OCTOBER 9, 2000





The Board of Directors of Coos Bay Public Schools met at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the District Office at 1330 Teakwood, Coos Bay, Oregon, in regular session. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Donna Stolle with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The following members were present:

Tom Bennett Donna Stolle

Don Blom Sue Walberg

Wally Hazen Rob Wall

Caddy McKeown

Also present were: Superintendent Giles Parker, Attorney David Dorsey, Jeremy Lyon, Rod Danielson, Barbara Walton, Libby Hughes, Arnie Roblan, Karen Gray, Bill Lawrence, Mary Bjornerud, Gael Berhow, Arlene Roblan, Vicki Jenkins, Don Bock, Jennifer Helm, Penny Morgan, JoAnn Amsbary, Chris Flammang, Lesli Gieselman, Deanna Chase, Judy Murdock, Kimberly Brennan, Dee Nelson, Linda Smith, Connie Cullen, Sandra Archerd, Art Pierce, Karen Robb, Paul Huzefka, Angela Davis, Victoria Barklow, Dan Gordner, Matt Christensen, Darrell King, and John and Linda Vickrey. Mr. Puma, Headmaster of Araura College in Aitutaki, Cook Islands, and his wife joined the meeting for introductions.

Tom Bennett moved, Caddy McKeown seconded, and the Board unanimously approved the Consent Agenda items as listed below.
MINUTES / Minutes of the September 11, 2000 Executive Session and the September 11, 2000 Regular Meeting were approved as submitted.
MATTERS / The hiring of Tanya Jenkins as Grade 4/5 teacher at Madison was approved. The resignation of Tom Hibbert from his teaching/counseling position was accepted, effective January 1, 2001.
AYA / Seven students were approved to attend AYA’s Young Parent Program.
PUBLIC INPUT / Bunker Hill teacher Connie Cullen asked the Budget Committee and Board to re-consider funding the films and videos formerly available through the ESD. Although middle schools and high schools still get them, based on a fee, the service was taken out of the ESD contract three years ago.
Superintendent Parker said the charge was about $20,000. A survey was taken among the schools to determine if the service should be continued. The results of that survey showed the high school was the only school that utilized the program to a great extent, and it was determined not to fund the film and video program thereafter. Schools are, however, able to use the materials if they pay the fee out of their discretionary funds.
Tom Bennett said he would like to see a request from the Site Councils, if they would care to take it on as a project.
Arnie Roblan recollected that, at the time consideration to cut the program was being made, film/video rental was about $10 each, according to the ESD. The principals felt they could be purchased for that amount rather than rented.
ANNUAL CONVENTIONS / Arrangements for five Board members have been made to attend the OSBA Annual Convention in Portland November 10-12. Donna Stolle reminded the Board the budget for travel is very tight this year.
Regarding the NSBA Annual Convention in San Diego, California March 24-27, 2001, Tom Bennett will be going as an officer of the OSBA. Wally Hazen and Sue Walberg have requested to attend.
REPORTS / Don Blom said he was fortunate to attend the Court of Appeals at Marshfield High School recently. It was well attended and a great experience -- a success at many levels. Superintendent Parker said he had received two letters immediately following the event, both very complimentary about the high school, its excellent administration, and the community as a whole.
(continued) / Donna Stolle asked for input regarding the make-up of the Board committees. No input being received, assignments will remain the same.
CBEA/OSEA / OSEA Secretary Linda Smith acknowledged this was “Classified School Employees Week” and thanked the Board for their recognition.
MHS ACTIVITIES / MHS student representative, Blaine Barklow, shared events and activities at the high school including Freshmen Class Council elections, Link Crew update, Homecoming Court, the upcoming Oregon Court of Appeals to be held at MHS, athletic events, academic honors, upcoming concerts, Forensics competition, etc.
COOK ISLANDS / Superintendent Parker introduced honored guests from the Cook Islands -- Mr. Puna, Headmaster of Araura College, Aitutaki, Cook Islands, and his wife. Arnie Roblan, Giles Parker, and John Vickrey went to the Cook Islands recently to start what would hopefully become a sister school relationship. Mr. Puna greeted the Board and expressed their gratitude for the hospitality and the program arrangements being made.
BUNKER HILL / After introductions of the staff, Principal Gael Berhow provided an update on programs and events at Bunker Hill, highlighting the TOP, the new roof (thanks to the passage of the bond measure), Open House, volunteers, field trips, assessment scores, the six pillars of character, Title 1 reading, and community involvement. Mrs. Berhow expressed their excitement about the busy year ahead and invited Board members to be in the school whenever possible.
Chairman Stolle thanked Mrs. Berhow for her presentation and commented on how good the landscaping around the school is looking.
AT MHS / Caddy McKeown recalled that, several years ago, several parents got together to talk about how to increase student awareness and knowledge about scholarships. They found that Lesli Gieselman, working in the computer lab at Marshfield, was working on that same effort. She had come up with a “CAST” program and hoped to help about 25 students; 100 responded.
AT MHS (continued) / They then found an Oregon-based program called ASPIRE (Access to Student assistance Programs In Reach of Everyone). ASPIRE is a volunteer-based program that makes use of the skills and commitment of parents and community members, working one-on-one with students. References and criminal record checks are required for all volunteers. Working as support for the counselors, ASPIRE volunteers provide hands-on assistance, training, and encouragement to students. They especially hope to reach those from low-income families and those who will be the first generation to attend college.
The goals of ASPIRE are to mentor and advise students in their school planning; to increase the number of Oregon students seeking and receiving college scholarships and financial aid; to provide technical assistance for volunteer recruitment and screening; and to encourage citizen and community involvement.
Lesli Gieselman applied for and received a grant to bring the program to Marshfield High School. There are already 27 active volunteers and 70 students in the program. They plan to extend the program to freshmen as volunteers are received. Caddy McKeown said it is their desire to make it available to 8th graders so they can have the proper curriculum in pace for their future.
Principal Arnie Roblan thanked Lesli for her commitment to this program.
ABUSE TESTING / Paul Huzefka said the CE2 Advisory Council had discussed some changes to the Substance Abuse Testing policy for CE2 students. The basic change is a negative test for drugs before being accepted into the program rather than testing following admission.
If a student is admitted and then tested positive for drugs, they may go into a diversionary program rather than into a job site. Sue Walberg said CE2 has to find alternative job sites for those students until they are ready to be placed at a regular job site. Officer Darrell King commented the policy originally was to have students come into the program drug free, but somehow that got changed during revisions. The intent of the Advisory Council was to have a “clean” UA to get into the program, putting the responsibility on the student to be drug free upon admission and
(continued) / to stay clean through the program. If, somewhere during the program, a student was tested negative, then they could be assigned to a diversionary program.
Don Bock said he believes the change would make the policy more consistent with other District policies and thinks the change would be good, especially since CE2 sends the students out into the community.
This revised policy will receive second reading at the November Board meeting.
WEEK / Donna Stolle expressed the Board’s desire to honor classified school employees this week and read a statement proclaiming October 9-13, 2000 to be Classified School Employees Week. Don Blom moved the Board approve the Proclamation. The motion was seconded by Wally Hazen and Tom Bennett and unanimously passed by the Board.
Chairman Stolle said that, personally, she has had children in the schools a long time and she is one thankful parent for the work the classified employees have done for their benefit.
REVISED POLICIES / Superintendent Parker reviewed the revisions of the policies being considered for adoption. Policy IB/DJA, Home Schooling, reflects changes made by the last legislature as well as some revisions made to indicate the District’s cooperation and collaborative efforts.
Policy IGBA, Students with Disabilities, has been replaced with a new policy that cites proper legal references. Procedures for students with disabilities are retained in a handbook in the Special Education office which is consistent with the policies and procedures as approved by and on file with the Oregon Department of Education.
Policy JEA, Compulsory Attendance, Policy JHFDA, Suspension of Driving Privileges, and Policies JHFDA-AR(1) and (2) have all been revised to reflect legislation the connects school attendance and behavior/discipline with driving privileges.
(continued) / Tom Bennett suggested that the second paragraph of Policy IB/DJA be changed to include “other academic programs” in the list of programs in which home schoolers may participate. Superintendent Parker said that is the intent, and the wording will be changed.
With that wording change, Tom Bennett moved adoption of revised Policy IB/DJA, replacement Policy IGBA, revised Policy JEA, revised Policy JHFDA, revised Policy JHFDA-AR(1), and revised Policy JHFDA-AR(2). Rob Wall seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
2001-08 / Rod Danielson explained to the Board that Resolution 2001-08 was presented for their adoption, authorizing the District to enter into a financial agreement to borrow an amount not to exceed $600,000 for a term not to exceed ten years. As agreed to previously by the Board, this money would be used to fund a portion of the Track & Field project at the high school and is intended to be repaid within eight years.
Wally Hazen moved the Board adopt Resolution 2001-08 as presented. Rob Wall seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
2001-09 / Resolution 2001-09 authorizes the adjustment of appropriations and budgets for actual grant awards in the Special Revenue Fund.
Rob Wall moved the Board approve adoption of Resolution 2001-09. Wally Hazen and Caddy McKeown seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
2001-10 / Rod explained that Resolution 2001-10 authorizes signatures for signing checks for Destinations Public Charter School like all other schools in the district have.
Caddy McKeown moved, Wally Hazen seconded, and the Board unanimously approved adoption of Resolution 2001-10.
MEMBERS / Destinations Principal Karen Gray provided the names of the two remaining Destinations Advisory Board positions to be filled -- student Jordan Knowlton, and parent Mary Loper.
(continued) / Sue Walberg moved the Board approve these two appointments as required by the charter agreement. Tom Bennett seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
Tom Bennett clarified with Karen Gray that, if a student whose parent served on the advisory board were to leave the program, the parent would no longer serve on the advisory board. Ms. Gray confirmed that a “parent” on the advisory board must be a parent of a “current” student.
ITEMS / Curriculum Director Barb Walton updated the Board on training that took place during the September 22 Professional Development Day as well as training opportunities coming up on October 13, State Inservice Day.
She provided the Board with the 2000 State Assessment and Scholastic Aptitude Test results and took them on a detailed tour through the statistics.
In general, she said, our District students are making very good progress in meeting or exceeding state standards. Having a high mobility rate, probably as high as 30%, it makes tracking a class of students as a cohort group very difficult to do.
Regarding the SAT scores, Barb proudly pointed out that Marshfield exceeded both state and national averages in verbal and math scores in 2000. 30% of the Marshfield students took the SATs.
Barb reminded the Board that assessments scores are only one indication of students’ progress. Teachers do much more than give assessment tests.
Jeremy Lyon complimented Barb Walton on the tremendous work she does, saying the focus on alignment really does not happen unless you have great leadership like the District has in Barb.
ITEMS / Assistant Superintendent Jeremy Lyon reported on a new effort to discuss Harding Building usage. Many groups either use or want to use the Harding Building. Right now, eleven different groups have some level of usage there. Considering the needs of the District now and in the future, the group plans to bring a recommendation regarding long-range plans for the Harding Building to the Board at its January, 2001 meeting.
Dr. Lyon also made the Board aware of some transportation problems. The District contracts with Laidlaw for its busing service, and they are experiencing a shortage of bus drivers, as is the entire nation according to research. He assured the Board that Laidlaw is working diligently to find and train drivers in order to overcome these problems.
POLICY DN / Dr. Lyon explained that the revision in Policy DN, Disposal of School Equipment and Materials, is simply to change the person in charge of disposing of used equipment and supplies owned by the district. All reference to “director of support services” has been changed to “business manager.” The revised policy will be given second reading at the November Board meeting.
DBH and DBI / Rod Danielson explained that Policy DBH, Budget Adoption Procedures, replaces the outdated Policy DBH/DBHA and reflects changes in the budget process. Rob Wall recommended a wording change, which will be included in the second reading. Policy DBI, Budget Amendment Procedures, is a new policy relative to budget estimates and ad valorem property taxes. Both policies will receive second reading at the November Board meeting.
REPORT / Rod Danielson updated the Board on the financial state of the District as of September 30, 2000. The District borrowed $151 thousand to meet expenditures until more tax revenues are received. This is typical for this time of year.
The Capital Projects Fund had a balance of $460,642, of which about $300,000 has been proposed to carryover to next year. The General Obligation Fund balance was $4,966,868,the remainder of the $9.9 million bond money. The $1.5 million Track & Field Project is going along within budget. Rod said the $80,536 balance in the Food Services Fund will inch downward.
(continued) / Rod updated the Board on the financial effects of the CBEA insurance change. Of the 206 CBEA employees, 127 switched coverage -- a better response than anyone anticipated. The savings to the District will be about $172,000 this year. However, since the budgeted amount was not sufficient in the first place, only about $100,000 savings will be realized.
During September, approximately $275,000 in the MHS Scholarship Fund was transferred to the Oregon Community Foundation to in an effort to gain greater interest on those funds, thus increasing the amount of funds available for scholarships.
The auditors reviewed the District financial records in September. When their report is complete, Rod will present it to the Board at a regular meeting.
Rod informed the Board it was necessary to hire a Grade 4/5 teacher at Madison to reduce overcrowded classroom situations. The new teacher is on board, and the relief is greatly appreciated.
September also brings the end of the quarter for reporting official student counts. Rod will have a report on ADM at the November Board meeting.
DEVELOPMENT / Superintendent Parker said Professional Development Days have provided excellent training opportunities for teachers. It was felt the District needed to do something more formal for professional development of administrators too. Dr. Parker brought their attention to a handout outlining opportunities being considered.
POLICY CCA / Superintendent Parker provided a revised Organizational Flow Chart for the Board and administration to review. He asked for feedback prior to second reading at the November meeting.
ADJOURN / Chairman Donna Stolle asked to have an update on the math/science building progress at the November meeting and then adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m.

Donna Stolle Mary Bjornerud