David W. Johnson
4806 EP True Parkway # 107
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265
(515) 344-7923
Curriculum Vitae for Dr. David Johnson
Bachelor of General Studies,Gonzaga University, Spokane Washington, 1999. Concentration: Choral Conducting, Organ. Studied choral conducting with Dr. Edward Schaefer Final project: Conducted the Gonzaga Chorale in a performance of Hayden’s Mass in G with orchestra. Studied organ with Dr. Janet Ahrend, studied voice with Dr. Jean Stone.
Master of Sacred Music., Graduate Theological Foundation, South BendIndiana, 2005. Concentration: Choral Conducting. Master’s degree recital, Women’s Schola of Hope Lutheran Church, Bozeman Montana, April 2004, Dr. Peter Rousakis, DMIN, D.M.A. advisor. Coursework: Theology and the Arts: Why They Need Each Other in Church Today, Advanced Choral Conducting, Choral Literature, Conducting the Orchestra, Early Christian Worship, Sacred Music Foundations, Hymnody.
Doctorate in Sacred Music., Graduate Theological Foundation, South BendIndiana, 2008. Concentration: Choral Conducting. Doctoral recital, John Rutter’s Requiem, Chancel Choir, Hope Lutheran Church, Bozeman, Montana. Dr. Kirk Aamot, D.M.A. Director of Choral Activities, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana , Dr. Peter Rousakis, DMIN, D.M.A. advisors. Additional concentrations: Parish Administration, the study of looking at Music from a Theological perspective. Additional coursework: Advanced Choral Conducting and Score Study.
The VoiceCare Network. Impact courses St. JohnsUniversity, Collegeville, Minnesota. Recognized member. Dr. Axel Theimer, advisor.
Director of Music and Fine Arts, Faith Lutheran Church, Clive, Iowa, 2012-present
Artistic Director, Soli DeoMusica Concert Series, Faith Lutheran Church, 2012-present
Adjunct Professor of Church Music and the Arts, Grand View University, Des Moines, Iowa, 2012-present
K-12 Classroom, Vocal, Instrumental Educator, Manhattan Christian School,Churchhill, Montana, 2010-2012, Head of the Music department, k-5 classroom music, middle school band and choir, high school band and choir. Upper school choirs received superior ratings consistently at state music festival.
Director of Music,Organist/Choirmaster Hope Lutheran Church, Bozeman, Montana, 2004-2010
Artistic Director, Concert Series, HopeLutheranChurch, Bozeman Montana, 2004-2010
Director of Music/Organist, First United Methodist Church, Holland, Michigan, 2002- 2004
Artistic Director, Noels from First Church, First United Methodist Church, Holland, Michigan, yearly Advent and Christmas Concerts
Director, The music of Gabriel Fauré, joint project between First United Methodist Church, Holland, Michigan, and the Hope College Symphony, Holland, Michigan, 2003
Director, The music of Vivaldi, Respighi and Rutter, joint project between First United Methodist Church, Holland, Michigan, and the Hope College Symphony, Holland, Michigan 2004
Conductor-Teacher, Holland Area Youth Chorale training choir, Holland, Michigan, 1999, 2003-2004 – Training choir for grades 1-3.
K-12 Classroom, Vocal, Instrumental Education, Black River Public School, Holland Michigan, 2001-2004 – Grades 1-6 classroom music, middle school orchestra and choir, high school orchestra, choir and advanced chamber choir. Upper school choirs and orchestra’s received superior ratings consistently at state and regional festivals.
Director of Music/Organist, Georgetown United Methodist Church, Jenison, Michigan, 2000-2002
Director of Music, Fellowship Reformed Church, Holland, Michigan, 1997-2000
Director of Music, SpokaneValley United MethodistChurch, Spokane, Washington, 1991-1997
Professional Voice Studio, 1996-present
Lecture, Demonstration, If You Have the Hymnal, You Have Anthems, United Methodist Fellowship for the Arts summer workshop, WhitworthCollege, Spokane, Washington, 1993
Planning Team Member, United Methodist Fellowship for the Arts National Conference, 1994
Lecture, Demonstration, A Practical Understanding of Handbells, The History and Application of Handbells and Handbell Practice. 20th Century Women Composer’s and their Christmas Music, revolving series of lectures presented to the PEO of Holland, Michigan, 2002-2004
Lecture,The Need for Liturgical Discernment in Choosing Worship Styles, Hope Lutheran Church, Bozeman, Montana, 2006
Lecture, With the WholeChurch – Study for Renewing Worship, HopeLutheranChurch, Bozeman, Montana, 2007
Lecture,Lutheran Music Practices – What did Luther Really Say about Church Music, HopeLutheranChurch, Bozeman, Montana, 2007
Lecture, Demonstration, Building Community through the Choral Rehearsal, Iowa American Choral Directors Association/American Guild of Organists’ mid-winter workshop, Des Moines, Iowa, 2014
Choral Conducting Independent Studies, working with undergraduate music majors from Grand View University. Fall and Spring 2013 and 2014
American Choral Directors Association
American Guild of English Handbell Ringers
American Guild of Organists
Association of LutheranChurch Musicians
Choristers Guild
Music Educators National Conference
The Music of Gabriel Fauré, First United Methodist Church, Holland, Michigan, 2003
And We Shall Sing, Hope Lutheran Church Schola, Hope Lutheran Church, Bozeman, Montana, 2005
Advent Vespers, Hope Lutheran Church Music Ministry, Bozeman, Montana, 2006
The Music of John Rutter, Hope Lutheran Church Music Ministry, Bozeman, Montana, 2007
Celebrating the French Renaissance, the music of Goudimel, Janequin, Rameau, Lullyand Charpentier, Faith Lutheran Church, Clive, Iowa, 2013
Celebrating the Americas, the music of Conrad Susa, Faith Lutheran Church, Clive, Iowa, 2013
Celebrating Germany, the music of J.S. Bach, Christ Lag in TodesBanden, BWV 4, Faith Lutheran Church, Clive, Iowa, 2014
Christmas Carols by Women Composers, featuring the music of Amy Beach, LuiseReichardt (1779-1826), Emilie Zumsteeg (1796-1857), Libby Larsen, Edith Borroff, Elizabeth Posten, performed by members of my private voice studio. Faith Lutheran Church, Clive Iowa, 2014
Choral Tapestry, A New Creation, Rene Clausen. Performed by members of the Music Department, Faith Lutheran Church, Clive Iowa, May 2015
GrandViewUniversity, Des Moines, Iowa (Undergraduate)
Church Music and the Arts
References Provided upon Request.