a venture. This would mean that if the bid proceeded both of these Trusts would have to withdraw from the Consortium. A decision whether to continue with the bid would be needed prior to the next meeting of the Board in November. The Chair undertook to consult members via email should that be necessary in and, if appropriate, arrange a special meeting of the Board.
Members were informed that the Letter of Delegation now received was much improved on that issued last year as some of the proposals made by Areas had been accepted and incorporated. However, the Board’s Structure and governance arrangements for Trusts had still not been acknowledged in the Letter of Delegation. The Secretary reported that the Letter was, in effect, reducing the accountability of the Board.
During consideration of paragraph 4.5 in relation to the best value review process, it was agreed that Mr James, Mr Ryan, Mr Singh and one other member, as and when needed, would form a sub-group together with the Chair.
Members were informed that the Trust had been chosen by HMIP to undertake an inspection of work involving women offenders.
a) developments taking place in the Trust be noted as giving adequate assurance
to the Board
b) the proposal to provide a ‘watching brief’ on the Midlands Consortium Board’s
proposed arrangements for operating a social enterprise company, be approved.
c) the Chair and Chief Executive be authorised to approve arrangements and
commitments in support of the Regional Consortium’s bid for further training
contracts should they arise between Board meetings
d) the arrangements for conducting Best Value Reviews be approved
e) Mrs Thomas be selected to join the Chair on the recruitment panel for the
new Board Solicitor with HH Judge Orme acting in an advisory capacity
f) the draft responses to the Policing Green Paper and the Justice Committee
consideration of Probation be approved
g) the letter of delegation be noted but the Board, in carrying out its duties, would
instruct the Chief Executive to contest any issues it felt appropriate .
A report of the Director of Operations was submitted (Document Interleaved No. 8).
During consideration of the foregoing report, Members were informed that there had been welcome gains in performance in the Area and improvements made were being maintained.
Problems in relation to OM3 “Breach Resolution from West Midlands Courts” were considered. Members noted that appropriate processes were in place and the problem overwhelmingly was in Birmingham Magistrates Court where there had recently been a change in management. Officers were confident that this figure would improve.
In responseIn response to query from a Board Member, Members were informed that where best practice existed this was circulated around the Area.
In relation to paragraph 7 of the foregoing report, the Director of Operations and Performance reported that there was an overall decrease in workload of 8% compared with figures last year. Management had created a massive push on clarity of expectations and priorities for all staff. Where there were failures, it was noted that the formal work improvement processes had been employed.
A Member expressed concern that there was no reward and recognition scheme for staff in place in the Area. The Member was concerned that the efforts of staff should be recognised. In response, the Chief Officer referred to the Butler Trust scheme and undertook to push forward on such awith the scheme.
THAT the information contained in the foregoing report providing an overview of issues with regard to performance be noted. / 27152405
A report of the Director of Operations was submitted (Document Interleaved No. 3).
The Director of Operations reported that the Trust was currently rated ‘Green’ overall on the Probation Trust Rating System (PTRS). He continued to say that July was the first month that the Trust was above target on all three national standards baskets. Dudley was noted as being one of the best performing LDUs in the new Trust.
Figures relating to the Domestic Violence Programme completions and IDAP were provided, and members were informed that the Trust would struggle to achieve the required completions rate. The Director of Operations reported that all IDAP cases were now subject to much closer management scrutiny, with a spreadsheet recording the progress of each one towards completion.
Members noted that the Trust was proceeding locally with caution in relation to Fast Delivery Reports (FDR) as some quality concerns had arisen nationally.
Ms B Elphick, Head of Probation Dudley, and three members of staff from the Dudley LDU, gave a presentation.
Ms Elphick gave members information on the Dudley area in general and , in particular, the structure of the Dudley LDU. Members noted that no group work was undertaken in Dudley LDU as there were no suitable premises in the area but use was made of premises in the Sandwell LDU. This caused problems with attrition rate in Dudley. Information was provided on the prolific offending rate, which had reduced significantly in the first quarter of the year. Some of the Trust’s premises in Dudley were considered to be unsuitable for interviewing offenders although the risk was being managed locally with success.
Ms C Rushton, PO, provided members with an overview of IDAP in the Dudley LDU and Mrs S Jhali, PO, described the SIADA workbook to members.
A report of the Director of Operations and Performance was submitted (Document Interleaved No. 9).
( His(His Honour Judge Orme and the Acting Treasurer joined the meeting.)
The Director of Operations and Performance reported that the Centre was scaling down OASys to some extent. His Honour Judge Orme queried whether there was a quick and simple guide to OASys and in response the Director of Operations and Performance said that a presentation to the next Board Meeting on OASys would most likely be most effective for Members.