West Mecklenburg High SchoolLESSON PLANS FOR Algebra 2 TEACHER Leichner Unit - 1Dates:8/26/13 - 09/20/13

Lesson: / Monday, 8/26/13 / Tuesday, 8/27/13 / Wednesday, 8/28/13 / Thursday, 8/29/13 / Friday, 8/30/13
CCSS / SWBAT internalize group processes by participating in team-building activities, completing a higher-level thinking task, and evaluating their group performance. / SWBAT organize their learning and utilize this process to complete a discovery task about quadratics and push their higher level thinking on a homework assignment. / SWBAT discuss higher-level questions with their classmates and utilize vocabulary as a means of contextualizing higher-level content through class activities. / SWBAT complete, explain and give rationales for four factoring processes on class discovery activities and process problems. / SWBAT discover the relationship between Pascal’s Triangle and the binomial theorem and use it to expand binomials with numeric terms on a discovery lesson.
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS / How do group activities push learning further than individual learning activities? / Why does the shape of the graph help determine the equation of a relationship? / What are the connections between vocabulary and higher-level thinking? / Why can’t you factor a sum of squares? / Why is it different to expand (x + y)5 and (x + 5)5?
(other than Promethean Board, textbook, pencil, paper)
HR REVIEW / Student Survey / Diagnostic Test Non-Calculator / Warm-up Discussion / Polynomial Operations with Geometry / Warm-up Discussion
ACTIVITY / Procedure for Interview/Reporting of Surveys, Go Over Syllabus, Group Procedures / Notebook Procedure, Addition/Multiplication Facts Game Procedure / Warm-up Discussion Procedure, Vocab Procedure / - Discuss Discovery on Trinomials/Diff of Squares
- Process for factoring ax2 + bx + c
- Process for factoring sum/diff of cubes
- Vocab for Friday lesson / • Introduce Pascal’s Triangle
- Discuss higher-level questions #1 – 3 from activity
GUIDED PRACTICE / Higher-Level Math Problem in Groups to Solve / Facts Game, Quadratic Group Discovery / Warm-up Discussion/Share out, Vocab Frayer Model Examples / - Discovery on sim/diff between factoring trinomials and difference of squares
- Discovery on why processes are different for factoring x2 + bx + c and ax2 + bx + c
- Vocab for Friday’s lesson / • Quadratic Roots Discovery
• Binomial Theorem Discovery/Questions
INDEPENDENT PRACTICE / Group Evaluation (individual today) / Diagnostic Test (Calculator) / Process Practice / Pyramid Power Worksheet
CLOSURE / REVIEW / Group Evaluation Discussion / Homework Procedure / How did you feel about the diagnostic tests? / Process Practice with Cubes / Finish discussing binomial theorem
HOMEWORK / None tonight / EQ to solve / None / EQ to answer / Pyramid Power
ASSESSMENT / Self-Evaluation, Higher Level Problem / EQ, Quadratic Discovery, Diagnostic / Diagnostic, Share-outs from warm-up and vocab / Informal during discoveries, process problems, homework / Quadratic Roots Discovery, Informal during Binomial Thm. discovery, Pyramid Power HW

West Mecklenburg High SchoolLESSON PLANS FOR Algebra 2 TEACHER Leichner Unit - 1Dates: 8/26/13 - 9/20/13

Lesson: / Monday, 9/2/13 / Tuesday, 9/3/13 / Wednesday, 9/4/13 / Thursday, 9/5/13 / Friday, 9/6/13
CCSS / LABOR DAY / SWBAT discover the relationship between factors and roots of polynomials and apply it to write third-order equations from their roots on a class activity. / SWBAT discover the relationship between the remainder in synthetic division and the function’s value at a point through class activities. / SWBATdetermine which processes to apply to solve cubics and discover rules for graphing polynomials on class activities. / SWBAT solve a fifth-order polynomial for all of its roots during a Paideia.
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS / What does the graph of a sum/difference of cubes tell us about the solutions? Why? / If the remainder to synthetic division is 0, what do we know about the divisor and why? / What relationship do lines and parabolas have to all functions of even and odd degree? / What different processes play a role in solving higher-order polynomials, and why is each process necessary?
(other than Promethean Board, textbook, pencil, paper)
HR REVIEW / Identify key features on graph / Warm-up Discussion / Warm-up Discussion / Paideia Process
ACTIVITY / - Vocab for Wednesday
- Go over warm-up
- Writing equation from roots intro / • Synthetic Division Process
• Relationship between factor and divisor for synthetic division / • Quadratic Formula Review/Teach
• Standard – solve one cubic / • PaideiaProcess
• Guiding Questions
GUIDED PRACTICE / - x-intercept discovery
- factoring discovery
- writing equation from roots extension / • Remainder Theorem Discovery / • Solving Cubics Discovery
• End Behavior Discovery / • Paideia
INDEPENDENT PRACTICE / • Process Practice (twice) / Process Practice – Quadratics/Cubics / Post-Write
CLOSURE / REVIEW / Summarize relationship between roots and factors as group – share out. / Higher-Level process practice questions to sum up / Paideia Intro / Post-Write Procedure/Paideia Analysis
HOMEWORK / Answer extended EQ with examples / Answer EQ / Paideia Pre-Write / Paideia Post-Write
ASSESSMENT / HW, informal during discoveries, closing question / HW, Remainder Theorem Discovery, Process Practice / HW, Process Practice, Discoveries / Notebook check, Paideia observation, Paideia Post-write
Lesson: / Monday, 9/9/13 / Tuesday, 9/10/13 / Wednesday, 9/11/13 / Thursday, 9/12/13 / Friday, 9/13/13
CCSS / SWBAT discover the domains of real-world and parent functions and the relationship between domain and radical/rational functions on discovery activities. / SWBAT apply concepts of fractions to write and solve rational equations in word problems. / SWBAT determine whether rational equations can be set up and solved to give a real-world accurate answer for any word problem in a Paideia. / SWBAT simplify, multiply, and divide rational expressions based on their knowledge of factoring and fraction operations on process practice problems. / SWBAT determine the correct order of steps to add or subtract rational expressions and determine the difference between the processes with multiplying and dividing on a BINGO game or scavenger hunt.
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS / What is the difference between the domain of quadratics and rational or radical functions? / Why do you not add the denominators to add fractions? / When do rational equations yield real-world accurate solutions to word problems and when do they not? / - Why must we factor first to simplify rational expressions?
- Why did I teach multiplying and dividing rational expressions first? / How are adding and subtracting rationals different than multiplying and dividing?
(other than Promethean Board, textbook, pencil, paper)
HR REVIEW / Real-World Domain Discovery / Warm-up HW Discussion / Paideia Setup / Factoring Review / Warm-up Discussion
ACTIVITY / - Go over parent function discovery
- Scaffold rational/radical discovery
- Vocab / - Fraction Operations Review
- Rate = Production/Time
- Example word problem – Scaffolded for students / Paideia Guidelines / - Scaffolded teaching on setting up from a word problem, simplifying, multiplying, and dividing rationals / - Three examples of different problems on adding and subtracting rationals (include a complex fraction)
GUIDED PRACTICE / - Discovery lessons on parent functions, rationals, and radicals / - Higher level word problems / Paideia / - Practice problems / - Step by step (put steps in correct order for adding/subtracting)
INDEPENDENT PRACTICE / - Creating functions with given domains / Fraction Operations Process Practice / Post-Write / - Process Practice / - BINGO or Scavenger Hunt
CLOSURE / REVIEW / Go over 2 of the homework questions / Use lesson to set up tomorrow’s Paideia / Paideia Evaluation / Student Presentations of Process Practice / Homework –More Process Practice (hopefully online), introduce process for it
HOMEWORK / Creating functions with given domains / Paideia Pre-Write / Post-Write / Answer EQ / Process practice
ASSESSMENT / Homework, Informal during discoveries / Informal throughout lesson, Fraction Process Practice, Tomorrow’s Paideia / Informal throughout Paideia, Post-Write / Homework, process practice, informal throughout lesson / Homework, BINGO/Scavenger Hunt, Informal throughout lesson/activity
Lesson: / Monday, 9/16/13 / Tuesday, 9/17/13 / Wednesday, 9/18/13 / Thursday, 9/19/13 / Friday, 9/20/13
CCSS / SWBAT compare the process for solving simple and more complex algebraic rational equations on class activities. / SWBAT explain the rationale for determining the asymptotes and intercepts of rational functions on class activities. / SWBAT master all Unit 1 objectives on tomorrow’s test. / SWBAT master all Unit 1 objectives on a test.
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS / Why do we “cancel out” the denominator to solve rational equations? / Why do the processes apply to find the asymptotes and holes of rational functions? / What review questions do you still have for the test? / What processes for solving polynomials and rational equations are the same and different and why?
(other than Promethean Board, textbook, pencil, paper)
HR REVIEW / HW Discussion / HW Discussion / HW Discussion / Test Procedure
ACTIVITY / - Review of simple rationals from WP
- Scaffolded teaching of simple rational equations / - Teach processes for graphing rationals / - Give review process (students ask review questions to group, they try to come up with answers)
- Any review questions that groups didn’t answer, I answer for class / Test
GUIDED PRACTICE / - Discovery – see if students can figure out how to solve the more complex rationals based on what we’ve done / Students work through and present process to graph / - Group discussions / Test
INDEPENDENT PRACTICE / - Process Practice / - Students try one more graph on their own.
- Students think and write why each process works. / - Student One-Pagers / Test (when done, students can make up quizzes)
CLOSURE / REVIEW / Students present process practice problems / Student presentation of rational graph. / - Last questions/test procedure / Preview Unit 2 (diagnostic if time)
HOMEWORK / Answer EQ / Answer EQ / Study! / None
ASSESSMENT / HW, Process Practice, Informal throughout lesson / HW, Informal throughout lesson / Test Tomorrow / Test, Diagnostic