West Fen Annual Parish Meeting

7.30 pm on 15th March 2016

Carrington Village Hall



District Councillors

Cllr Neil Jones


Mr Lee Edney, Mrs Louise Edney, Mr David Bottomley, Mr John Dawson, Mrs Margaret Dawson, Mr RichardLenton, Mrs JaniceLenton, Mr JohnLenton, Mrs CarolineChester O`Neill, Mr AnthonyEverall, Mrs JuneEverall,Mrs Lucy Edwards (arrived 7.50pm).


Mr Timothy and Mrs Sarah Hopper, Mr Colin and Mrs Susan Pennells, Mrs Donna Chester O’Neill, Mrs Amanda Lenton, Mr Stephen and Mrs Susan Kinselley, Mr David and Mrs Carol Goodland.

Cllr Jones agreed to act as Chair of the Parish Meeting unless and until a new Chair was elected later during the course of the meeting.

Declarations of Interest

Cllr Jones explained to all present the concept of declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.

No interests were declared at this point in the meeting.

It was explained that should, during the course of the meeting, an issue arise that would warrant a declaration of interest to be made, then such an interest could be declared at that point by the individual concerned.

Background to the history of West Fen Parish Meeting and where we stand today

Louise Edney and Richard Lenton gave a brief overview of the history of West Fen and its` Parish Meeting.

It was explained how, due to ill health, Richard Lenton had not been able to keep up with the statutory requirements for continuing the Parish Meeting in recent years (and therefore why Cllr Jones was chairing the meeting in the first instance). It was explained why 6 electors had to call the meeting.

An extract from the Minutes Book dated 1987 was read out by Louise Edney, illustrating how West Fen Parish Meeting was faced with a very similar situation back then; which led to Richard Lentons` election as Chair/Clerk to the Parish Meeting.

The planning application recently made at land adjacent to Holme Farm, West Fen was referred to, as many of the electors present tonight were also at a private meeting at Holme Farm when views were expressed on the reconstitution of the Parish Meeting for future generations. The concerns raised at that private meeting about how the developer tried to bypass the West Fen residents, by consulting with Stickney Parish Council prior to the application being made, were relevant to why this meeting had been called tonight.

Louise Edney outlined her discussions with Mrs Sue Brewitt of ELDC elections department. Mrs Brewitt had confirmed that many small rural Parish Meetings only have 2 set meetings per year, with little or no precepts, were not onerous to operate, were not hugely “political” and allow people to have a say on local issues. The question to be decided tonight is what do local electors want and how should we continue?

Richard Lenton commented on the uniqueness of West Fen, due to its` history, and how in his opinion it would be nice to preserve its` own identity.

Discussion on whether West Fen Parish Meeting remains an independent parish

Cllr Jones led the discussion by explaining the options open to residents. He explained the differences between remaining an independent parish meeting and entering into a joint arrangement with another larger Parish Council; such as Stickney or Carrington and New Bolingbroke.

He said that the name of West Fen could be retained in a joint venture with another council. Whichever way we decided, he thought it important that the approximately 92 electors in West Fen should be represented in some way with ELDC, rather than not at all. It is for the residents to decide. ELDC will not impose it on the residents.

Cllr Jones stated that there is now reduced government funding to local authorities, which means a budget deficit of £6m to ELDC and £50m to Lincolnshire CC year on year. They in turn are pushing the burden of shortfalls to local areas, which means that those parishes that want funding for street lighting or paving will have to pay for it.

Richard Lenton stated that we haven`t got, and are unlikely to get, any of that in West Fen.

Cllr Jones referred to the solar power plant in West Fen and the £10,000 fund that the developer pledged to local communities. He said that only a Parish Meeting or Parish Council could claim for that funding or other grants, such a lottery funding, maybe to put up a notice board or bench.

Cllr Jones also briefly summarised the formalities and duties of Parish Councils versus Parish Meetings, including officers, record keeping, clerking, expenses, meetings, third party liability insurances, accounting, auditing and precepts. He explained how the Langrick precept was currently £1.30 per month based on 200 electors, but a Parish Meeting was free to set its` own precept with no upper limit (in theory). He said that any matters to be voted on must be advertised on the agenda and not raised in Any Other Business.

Cllr Jones said that it was not for him to influence which way we decided to vote. He disclosed that he as a District Councillor receives £4200 per annum including his expenses, which is raised as a precept.

Cllr Jones then asked for opinions from all electors present.

Louise Edney expressed a preference for retaining the independence and individual countryside character of West Fen. There was no animosity towards other Parish Councils, but she felt that the local people of West Fen were best placed to deal with West Fen issues at source. She said that she felt strongly about having an independent voice and a right to reply on planning issues locally. She had no agenda for developing West Fen with street lights or paving and no desire to raise a precept, preferring to keep things as simple as possible with charitable contributions from local residents.

All other electors present, save for Lucy Edwards, simply confirmed their agreement with Louise Edney on these points and a desire to remain independent rather than join up with another Parish Council (although Margaret Dawson did comment that she could see pros and cons both ways).

Lucy Edwards expressed mixed feelings on the subject. She declared that she lived in West Fen, but was a recently elected Parish Councillor for Stickney. Lucy stated that she felt that she did use the village facilities in Stickney and that the facilities there make a difference to the local community. She joined Stickney Parish Council as there was no West Fen equivalent then. She queried if Parish Meetings had access to local charitable grants that could be used on community projects, for example.

Lee Edney confirmed that a Parish Meeting did have some powers including fund raising, like a Parish Council, and could even, for instance, appoint trustees to a parochial charity if it so wished. Cllr Jones agreed and suggested that West Fen parishners could go to other local council or area meetings and liase with them about such matters to gather information. The bigger the local council the bigger the fund raising ability (generally speaking).

Richard Lenton commented that he, for example, goes to Sibsey for shopping. Both the Stickney GP and schools have large catchment areas (not just West Fen). He said the only item that we clearly benefit from is the usage of the burial site in Stickney. We have no lighting or pavements. He said the last Stickney Parish accounts that he had seen had large expenditure figures, whereas West Fen would have minimal costs. He wanted whatever we pay to be put into West Fen and did not see the need for great expenditure. Richard commented that anyone using a new roadside bench in West Fen was likely to be run over by a vehicle!

Cllr Jones accepted that the funding available may not go far, but it may pay for a roadside reactive speed sign (if it could get power that is). He also suggested contacting ELDC about a website for the Parish.

Lucy Edwards asked about meetings and discussing local issues. She was assured that there would be 2 set bi-annual meetings (including annual parish meeting) and that special meetings can be called to discuss matters of urgency or of out of the ordinary significance.

Cllr Jones explained ELDC`s obligations to inform us of local matters arising and how, for example, we would have rights to address a planning committee.

Louise Edney explained how Richard Lenton received advanced notice of the Holme Farm planning application as clerk to the Parish Meeting. June Everall commented that she did not even get a letter from ELDC even though her property bordered the proposed site. Cllr Jones said we should always call the District Councillors if we have any questions on these matters. He also stated that if we elected to remain independent then we could always change our minds in say 6 months` time if it did not work out as envisaged.

Vote on independence

A question was put to the meeting to vote on. This was proposed by Lee Edney and seconded by Janice Lenton.

“Should an independent West Fen Parish Meeting be established?”

The meeting voted in favour of establishing an independent West Fen Parish Meeting. Eleven electors voted in favour, none against with one abstention (Lucy Edwards).

Appointment of Officers

Cllr Jones explained that anybody was entitled to stand to be elected as an officer and he invited nominees. There was some discussion about posts available and the possibility of sub-division of some roles and the formation of a committee. Everyone was encouraged to participate if they so wished. Cllr Jones outlined the sort of roles that may be considered, such as checking for road deterioration or dangerous local trees. He also said that we would need to speak to the Highways department if we wanted to erect a local notice board somewhere.

Louise Edney was proposed as the new Chair by June Everall and seconded by Richard Lenton. She was duly elected as Chair unanimously. At that point, Cllr Jones handed over the Chair to Louise.

Lee Edney was proposed as Clerk by Anthony Everall and seconded by Janice Lenton. He was duly elected as Clerk unanimously.

No other person wished to take on a role or form a committee at this point in time, so there was no further vote. Richard Lenton stated his gratitude to Louise and Lee for organising this meeting.

Louise and Lee Edney are to complete a declaration of interests form to submit to ELDC to be available for public inspection.

It was agreed unanimously that Carrington village hall should be the nominated meeting place as it was convenient and reasonably priced at £12 per night. Louise Edney explained that we are not handling money as a Parish Meeting (eg precept) and that the hall was paid for by a charitable donation from herself tonight, and that she would propose that we continue in this way moving forward (as electors had indicated to her). All present agreed. Anyone wishing to pledge financial support should speak to her. Anthony Everall said he would be happy to pledge towards the cost of next meeting.

Planning decisions and notices

There was only one matter to report and that was the refusal of a planning application to erect 3 dwellings on land adjacent to Holme Farm.

It was explained that the decision had been appealed to the Secretary of State and that an ecological survey had been undertaken by the developer.

Cllr Jones was unsure on time scales, but thought that it was something like 56 days to acknowledge the appeal, but may be longer to reach a decision.


Richard Lenton requested that a letter be sent to Lincolnshire C.C Highways department to complain about the condition of the road between Stickney and New Bolingbroke. The verges were being destroyed and this has effectively narrowed the road. Two cars and a lorry recently ended up in the drain as a result.

Lucy Edwards requested that we include Folly Lane. The road is subsiding badly due to heavy traffic which has worsened in parts due to the activity in building the solar power plant. The power company had pledged to rectify where their heavy lorries had caused damage to the road, but what had been done was inadequate.

Cllr Jones suggested copying in the District and County Councillors and inform Stickney and Carrington Parish Councils. He said we could suggest sending a representative to their meetings. We should advise these parties of our establishment and our officers anyway. We should contact ELDC for a website. Lucy Edwards would suggest to Stickney Parish Council that they send a representative to our meetings.

Richard Lenton complained that the latest advertised list for ELDC local rates/council tax had not shown West Fen separately. For example, we do not pay the same precept as Stickney. This list was a useful comparison for electors. Cllr Jones said that he would look into it. He also explained the capping of rises in certain elements of the precept at 2% per item (parish precepts are not capped).

Matters for the next agenda

Janice Lenton proposed that the results of the Holme Farm planning appeal should be placed on the agenda for discussion.

Date and time of next meeting

It was agreed that the annual meeting would take place in late March and the interim meeting would take place in late September, if possible (to allow for local farming commitments). In any event, we should ensure at least 2 meetings in one calendar year to meet statutory requirements.

A date was set for 7.30pm on 29th September 2016 at Carrington village hall. Louise Edney said that she would book the venue.

The meeting was closed at 8.30pm.

Signed: ………………………………………………..

(Mrs Louise Edney – Chair of West Fen Parish Meeting)

Dated: …………………………………………………

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