Berkshire,Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire.
This is a non-resident specialty registrar (StR) post in dental public health based in Berkshire PCT with placements inBuckinghamshire and Oxfordshire PCTs. The NHS is currently undergoing a major re-organisation, however it is expected that as now, the trainee will continue to be located in the same organisation as their trainer.
The training programme has been approved by the Oxford Deanery for higher training in the specialty of dental public health, and offers very wide experience. The GDC approved curriculum will reflect the dental public health competencies as laid down in the specialty training curriculum for Dental Public Health and successful completion will lead to an award of a CCST and eligibility to join the GDC specialty list.
The programme provides for the StR to spend time in Primary Care Trusts and successor organisations across Thames Valley over the course of the training programme. The StR may be seconded to broaden their experience and fulfil specific educational requirements. Placement of an individual trainee will be dependent upon an assessment of the trainee's previous experience and future training needs and will be planned to ensure that a trainee gains the widest possible experience.
Appointment Detail
Title: / SpecialtyRegistrar in Dental Public Health.Grade: / Specialty Registrar
Terms and Conditions of
Service / NHS Terms and Conditions of Service of Hospital Medical and Dental Staff and Doctors and in Public Health Medicine and the Community Health Service (England and Wales)
Educational Approval: / The training programme and these placements have educational approval from the Regional Postgraduate Dental Dean.
Staffing Approval: / The placements have staffing approval from the Regional Postgraduate Dental Dean.
Work-Base: / The base is inBuckinghamshire although this may alter during the programme.
Participating Organisations: / Berkshire, Oxfordshire, and Buckinghamshire PCTs and successor organisations
Director: / Sandra White, Consultant in Dental Public Health
Trainers: / Jenny Donaghy (Lead Trainer/ Clinical Supervisor)
Paul Batchelor (Clinical Supervisor)
Amanda Crosse(Clinical Supervisor)
Richard Watt (Academic Supervisor)
Outline Description of the Training Programme
Duration of the training programme
The training programme will take the equivalent of four years on a full-time basis including approved formal academic training in the specialty lasting not less than the equivalent of one academic year. The programme may be shortened by up to a year if an approved course of relevant study has been undertaken or commenced prior to taking up this appointment. The extent of any such amendment is a matter for the Deanery.
Skills to be developed by the training programme
The detailed training programme will be designed to delivery the appropriate competencies. It will therefore take account of the extent and depth of relevant experience already obtained by the trainee. It will ensure that, at completion, the trainee has the skills, experience, and knowledge to enable him or her to obtain entry to the specialist listin dental public health.
In order to achieve this objective, the training programme will provide the experience and the educational support to ensure that the StR has developed an appropriate level of knowledge and skill in the following areas:
- Oral health surveillance
- Assessing the evidence on oral health and dental interventions, programmes and services
- Policy and strategy development and implementation
- Strategic leadership and collaborative working for health
- Oral health improvement
- Health and public protection
- Developing and monitoring quality dental services
- Dental Public Health intelligence
- Academic Dental Public Health
- Appropriate decision-making and judgement
- Appropriate attitudes, ethical understanding and legal responsibilities
- Role within the Health Services
- Personal Development
Emphasis will be placed upon shared learning experiences with trainees in public health medicine, on multi-disciplinary team working, and upon the contribution to be made by the public health discipline to the purchasing/commissioning role.
Content of the training programme
The training programme will commence with a period of induction and orientation; during which time the extent and depth of existing relevant knowledge and experience of the trainee will be identified through joint discussion between trainers and trainee in order to tailor the content of the training programme to the needs of the individual.
The trainee will then undertake a variety of projects relevant to his or her training needs and appropriate to the work of the employing and training organisations. These will be undertaken with a degree of supervision appropriate to the learning status of the trainee, within the general approach that supervision will be more direct in the early stages of the training programme and diminish as the trainee develops.
Masters Degree programme
If appropriate, the trainee will also undertake the formal academic component of the training programme. This will be undertaken during the first half of the training programme so that the equivalent of two full years training will normally remain to be completed after the successful acquisition of an approved Masters' degree.
Supervision of training
Progress in training will be regularly reviewed by discussion between the trainee and responsible consultants and through more formal reviews of progress and assessment as part of the ARCP process. Formal reviews will be held every 3 months together with annual appraisals. In addition, progress in training and the operation of the training programme will be subject to regular reporting and review by the DeaneryDental Public Health Specialist Training chaired by the Training Programme Director(s) in Dental Public Health.
Profile of the Thames Valley
Berkshire comprises three main areas: urban Reading, urban Slough and rural Newbury. The PCT cover a resident population of nearly 900000. The vast majority of the area is non-fluoridated. The StR will be based in Readingwith the Consultant who covers Berkshire PCT. Berkshire PCT currently is responsible for over 122 dental contracts including GDS, and PDS+. There is also a reasonably sized Salaried Service and maxillo-facial surgery and orthodontics is provided in a number of secondary care settings.
Oxfordshire has a population of 639,800 and is a predominantly rural county in the South East of England, bordering on Northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Wiltshire, Gloucestershire and Warwickshire. Almost half the population in Oxfordshire lives in settlements of less than 30,000.
Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust (PCT) is responsible for commissioning local health services (at least until 2013) and the PCT boundaries are largely the same as the County Council. The PCT commissions services from independent contractors, including 82 GP practices, 98 pharmacies, 100 dental providers, and approximately 400 dental performers.
Buckinghamshire covers the urban area of Aylesbury and High Wycombe but is predominantly rural, covering a population of 450000. The Consultant is based in High Wycombe. Buckinghamshire PCT currently is responsible for over 50 dental contracts including GDS, PDS+ that includes 100 performers. There is also a reasonably sized Salaried Service and maxillo-facial surgery and orthodontics is in the majority provided in Aylesbury. Other specialist services are also provided in a number of primary care settings.
Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire PCTs are clustered.
The trainee will be located with the Thames Valley Dental Public Health Network, which is headed by the current South of England(Central) SHA lead for Dental Public Health, Sandra White. The overall arrangements for the training programmewill be the responsibility of the Training Programme Director for the placement in consultation with the trainee.
Training Base and other locations
The main base will be Buckinghamshire PCT or its successor organization
Other locations include Oxfordshire and Berkshire PCTsand Milton Keynes PCT
UCL (London University) Dental Public Health Unit
At an appropriate point in the training programme the trainee will be able to gain experience within the Dental Public Health Unit, located within the UCL. The Academic Supervisor is based within this unit.
It is anticipated that during the course of the training programme the trainee will gain experience of:
- teaching dental public health topics to undergraduate and postgraduate dental students;
- inter-relationship between academic and service dental public health commitments.
Facilities Available to the Specialty Registrar
The trainee will have a main base but will be expected to work at a number of locations. The trainee will have full office facilities, including secretarial support, and networked personal computing facilities.
Work Programme
The trainee will normally be expected to spend the majority of their working week in their base or other locations. Occasionally there will be out-of-hours work and travel is expected outside of the ThamesValley.
The timetable can be seen in the table below
Indicative timetableMonday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
West Berkshire
Reading (PB) / West Berkshire
Reading (PB) / East Berkshire
Windsor (JD) / TV DPH network
Milton Keynes(JD) / Buckinghamshire
West Berkshire
Reading (PB) / West Berkshire
Reading (PB) / East Berkshire
Windsor (JD) / TV DPH network
Milton Keynes(JD) / Buckinghamshire
Key for Supervisor PB = Paul Batchelor,JD=Jenny Donaghy
The trainee will be with the lead trainer (JD) for the majority of the week. The timetable is indicative as PCTs are clustering and changes to location are possible.
The network may in future meet on Thursday in Oxfordshire.
The timetable will change if the StR undertakes an MPH and will depend on whether the trainee studies part time or full time for the MPH. If the trainee undertakes a part time course, it will depend whether they take the modules as block or as day release. Those who study part time will have contact with JD for the majority of the time on their free days.
The work programme and curriculum may be modified to suit the trainees personal development needs.
Audit Arrangements
The trainee and consultant trainers will participate in formal audit arrangements established for the specialty, with consultants and trainees covered by Eastern Quality Improvement Group (EQuIG). In addition, the opportunity will be taken to join with dental public health in relevant activities in Department of Dental Public Health, UCL.
Period of Notice
The placements are subject to a minimum period of notice on either side of three months. Progress in the post will be subject to regular review. Failure of the trainee to satisfactorily complete approved academic training will result in early termination of employment.
Travelling will be required in these placements both elsewhere within the area and further afield. Possession of a current driving licence is therefore highly desirable.
Mileages will be calculated from the designated main base for the purpose of reimbursement of traveling expenses.
Study Leave
Trainees are expected to undertake GDC and training curriculum requirements. Please refer to the current Deanery policies on this at
Availability of Placement
This placement is available from June 2012.
Visiting Prior to Appointment
Candidates wishing to discuss the placements or to visit are asked to initially contact the Training Programme Director:
Sandra White
07917 414158