City Hall 404 S. Jefferson Street
May 23, 2017 @ 5:00 P.M.
Draft: Minutes will not be official until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Alderman meeting.
PRESENT: Present members were: Mayor David Norman, Alderman Burrely Loftin, Alderman Stan Lovan, Alderman Keith Jones, Alderman Noel Dye, City Clerk Suzanne Welsh, Administrative Director Peggy Porter, City Attorney Larry Tyrrell, and Police Chief Reggie Johnson.
GUESTS: An attendance register was provided for guests to sign.
I. Call to order: The meeting on May 23, 2017 of the City of Ava, Board of Aldermen, was called to order by Mayor David Norman.
II. Roll call of Aldermen: Aldermen present were: Burrely Loftin, Keith Jones, Noel Dye & Stan Lovan.
III. Approval of Minutes: Minutes of April 25, 2017 Board of Aldermen meeting were presented to the aldermen ahead of the meeting. The minutes were approved as presented.
V. Approve or Amend agenda: Motion was made to amend the agenda by Keith Jones and seconded by Burrely Loftin. Motion carried. All were in favor.
VI. Order of business:
A. Unfinished business: None
B. Reports of special boards, committees & city officers
1. Administrative Director Peggy Porter: Finance & Budget hearing- Cash balances for April
are staying steady at $1.8 million. The FY2018 proposed budget is $11,885.141 including the
full cost of the Airport runway project. The budget hearing will be on Monday, June 12, 2017
at city hall. KPM accountant Jennifer Schatzer will be at city hall in August.
2. City Clerk Suzanne Welsh: nothing
C. Reading of Bills (proposed ordinances) and Resolutions- None
D. Mayor/Aldermen’s comments:
1. Graham property- no asking price was given.
2. Verizon- the company has hired a group to look at the footings for stabilization. James Cardinal has been the contact person for Verizon and will discuss the contract and proposal when the time comes they agree to use the water tower for their antennas. Having Verizon pay for the cost of painting the outside of the water tower is one of the options to be discussed before the equipment is installed along with having Hogan do the installation work for Verizon.
3. Landscaping- Aldermen Keith Jones recommended using Zach Uhing as the low bid of $8,800.00 also stating he is a local business owner. It was agreed upon to have two council members as a committee to work with Zach on the landscaping project. Keith Jones and Stan Lovan were chosen for the committee. A motion was made by Keith Jones to hire Zach Uhing for the landscaping project at city hall with a bid price of $8,800.00 and seconded by Stan Lovan. Motion carried. All were in favor 4-0.
4. Sidewalk- A new sidewalk was constructed in front of Michelle Stout’s beauty salon.
5. Houses to remove- Money has been put in the budget for demolishing houses. Property owners will need to be contacted; verification of lien on property, having property owner deed over lot after house has been removed so the city will have control of mowing or selling the lot. The cost involved in demolition and removal is around $5, 000 to $6,000 per house.
6. ISO Rating- the city is looking into ISO rating for alternative methods of lowering the rating other than purchasing a new pumper truck. Keith Jones mentioned speaking with local insurance agents and they each handled the ratings differently. A for profit company collects data and sells back the information. Some insurance companies will use it and some won’t; some goes by actual loss value.
7. Street Signs- East side signs are completed.
8. Heart of the Ozarks BBQ- Thursday, May 25th. The nursing home has over 90 residents with around 100 employees.
9. Solar Power Farms- there is no financial benefit for having a company come into the city offering solar power; MPUA has more solar power generation than all companies tied together. A company had called wanting to gather information but was looking at purchasing 20 acre farms outside the city limits. They would have to be inside the city limits in order to be on city electric.
10. Pool pump- the main pump for the Ava pool went out and is on order from Independent Electric. It is the main pump which circulates the chlorine and HCL to lower the ph levels. If the pump does not arrive soon, the pool will have to be drained. The mayor will check with the company, tracking the shipment, to find out when it will arrive.
VII. Court Docket – approval for April 21, 2017. A motion was made by Burrely Loftin and seconded by Keith Jones to approve April 21, 2017 court docket. Motion carried. All were in favor.
VIII. Closed Session under RSMo 610.021 (1) Litigation (3) Personnel- A motion to go into closed session was made by Burrely Loftin and seconded by Stan Lovan. Motion carried. All were in favor.
IX. Adjourn- meeting was adjourned at 6:00 P.M.
Minutes submitted by: ______
Suzanne Welsh, City Clerk
Approved by: ______
Mayor David Norman