West Midlands Deanery out of Programme Annual Review

West Midlands Deanery out of Programme Annual Review

West Midlands Deanery Out Of Programme Annual Review

Progress Review Form

This process has 2 parts:

  1. Annual progress review meeting with your supervisor/s to discuss progress as documented in section 2 and as documented by the supervisor in section 3, and summarised in an agreed recommendation in section 4. Supervisors should sign this form prior to submission to the Deanery.
  2. There will be a meeting where you (and your supervisor, if they can attend) will meet with the OOP Review Panel w/c ………. as part of the Deanery OOP Progress Review Panel to verify progress decisions.


1) Supervisors

I confirm that I have met with the OOP trainee and have completed Sections 3-6.

Lead supervisor:

Name: ...... Signature: ...... Date: ......

Co-supervisor (if applicable):

Name: ...... Signature: ...... Date: ......

2) Deanery OOP Progress Review Panel (Member of the Panel)

I agree with/ wish to vary the recommendation made by the Supervisor in Section 3 as follows:

Progress decision: ......

Revised progress decision (if applicable): …………………………………………………………………….

NB: If the progress decision is changed; this must be relayed back to the supervisor prior to the Trainee signing the form. The supervisor should countersign (initial) the revised progression decision detailed below.

Comments, if any:

Name: ...... Signature: ...... Date: ......

3) Trainee Signature (signature to be obtained only once the above 2 sections are signed)

I confirm that I have read the comments of my supervisor and the Deanery OOP Progress Review Panel

Name: ...... Signature: ...... Date: ......

SECTION 1: To be completed by the Trainee:
Name of Trainee:Lead Supervisor:
This form to be returned to …..By (date):
SECTION 2: To be completed by the Trainee (and given to the Lead supervisor two weeks before the Progress Review meeting):
Degree for which registered (if applicable):Date of start of OOP:
End of OOP date:
Mode of study: full-time/part-time/split-location (delete as appropriate)
Project title:
Date of review meeting:Date of last progress review:
(a) Please report below the work you have completed since last Progress Review OR, if this is your initial Progress Review, the work you have completed since you began your current OOP programme (you may refer to your written report).
(b) On how many occasions have you met with your supervisor since the last Progress Review OR, if this is your initial Progress Review, since you began your current OOP programme?
(c) Is this frequency sufficient in your view?
(d) Please give details of training you have undertaken since the last Progress Review OR, if this is your initial Progress Review, since you began your current OOP Please list the training you have yet to undertake.
(e) Is there a financial cost to this future training (e.g. registration fees for a conference)?
If YES, please confirm that you have identified funds to cover these costs or have agreed a plan with your Supervisory team to apply in a timely manner for the necessary funds.
(f) Please give an outline of your planned work for the next year.
(g) Please give a timetable for your work between now and the end of your OOP, including submission of thesis, or attach an existing plan.
(h) If applicable, please add your comments about the progress you have made since this form was completed last and how it compares with your predictions then.
(i) Please indicate what your current career aspiration is.
(j) Please consider the impact of your OOP and how this impact is demonstrated to both specialist and non-specialist audiences (e.g. publications, conference presentations, public engagement and outreach activities).
Section 3: to be completed by the LEAD supervisor before the Progress Review meeting:
(a)Please comment on the accuracy of the Trainee’s assessment of his/her progress, in your opinion.
(b)Please rate the Trainee’s progress since the last Progress Review OR, if this is their initial Progress Review, since they began their current OOP programme (delete the statements that do not apply):
Very satisfactory Satisfactory Giving cause for concern
(c)If “Giving cause for concern” state what steps the Trainee should now take to ensure a satisfactory outcome.
(d)If applicable, please give your estimate of when a thesis is likely to be submitted. When completing this section please take account of the end of the maximum period of registration and deadline for submission of the thesis.
Section 4: To be completed by the LEAD SUPERVISOR between the Trainee and supervisor prior to the Progress Review Meeting:
(a)Issues discussed at the meeting:
(b)List of actions agreed, with an indication of who is to take them and a timescale (this should include a plan of action):
Section 5: Recommendation to be completed at the Annual Progress Review meeting
Please indicate your recommendation (delete the statements that do not apply):
  • progress is satisfactory and the trainee may continue with their OOP as planned for the next year.
  • progress is unsatisfactory and a plan of supportive or corrective action is agreed with the trainee which will result in a further review of progress within 6 months. The Trainee would remain in OOP training, but would not be permitted to proceed into the next year until progress was satisfactory. If progress were to remain unsatisfactory, the Trainee may be required to return to clinical training.
  • Withdraw and return to Clinical work. The Trainee would have the right of appeal and request a further review in 3 – 6 months.

Once the supervisors have completed sections 3-4 and signed the cover page, please

Send electronically to

Submission dates –

Or another time as agreed in advance, by emailing …….

It is the Trainee’s responsibility:

1) To obtain all signatures.
2) To let the Deanery have the fully completed form back within the timeframe stated.