Cario Middle School

2013-2014 Yearbook Staff Application

Student Name: 2013-2014 Grade Level:

Parent Name: Home Phone:

Parent Email: Parent cell:

There are 20 openings on the yearbook staff for 6, 7, and 8th graders. Meetings will take place Thursday mornings 7:30-8:15.

Quick Questions

Yes / No
Do you feel comfortable writing and having your work edited?
Do you know how to use a computer?
Have you designed and completed photo scrapbooks?
Do you feel comfortable with electronic publishing and/or learning these skills?
Do you feel comfortable talking to other students you do not know well and interviewing them?
Do you feel comfortable talking to teachers and administrators and interviewing them?
Do you work well with others?
Do you enjoy going to the activities offered afterschool (school football games, basketball games, school dances, etc)?
  1. In the space provided below, tell us why you want to be on Yearbook Staff. Why do you think you will be a valuable part of the staff?
  1. DEADLINES ARE REAL!!!!How will you work toward timely submission of pages?
  1. In what after-school activities are you involved?
  1. Write a caption for the following pictures.

  1. ***Have a teacher complete the attached Teacher Recommendation Form.You may have one of your current teachers or a teacher you had last year complete the form. THEY SHOULD NOT give you the completed form. They should put it in Mrs. Rucker’s box in the mailroom.
  1. Return this form (with your parent’s signature below) to the front office by September 6 (Friday) at 3:30pm. You may turn it in early, but late applications will not be accepted.

I, ______, the parent of ______,

am aware that my child is applying for a position on Cario Middle School’s yearbook staff. I realize that, if chosen, he/she will be required to attend yearbook meetings before school on Thursdays from 7:30-8:15. If my child is chosen for a staff position, I will provide transportation for him/her on Thursday mornings. I realize that as we get closer to deadline dates and final pages for the yearbook must be submitted, my child may need to do some yearbook assignments out of school as well as attend one Saturday in December.

Parent name ______Parent signature ______

CMS Yearbook Staff Teacher Recommendation Form

Please return this form to Mrs. Rucker’s mailbox in workroom. Please do not give your completed form to students.Thank you for helping usto make our staff strong!

Due: Friday, September 6

Student’s Name: Date:

Current Grade Level:

Scoring :

Excellent: 5Good: 4Fair: 3Poor: 2Serious Concern: 1

This student: / Score / Comments (if any)
Follows instructions accurately
Is respectful to students and teachers
Follows all school and classroom rules
Shows pride in school
Has a positive attitude
Turns in assignments on time
Stays on task/focused

Any additional comments about this student’s grades, reliability, or behavior?

Teacher’s Signature: ______

Application for CMS Yearbook – 2013-14