Clerk: Mrs B. Williamson
High Hall, Yedmandale Road, West Ayton, Scarborough, YO13 9JP
Tel: 01723 865033, Email:
Minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting held at DVB Library on 3rd APRIL 2017 @ 7.30pm
Present: Cllr. M Almond (chair), Cllr. M Raw, Cllr. M Baines, Cllr. P Hutchinson, Cllr. S Garbutt, Cllr. C Cussons. Cllr. A Combes, Beverley Williamson – Clerk.
Others present: County Cllr. D Jeffels (part meeting), Borough Cllr. H Phillips (part meeting), Mr & Mrs M Dunn (part meeting).
Apologies: None1/17
Notice of meeting – Public notice 1972 of the meeting has been given in accordance with schedule 12, Para 10 (2) of the Local Government Act.
Declarations of interest: None2/17
Minutes of previous meeting – 13th March 2017:3/17
Pages 254 – 256 agreed & accepted as a true record. Signed by chair.
Public Forum: No issues raised. Resolved.4/17
Action taken on issues raised in Public Forum: No issues. Resolved.5/17
Police: Various incidents during March. 1 traffic incident, collision with traffic furniture, 4 incidents of anti-social behaviour resulting in two arrests at separate incidents, 2 historical accusations which are currently under investigation. A new PCSO appointed & working in the rural area – Ria Lockley.
Borough Councillor Heather Phillips: Fewer committees at moment due to May elections. Undertaken training for licensing committee work. Will explore issues related to siting of static caravans & possible planning issues in Spikers Hill area. Issues related to inconsiderate parking to be reported to Civil Enforcement Officer.
County Councillor David Jeffels: Has explored the parking of camper vans in laybys & obstructing village signs. To be reported to SBC under the inconsiderate parking scheme. Suggested no issue related to removal of holly bush obscuring another village sign, Cllr. Hutchinson volunteered to do this. Announced that Linden Homes had won their appeal to remove emergency access for the 71 houses & claiming costs from SBC.
Wykeham Lakes 106 Funding: Suggestions requested. A plaques scheme of places / buildings of historical interest on an interpretation board in addition to those made at previous meeting. Before any decisions dates & deadlines for submissions required. Clerk to explore.
Clerks Report: 7/17
Complaints received about restricting village signs by parking of camper vans. Cllrs Phillips & Jeffels exploring further avenues under inconsiderate parking scheme. Parish petition for roundabout / traffic calming at top of Garth End Road in Spa & library & has already gained much support. Local elections 4th May. Model Agreement information required. Replacement tree planted. Two councillors to attend local Emergency Plan meeting held in East Ayton – to be discussed further for own implementationat future meeting. YLCA informed of possible support for purchase of Publisher.
Finance: 8/17
Bank Reconciliation April 2017:
Bank Balance:£9910.90
Accounts to be approved for payment this month:
Wykeham Trees000011 £61.20
YLCA (membership)000012£293.00
Land Registration000013 £30.00
E & W Ayton PFA000014£300.00 (donation for Defib case)
Letter to be sent to Barclays expressing dissatisfaction of service & conduct of recent account changes & ultimate closure of accounts as a result.
Parish Assembly: 9/17
Friday 21st April 7.00 in Methodist Hall. Poster on display & on website. All reports contained in Parish Newsletter. Agenda to be produced. Refreshments to be served after presentation 7.45 – 8.30. MR & BW to organise. AC exploring loan of screen.
Parish Newsletter:10/17
Thanks to AC & LC for producing an excellent product. 430 copies ordered for distribution. Distribution by councillors ASAP on receipt of newsletter. Distribution list to be circulated. Councillors will be taking around the petition at the same time seeking support from residents for a possible roundabout.
Planning: 11/17
17/00512/HS – 2 storey extension @ 10 Pearson Garth. No objections, supported application
NYM/2017/0083/FL – 6 Chapel Garth, rear extension. Mr & Mrs Dunn spoke about the amended changes to the initial plan after council objections. Tiles will be changed to rosemary in keeping with surrounding properties & adjustments made to building lines. All supported the changes as positive. NYMNP Planning to be informed.
Weir Island:12/17
Application made to Land registry for this area to be registered as in the ownership of West Ayton Parish Council.
Emergency Plan: 13/17
To be discussed at a future meeting after gathering information at local meeting.
To receive items for the next agenda:14/17
Assets register
Parish Council landidentified on Land registry map – to be reviewed & confirmed as accurate by all.
Annual grass cutting will commence next week. Parish Council made a £300 donation to the Playing Field Association toward a housing cabinet for the defibrillator. SBC to be contacted requesting a dog litter bin near the play area on Pearson Garth. Several trees need re staking – SG & MA to organise.
Friday 21st April Parish Assembly @ 7.30 in Ayton Methodist School Room. All welcome.
Next month’s meeting will be held on Monday 8th May. This will also be the Annual General Meeting.