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The Pavilion
London Road
West Kingsdown
TN15 6BZ
21st April 2017
I hereby summon you to attend the Parish Council Meeting of West Kingsdown Parish Council to be held in the Main Hall, Old School, School Lane, West Kingsdown commencing at 7.45pmon Wednesday 26th April 2017 to transact the following business.
Clerk to the Council.
Members of the Parish Council: CllrM Stoneham(Chairman), Cllr C Yarnold (Vice Chairman), Cllr I Bosley, Cllr Mrs P Bosley, Cllr V Codling,Cllr G Christie, Cllr Miss J Holdstock, Cllr A Illingworth, Cllr D Land, Cllr Mrs M Richards, Cllr Mrs J Watchorn.
Planning Committee
1.Apologies for Absence
2.Declarations of Interest
3. Plans:
SE/17/01045/FUL: 8 Stacklands Close: Erection of a 2 bedroom bungalow and alterations to existing bungalow, dividing existing site and new parking areas on each plot and a driveway to allow vehicular access to both of them
SE/17/00804/FUL: Lynwood, Knatts Valley Road: Erection of two small stable buildings comprising 3 stables and a haystore/tack room, provision of manure store and creation of a ménage.
SE/17/00757/HOUSE: Carianleigh, London Road: Proposed dropped kerb and hardstanding
APP/G2245/W/15/3097698 Knatts Valley Caravan Park, Knatts Valley Road:
Notice of re convened Appeal: A date has been received the appeal will continue on 25th May at 10am in the Council Chambers at Sevenoaks District Council.
APP/G2245/D/17/3166581: Letitia Botsom Lane: The Erection of a replacement double garage. This appeal to be heard by written representations
APP/G2245/W/17/3166595: Land east of Letitia Botsom Lane: demolition of a existing garage and erection of a detached 4 bedroom dwelling with a detached garage. This appeal to be heard by written representations
Parish Council Meeting
1. Apologies for absence.
2.Declaration of Interests relating to items on the Agenda
3. Minutes of Previous Meetings
To approve the MINUTES of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 22nd March 2017, as attached.
To approve as a correct record the MINUTES of theParish Council Meeting held on22nd March 2017, as attached.
To approve as a correct record the MINUTES of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 10th April 2017, as attached.
To approve as a correct record the MINUTES of the General Purpose Committee held on 10th April 2017as attached.
4.Any Urgent Business
The Chairman to rule that any business received since the despatch of the Agenda, by reason of special circumstances, be considered, in order to avoid any undue delay and have up to date information.
5.Diary Item: Woodside Rushetts Road:
The Clerk has spoken to Planning Enforcement Officer and they have confirmed that a planning application has been received and is awaiting validation, before Parish receives it as consultees. We understand that a visit has been made to the property by Sevenoaks District Council.
6. Land East of Fawkham Road: This was under an enforcement notice to vacate by the end of March. It is not clear if the site has been vacated.
7. Footpaths:
SD271. Diversion order:
There is to be a hearing on tis diversion order. It has been arranged for 22nd August and will be held at the Pavilion commencing at 10am
Consultations on planning applications
You may be aware that at the meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee on 17th January 2017 Members agreed that Parish and Town Councils should be consulted on proposed arrangements about how they are to be notified of planning applications.
At present we write to you and send, through the post, the associated documents and plans submitted in support of the application.
With our aim to be innovative and supportive of paper less working practices as well as encouraging the submission of applications electronically via the Planning Portal website, there is an opportunity to receive application notifications from us sooner through the use of email.
I am therefore writing to ask you to consider how you wish to be notified in future. I would be grateful if you would indicate your preference on the attached pro forma and return it to our Validation team by 5 May.
9. Millfield Road:
It has been noted that the area cleared at the rear of Millfield Road has begun to encroach forwards, Members are asked to visit the site.
10. Moss at Millfield Road:
David Diboll has viewed the area and says there is little moss currently there due to dry weather Members are asked to visit the site so that the matter can be discussed at the meeting. This is at the Land towards the back of the woods.
11. Advertising:
There is reported to be several boards advertising around the village, also many on Parish Council notice boards overlapping or covering parish signs.
12. Report from the Old School management Committee
13. Finance
Details to be tabled.
Accounts for 2016/17
These have been prepared and are currently with auditor before formal adoption
The firstawareness road show will be held on 10am – 2pm Wednesday 3rd May. West Kingsdown Village Hall
15.Matters Arising:
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Bakers Avenue: The Clerk has made an enquiry with the payback scheme for clearing the rubbish
Burial Ground:
Councillors have met on Monday 24th April with the Grave digger and grounds contractor to discuss siol storage and new area for cremated remains
16. Newsletter Items:
17.Dates of Next meetings
Planning & General Purpose Committee: Monday 13th May 2017 at 7.45pm at Old School
Planning & Annual Parish Council Meeting: Wednesday 24th May 2017 at 7.45pm at Old School
18.Ancillary Post Tabled for Members’ information