Welcome to Intro to Visual Arts
Ms. Friedman
“Art does not reproduce what we see. It makes us see.” – Paul Klee
In Visual Arts, you will learn the foundations of art. We will focus on drawing, painting, and 3 dimensional forms. You will learn different artistic techniques, look at different artists throughout history and learn to talk about art using correctterminology. Visual Arts 1 is an introduction to what the art world has to offer.
Expectations & Behavior
You should be on time EVERYDAY and prepared for class. Youwill be respectful towards one another. Any form of disrespect will not be tolerated.You will participate in critiques by showing your work as well as discussing the work of others. Complete all homeworkby the assigned due date. If you complete an assignment before the end of class, you may work in your sketchbook or other art assignments. You are NOT to work on homework from other classes. If you are doing work from another class, you will lose participation credit for the day.
Our Daily Routine & Class Rules
- Once you enter the classroom, place all of your personal belongings, books, etc. on the shelves provided. You should only have your sketchbook and pencil at your seat.
- When you arrive to class, get to your assigned seat and begin the Do Now.
- It is your responsibility to check the board to see the daily objectives and begin the Do Now.
- When I address the class, you should end your own conversations and give meyour complete attention.
- When discussing work, you will give your full attention to the student speaking.
- During class, I will be walking around the room speaking to students individually. When I am working with another student, please do not interrupt. There are many students and only one teacher.
- Raise your hands when asking questions or answering them. Calling out or yelling will not be tolerated.
- While the art room is more relaxed than other classes, there should not be loud talking or yelling across the room. You can talk with the students at your table in a low tone.
- All JFKHigh Schoolrules are the same in the art room as they would be in any classroom. No drinking, eating or gum chewing allowed. Any cell phones or iPods seen out during class will be taken to the main office. A parent or guardian will be called to retrieve it, as per school policy.
- Materials will be laid out for you so there is no need for students to go through the cabinets. If you need something just ask.
As high school students, you are expected to clean up after yourselves and properly clean the materials you use. Materials in the art room are not cheap and can be permanently damaged if not properly cleaned and stored. At the end of class you are to put your materials back CLEANED, wipe down your table (if necessary) and pick up any scraps that may have fallen on the floor during the block. Failure to do so will affect your participation grade for the day. While cleaning your work space, it is also very IMPORTANT to save any usable materials. Please do not waste materials, only take what you need. You can always go back to get more.
The art teachers at JFK have begun posting student artwork on artsonia.com. It is a website that displays artwork from school all over the United States. Students have their own screen names and parents/guardians have security codes. You can make comments on your work or artwork of other students. Take the permission slip home and have it signed by a parent or guardian. If you do not feel comfortable having your work posted, please write it on the permission slip.
Supplies You Will Need
You will need a sketchbook. It should be blank, white paper and about 8 1/2” X 11”. You will also need to bring your own pencil, eraser and sharpener. These need to be with you in class every day. YOU WILL NOT BE ISSUED PASSES TO YOUR LOCKER. It counts towards class participation and failing to have your supplies will affect your participation grade for the day. If you have problems getting a sketchbook, please see me. Also, for those of you that will need to work at home, a pack of colored pencils is required, as supplies cannot be lent out.
Art is subjective and up to personal interpretation. You are not graded on talent. You ARE graded on participation and behavior. You receive a daily participation grade. This includes Do Nows, behavior throughout the block, preparation and clean up, and effort on the project. You are also graded on minor projects, quizzes, homework, sketchbook assignments, critique, major projects, and writing assignments/samples.
When we begin a major project, you receive a handout outlining information about the project and what you are graded on when you finish the piece. Throughout the project, if you have questions, or problems arise, please ask! That is what I am here for. You are also required to complete a rubric. You assess your finished piece, the process, and overall views of the assignment. The rubric is handed in with your assignment and graded.
If you hand in an assignment late, the grade is dropped a 5 points for each day it is not turned in. After seven days you will receive a zero for that project.
I am looking forward to a great semester with all of you!
Introduction to Visual Arts Contract
I have read the Visual Artshandout and understand what I will be responsible for. I will follow the class rules and strive to do my very best in art. I understand that if I do not abide by the rules, it will result in a verbal warning. A second offense will result in a call home. A third offense will result in action taken by the administration.
Student Name ______
Student Signature ______
Parent/Guardian Name ______
Parent/Guardian Signature ______
Parent/Guardian Phone______
Parent/Guardian Email______