West I-10 Chamber of Commerce

P. O. Box 100, Pattison, Texas77466

Board of Directors Meeting

September 4, 2013 – 7:30 a.m.


Igloo Lobby Conference Room

Board of Directors: Bill Fry (2), Adam Traweek (1), Rosemary Gambino (5),

Jim Vaughn (3), Jeff Cartwright (4), Steve Pierson (6), Greg Turner (7)


Attendees: Bill Fry, Adam Traweek, Greg Turner, Jim Vaughn, Rosemary Gambino,Jeff Cartwright, Steve Pierson, and Paul McConnellandKathryn McAdams Wilson

A)Quorum recognized and the meeting was called to order at 7:40 am by Chairman Bill Fry. Invocation by Bill Fry.

Action Items:

B)Motion was made by Jim Vaughn, second by Rosemary Gambino,to approve the July 3, 2013, BOD minutes. Motion carried. (There was no meeting in August due to lack of quorum.)

C)Motion was made by Jim Vaughn, second by Adam Traweek, to approve the financial statements and invoices for July 2013 and August 2013; motion passed unanimously.

D)There were no new membership applications to approve.

E)Motion was made by Steve Pierson, second by Jeff Cartwright, to approve renewal of D&O Liability Insurance Policy ($832/YR) with the additional Crime insurance ($309/YR) with Frost Insurance; motion passed unanimously.

F)Motion was made by Jim Vaughn, second by Adam Traweek, to approve $100 donation to the Marnie Rose Foundation in memory of Cindy Zerwas.

Discussion Items:

G) Committee Reports:

1)Education Committee (Robert and Julie Ormond)– not present to report

2)Programs Committee (Rosemary Gambino) – September 10: Richard Fields of Aguirre & Fields as speakerand 2013 BOD Elections, October 15- Monica Matthews- guest speaker (Wellness in the Workplace; November 8, Annual Appreciation Awards Banquet (no monthly luncheon) December 10 – Rep Cecil Bell, Jr., and WC Judge Glenn Beckendorff.

3)Fundraising Committee (Steve Pierson)– No report.

4)Membership/Ambassadors/Public Relations & Advertising – No report.

5)Website (Paul McConnell) –Paul reported that ouremail issueswith spam are a result of being on a shared server at Hostmonster. To change hosting services to Network Solutions with our designated server will cost 23.99/month or 290/year. The first year package would cost $469 including the one-time charge of $189 for Facebook marketing. Board agreed the changeover should be approved.

6)Governmental Affairs (Adam Traweek) –Next GA committee meeting scheduled for September 19 at Severn Trent on Morton Road; J.L. Rose – Brookshire-Katy Drainage District.

7)Economic Development (Jon Strange) –– not present to report.

8)Annual Banquet (Roberta Meader)– Not present to report.

H)Old Business:

1)Admin. Manager’s Report (Kathryn)–

2)September 10 board election. Positions up for re-election: 1- Adam Traweek, 3- Jim Vaughn, 5- Rosemary Gambino (not seeking re-election), and 7 – Greg Turner (not seeking re-election due to term limit).

Nominating Slate of Candidates: Adam Traweek/Amegy Bank; Barry Koch/Ryan Ford; Corinne Hillsman Vahalik/Vahalik & Vahalik; Jim Vaughn/Lloyd’s Register-West Engineering; Mary Garbett/Right Time Real Estate; Paul McConnell/Key Insurance Agency; and Rich Gussert/Grundfos

3)Membership status. – List of to-date membership renewals filed as part of these minutes.


G.New Business: Pre-Banquet meeting at Hemi-Hideout for Board of Directors. Board agreed to change the venue and time of the October BOD meeting to 5:00pm at the Hemi-Hideout for a chance to preview the venue of the Nov 8 Banquet. – Refreshments will be served.

  1. Open discussion & other business: Executive Director and Home Office for 2014.

Bill appointed a “Search Committee” (Bill Fry, Adam Traweek, and Rosemary Gambino) for the tasks of replacing Kathryn and finalizing Chamber office location. Rosemary agreed to set up a meeting with Michael Montgomery to confirm office space at the Cotton Gin.

  1. Closing:

1)Next Meeting Date: Wednesday, October 2,2013, 5:00 pm at the Hovas Car Barn – Hemi Hideout.

2)Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 a.m.

Submitted by:

Kathryn McAdams Wilson

For/Rosemary Gambino, Secretary

July 3, 2013 BOD Minutes - Page 1 of 2