Wheelers Green Way, Thatcham, Berkshire, RG19 4YF
Tel: 01635 868006, Fax: 01635 867484
PPG direct email:
The Burdwood Surgery Patients Participation Group is made up of a number of patients
and staff who have volunteered to be members of the Group.
The PPG acts as a liaison group between you, the patient and the Doctors
and staff of the Practice. Every three months we hold a meeting that lasts about an hour and a half, in a friendly and informal atmosphere. Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided!
In the past we have discussed changes that are going to affect the NHS, your local Health Service and local hospital services. Proposed developments within the Surgery, services that we offer, staff changes, opening hours and extended hours, and any issues that affect our patients.
We are always keen to welcome new members to our meetings and to capture any feedback you have. We would like to hear what you have to say. Everyone is welcome and together we can make things happen!
If you feel you would rather represent the group without having to attend a meeting, we have recently set up a ‘virtual’ Patient Representation Group (PRG) to run alongside the PPG. Members receive all current PPG information and minutes electronically (we do not post these out). Alternatively you can collect in person from the Burdwood Surgery or view on the surgery website.
From time to time are sent a short mini-survey with questions such as what you think about our opening times or the quality of the care or service you received. Contact is via email and we keep our surveys succinct so it shouldn’t take too much of your time.
If you feel you would like to become a part of the Burdwood Surgery PPG or PRG then please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS and return it to the surgery. Alternatively you can email us direct to register your interest at:
Surname:Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/other (please delete as appropriate) / Forenames:
Your address:
Postcode / Home telephone:
Please tick / Comments
Would you be willing to join our PPG (Patient Participation Group)?
Would you like to receive the minutes of our meetings?
Are there any issues you would like to see on the agenda?
Do you have a special interest in a particular medical condition?
Would you be interested in joining the ‘virtual’ PRG (Patient Representation Group), where you could contribute electronically?