Northern Railway
Headquarters Office, Baroda House, New Delhi. No:- 53-TT/Tfc. Block/MB/17 Dated: 19.04.18
Sub: - Mega Block of 04:00hrs on Dn & UP line in SPN-MB section.
Ref:- AOM/MB message No. 1-TT/ER/Block/18 dated 18.04.18.
In reference to the above, the competent authority has sanctioned 04:00hrsmega block on 21.04.18 (Saturday) on DN lineand 3.00 hrs. on22.04.18 (Sunday) on UP line for maintenance of assets.
Detail and repercussionswould be as under:
S.N / Section / Block Duration / RepercussionOn 21.04.2018(Saturday) (Dn Side)
1 / DAM Yd-DAN / 04:00hrs / 09:00-13:00 / 1.15654 (JAT-GHY) JCO 20.04.18 will be
regulated for 130” en-route.
2.15910 (LGH-DBRG)JCO 20.04.18 will be
regulated for 75” en-route
3.13152 (JAT-KOAA)JCO 20.04.18 will be
regulatedfor 120” en-route.
4. 24370 (BE-SKTN) JCO 21.04.18 will be
rescheduled Ex- BE. for 110”
Late running train, special train and freight
train will be regulated en-route.
Points Block in BTRA Yard will lead piloting
of trains in Up directions and it will make
movement sluggish.
2 / CBJ-BE / 09:20-13:20
3 / PMR-TSA / 09:50-13:50
4 / BLPU-MK / 10:00-14:00
5 / BTRA Yd-SPN / 10:30-14:30
On 22.04.2018(Sunday) (Up Side)
1 / RYS-BRYC / 03:00
Hrs. / 15:25-18:25 / 1.22453(LJN-MTC) JCO 22.04.18will beregulatedfor 30” en-route.
2.13307(DHN-FZR) JCO 21.04.18will be regulatedfor 30” en-route.
3.15211 (DBG-ASR) JCO 21.04.18 for 60” regulates en-route.
Before allowing block at DAM and DLP, an
assurance will need to be obtained from
PWI, that movement of Dn Train will benormal.
Late running train, special train and freight train
will be regulated en-route.
2 / BRYC-BE / 15:30-18:30
3 / BE-CBJ / 03:00
Hrs. / 11:30-14:30
4 / DAN-MIL / 11:50-14:50
5 / DAM Yd-SAR / 12:10-15:10
6 / DLP Yd / 12:30-15:30
Advise all concerned accordingly. Wide publicity should be given through PA system, newspapers and electronic media. Proper announcement regarding regulation/reschedulingof trains must be ensured for the information of general public. Kindly ensure that safety measures/precautions as per rules are taken at work site during the block.
for G.M./Optg.
Copy:- Secy. to COM for kind information of COM.
Director TT/Punctuality Rly. Board for kind information please.
CPRO/S.E. Road, New Delhi,.Dy. CCM/Database, Sr. DOM’s/NR.