by jpw
As placed in the Qur’an
(Vol. 1)
Copyright © 2006 by jpw
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People, hear the LORD.
All that My prophets have taught
(since the beginning of time!)
is that this, your religion, is but
one religion and I am the author of it;
so serve Me.
Mankind has divided this one religion
into different pieces: and declared unto all,
“A piece for every people!”
It is truly wondrous; how they have cut
Me asunder. Oh, My beloved prophets!
Do your work well; and teach My children
that all will return to Me . . .
in the end.
The Will of God . . . revealed
John 10:15 As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.
John 10:16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice: and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.
These words are the beginning of mankind’s understanding the Will of God upon this earth. Did Christ just say that He would cross His fingers and “hope” that the Christian faith would eventually take in every human being that ever lived? Or did Christ just say that He had WORK to do elsewhere in this world, after His death? One of these events has, indeed, happened and one of these events has not. You can either accept this truth or deny it, but do believe (and understand) that the Will of God is perfect (and unchangeable) and the Truth of God is absolute! This book is about both.
My friend, the conclusion of mankind’s understanding the Will of God is but a hundred, or so, pages away from where you now stand at this moment in time.
“Many sheep and one shepherd” means “all of mankind and one God!” You have just learned the wisdom of the Qur’an (as spoken by Christ, in the Bible). Now, learn the truth of the Qur’an; and prepare yourself for an extraordinary journey, regardless of your beliefs.
This book must be prefaced with a few statements (and explanations) by this author. Please consider everything that is presented in this Preface so that you may know the goal of this book and the intentions of this author.
This book will be difficult for many readers, in one way or another.
Not because any of the material in this book is difficult; but because of our lifelong vanities. Vanities: which have been passed down through centuries of western faith. Vanities: which have been falsely created by Hollywood’s pursuit of money. Vanities: which have been reinforced by the media (because they truly did not investigate). Vanities: which have been used to play upon our fears by politicians seeking power and corruption. Are you getting the gist of this conversation? This book is about the simple Truth of God as found elsewhere in this world. God’s Truth is amazingly simple and easy to learn: all you have to do is to care.
This book will have a few bad words regarding the Jewish faith and Christianity.
Christians are not perfect and Christian beliefs are not perfect. Throughout the ages, many incorrect beliefs have found their way into Christianity. Just because a particular custom is over one-thousand years old does not make that custom right. All it took, so very long ago, was for one person to think; “Wouldn’t it be nice to stand (and kneel) before a cross when we worship God? It would remind us of His sacrifice made for us.” Well, this one person absolutely discarded God’s Second Commandment which reads: “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing: thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them.” We are talking about Ten simple Commandments here, my friend. But one person thought they could improve upon God’s Plan for this world. Is Christianity perfect?
The Jewish faith is no better, or worse, than Christianity. All you need to do is to ask any Jewish person, anywhere in western civilization, when the last time they spent seven days camped out in their back-yard during the Feast of Tabernacles. You will likely hear words similar to: “Well, we aren’t strict Jews: we don’t follow that practice.” Here, you have found yet another person who thought they could improve upon God’s Plan for this world: and in this case, a person who believes they are too good to humble themselves in the eyes of God. Is the Jewish faith perfect?
As you slowly cast aside your vanities and pride while reading this book, remember one thing:
God . . . is . . . perfect. (A simple Truth of this world.)
This book will have a few bad words regarding the Muslim faith
Muslims are not perfect and the Muslim faith is not perfect. If the Muslim faith ever was perfect, it ceased being so shortly after the prophet Muhammad’s death. It was at this time that the Muslim faith divided into factions: something that is strictly forbidden in the Qur’an. The Muslim faith is no better, or worse, than any other faith. This author will not peck at the Muslim faith, but will bring-to-light a few glaring lapses in their practices (as taught in the Qur’an). This author is by no means perfect and could never stand up to anyone pecking at his minor flaws. Life is not about minor flaws: life is about making decisions and learning from mistakes.
This book has not been written to encourage any person to join the Muslim faith
There is but one God in Heaven. His Truth is plain and simple. His Truth “includes” the entire world and all people; no matter where they live; no matter when they lived. This includes Noah; who never read the Ten Commandments, never set foot in a church, never knew Christ as his Savior, and never made the evening prayer as Muslims do. Noah succeeded in life because of the way he lived his life. Noah kept no religion! God chose Noah only because of how Noah lived his life. You will learn more about Noah in the Qur’an than you did in the Bible. This is because God used Noah (many times) as this very example of succeeding in life. Now, why would God use a non-Muslim to teach Muslims in the Qur’an? You will find out soon, my friend. You will discover that God uses Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Elijah, and many more Hebrew prophets to teach Muslims that everything Christ stated was the Truth of God. You will find some amazing truths of this world in the Qur’an that will leave you speechless: IF, IF, IF, you can set aside your vanities (including religious vanities).
So, go to church or do not go to church: this author could care less. Live your life according to the Torah, the Gospel, or the Qur’an: this author could care less. Believe in God or do not believe in God: this author could care less. Everything in this world consists of rights and wrongs: you already know this to be true. For you to not understand God (or to not seek God) is one thing: God will not reject you for this. God is very patient and knows that we all grow-up differently and at different times of our lives. But never REJECT God (or the Word of God) because this shows that you have made a conscious decision that you consider yourself to be above everything that you do not understand. God knows that we are not always able to understand: He states this all through the Bible and the Qur’an. But if you ever reject God, He will absolutely reject you: because of the decision you made.
Have you ever wondered why Christ said we must all come to God as children? (Muslims, remember that the Qur’an tells you that the words of Christ were absolutely true.) Children do not know anything about God. Children know as much about God as you, here today, know about Heaven. But children have hope, children reject NOTHING, children wonder about the truth when they find it, and finally, children never let their mistakes get in their way.
Think about that as this author presents the Truth of God to you (as a grown-up) here in this book. This author will make liberal use of the Preface, Foreword, and Introductions before this book begins in order to “ease” people into God’s Truth as placed in the Qur’an. Not because God’s Truth is difficult or complicated, but because nearly all people have preconceived notions regarding the Qur’an. This author did (for his entire life). Well, this author was wrong. And so are all people who never read the Qur’an. The Muslim faith is of people: the Qur’an is of God.
The best way for any person to understand the Qur’an is to first learn the timeline of God and then see what God has been trying to accomplish here with mankind: for there is only one God in Heaven and He has only one set of children (mankind) upon this earth. Much of what you are about to read was explained, in detail (using only the Bible), in this author’s first four books of Wisdom. About six-thousand years ago, God breathed “life” into a creature called mankind. For our first two-thousand years (one third of our existence here), God did little to teach mankind anything regarding His details. Oh, God was not totally absent in this world, as shown during the times of Babel, Noah, and others of ancient days. Rather, it would seem as though God was giving us time to live our lives according to the common sense and free-will He gave us. But mankind failed miserably in those two-thousand years. The words found in the Bible support this truth. The words found in the Qur’an support this truth.
Then, about four-thousand years ago, God took a very large place in this world starting with a man named Abraham. God made many promises to Abraham, and his offspring, the results of which showed that God was going to take a very large place in this world for quite some time. The Bible makes this crystal clear; likewise, the Qur’an. Using only the Bible and the Qur’an, the Truth of God in this world has reached every single continent upon this earth. (Should you so desire to learn, you will find that the Buddhist, Hindu, and other faiths of this world also contain the Truth of God. Using these faiths also, the Truth of God has reached nearly every square inch of this planet.) Now, here is where many will scream that the Bible and the Qur’an cannot both contain the Truth of God. Oh really?
The Old Testament basically starts with Abraham and a long line of prophets who followed. Every Jew understands that the words spoken by these prophets did, indeed, come from God. Regarding Christians, many believe that the words of these prophets came from God and many do not. This is freely the choice of every Christian (every person really), however, any person choosing not to believe is in danger of God’s anger: better to believe and not understand, than to say God’s Words are lies (or even worse: to say that God’s Word has changed). Every Word of God found on the face of this earth absolutely allows people to not understand Him; the only danger is in rejecting His Words (as lies). Christ Himself stated that He did not come to destroy the words of the ancient prophets, but to fulfill them. Christ stated that, regarding the words of the ancient prophets, not one “i” will be un-dotted nor one “t” uncrossed, until all of the words of the prophets are fulfilled. In fact, Christ came here to make sure that happened. Regarding the Truth of God, nothing changed with the birth of Christ. It would seem (to many) that after Christ, nothing remained: so the Qur’an must be wrong! If Christ showed us our example of death and the Resurrection, then EVERYTHING ended there. The Qur’an must be wrong! It would seem to be this way to some people: it is not this way with God.
There are many ways of looking at the Qur’an; and this pathetic author will teach them to you here. The Bible clearly teaches that Christ was the Logos of Elohim (the Spokesperson of God). Christ Himself said that it was He who spoke to Abraham and Moses. Christ Himself said that, “from henceforth (after His death), we have seen the Father.” Having made this world and mankind, Christ was (somehow) to become the Father after His death. Christians are fine with this because, well, Christ belongs to them (or so they believe). The Truth of God is that any Christian who lives by the words of Christ will do just fine in this world: the important part being to actually follow the words of Christ and to live your life so! Jews pretty much ignore this truth because the Truth of God is right: any Jew who follows the Word of God as spoken by the prophets of the Old Testament will do just fine in this world: the important part being to actually follow the Word of God spoken by these prophets and to live your life so! My friend, would you believe that most of this paragraph comes straight from the Qur’an? It truly does!
Now we come to Muslims: true Muslims who belong to Islam. Islam means “total devotion to God.” Islam does not mean total devotion to a certain cleric who preaches vanities and lies. Islam does not mean total devotion only to the Arab nations or Muslim people. Islam does not mean total devotion to the Qur’an (although it includes this). Islam means total devotion to God and living your life so! No matter who you are, you are about to learn what that means!
Few Muslims understand the Christian faith and this is acceptable; few Christians understand the Muslim faith. But the Qur’an states that the words of Christ are absolutely God’s Truth; furthermore, the Qur’an warns Muslims to not call the words of Christ (and the ancient prophets) lies. No true Muslim would ever do this. But how many Christians have called the words of the Qur’an lies, never having read the Qur’an?
Muslims are taught to believe the Old Testament and the New Testament. Both of these are the Word of God. However, Muslims take the point-of-view (somewhat correctly) that regarding the prior Word of God spoken by the Logos (Christ), we have not yet heard from the Father.
Christians should be just fine with this concept because Christ stated that He only came here to glorify the Father: Christ never, but ever, attempted to glorify Himself: this is important. The truth of the Bible teaches us that it is not ill-conceived that the Father would not speak to this world Himself. Now, the actual truth of this matter is the exact same truth as found in the Old and New Testaments. It WAS only Christ that spoke to the people of the Old Testament because He was the Logos of Elohim (the Spokesperson, or Word of God). This was Christ’s place in Elohim. Once Christ came here, but before His death, Christ stated that “from henceforth, ye have seen the Father.” This is very important. As taught in the earlier books of Wisdom, Christ graduated to becoming the Father upon His death: not upon His returning to this world, but upon His death. This is clearly stated in the Bible. So the words of the Father to Muhammad, spoken through His angel, Gabriel, came by way of Christ (exactly as the Word of God has always come to all of mankind). Christians are the only faith upon the face of this earth, that believe the Truth of God only belongs to them (and those who join their ways). Jews nearly believe this, but are forced to believe that God’s Truth also applies to the lost Ten Tribes, wherever they may be. These Jewish and Christians beliefs (vanities) are spoken of, very much, in the Qur’an. The Word of God in the Qur’an, regarding these Jewish and Christian vanities is not always kind. The Word of God in the Qur’an has only kind words regarding what God has spoken to the Jews and Christians: however, this does not always match Jewish and Christians beliefs (vanities). For any Christian who decides to read the Word of God placed in the Qur’an, please be prepared to have your feelings hurt (exactly as when Christ’s words hurt the Jews who heard them). Maybe having our feelings hurt can be a good thing; especially when it comes from God. Jews are not perfect, Christians are not perfect, and the Qur’an clearly states that Muslims are not perfect. The Qur’an can very much hurt the feelings of every Muslim seeking the Truth of God.