To: Director of Government Logistics Proforma

Attn.: SO(D2) (Page 1 of 2)

Fax: (852) 2116 0104

Market Research (Ref.: K/22/15-261)

Supply of Larvicidal Oil (Anti-Malarial Mosquito Mixture)

to Various Government Departments

I refer to your letter dated 20 October 2015 and would like to provide the following information for the Government’s reference:

(a)  We are capable of and interested in supplying the following different packings of larvicidal oil (anti-malarial mosquito mixture) to the Government:

(I)  in returnable 200-litre drum to Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories#

* □ Yes.

* □ No. (Alternative(s): ______)

(II) in returnable 18-litre tin to Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories#

* □ Yes.

* □ No. (Alternative(s): ______)

(b)  Our product can comply fully with the relevant specifications as per Annex.

Yes* / No* / Details of Non-compliance
□ / □

N.B. Please use additional sheet(s) if required.

(c)  The delivery for the supply of larvicidal oils (anti-malarial mosquito mixture) to various locations in Hong Kong within seven (7) working days from the date of receipt of the order is acceptable:

* □ Yes.

* □ No. (Please provide reason and alternative(s) : ______)

(d)  The duration of the contract:

(i) / Please advise whether a contract duration of 24 months is acceptable. / Yes*□ / No*□
(ii) / If the answer to (d)(i) is NO, please provide reasons and the proposed duration.

(e)  The indicative prices for the supply of larvicidal oil (anti-malarial mosquito mixture):

Unit Net Price^
Larvicidal Oil (Anti-Malarial Mosquito Mixture)
(I) / To be delivered in returnable 200-litre drum to Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories#
(II) / To be delivered in returnable 18-litre tin to Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories#


(1) * Please tick (√) as appropriate.

(2) # Tseung Kwan O, Sai Kung and areas on Lantau Island which are assessable by road are classified as New Territories region.

(3) ^ The prices quoted above are for collecting information only and should not be construed as the Government’s commitment to order.

Name of company (with company chop): ______

Contact person: ______Date: ______

Telephone no.: ______Facsimile no.: ______Email: ______