Part 1


Welcome, to the very first edition of Ken O’Keefe’s Middle East, I’m your host Ken O’Keefe. Let me ask you, have you ever watched “the news” and ended up screaming at your television? If you have, or you simply have had it with being lied to by the prostitutes of propaganda and their cohorts in government, then The Peoples Voice was made for you.

When I took on this show I knew that certain issues needed to be discussed right up front, and top of the list was 9/11 because no human event has affected our world, especially the Middle East, more than 9/11. But all the major players in this event have received obvious cover from governments, academics and of course, the mainstream media.

Aside from the sycophants protecting their masters there is a much more insidious enemy of truth known as political correctness. I will not bow to such manipulations, political correctness is a trap, functioning as a tool to prevent honest dialogue, it fosters if not compels self-censorship, it’s a blatant form of thought control. So when I use the word Jew instead of Zionist for example, I do so because it is the most accurate word to describe those whose primary allegiance is to the Jewish State of Israel. To use the word Zionist, as the thought police would have of me, would deny the fact that Israel is the Jewish State, not the Zionist State. Christian Zionist which are some of Israel’s staunchest supporters, are not granted the same right of settlement as their Jewish counterparts. Why because they may be Zionist but are not Jewish.

Furthermore, nobody is better placed to stop the criminality of the Jewish State than Jews themselves. Likewise the American people are best placed to stop the crimes of America. Whether we like it or not, taking responsibility for the actions of the governments that operate in our name, that receive our complicity and/or support, is essential to solving the problems we face. Blame shifting on the other hand, is tantamount to voluntary maintenance of the tyranny.

As for my motivations, I consider every single human being to be a brother or sister in one human family and I want what is best for every member of my family, and I mean every member. But patronizing talk and false sensitivity helps nobody. Let there be no mistake, my greatest scorn is reserved for my birth nation of the United States as it is without doubt the greatest terrorist entity of the 20th and 21st centuries, regardless of the fact that it has been hijacked by traitors and foreign agents. So if the citizens of the Jewish State and the United States want to avoid the virtually inevitable retribution coming their way, it will be by changing their disastrous course without delay. In this sense I am all to ironically a friend to the people of both nations, because both must face their criminal nature while they still have chance.

And to make this point that much clearer, if the situation were reversed, and the Jewish people were being broadly blamed for the crimes of 9/11 when clearly they were patsies, I would be the first to stand up in their defense.

Let me also extend an open invitation to Israeli, British or American government representatives so as to challenge me on any point I make in this programme or future programmes. With a special invitation to Israeli spokesperson Mark Regev, who I will devote an entire programme to a one on one debate if he has the courage to take me up on it.

If however these governments and their trolls simply choose to sling mud, you can rest assured it is because they are cowardly propagandists who could never back up their insultingly false incantations outside of the cozy confines of the whore houses they frequent, otherwise known as the mass media.

Before we explore the truth regarding 9/11 I must thank Christopher Bollyn, Mark Glenn, Jonathan Azaziah, Mark Dankof and Zander C. Fuerza for reviewing the content of this programme, they have provided invaluable input.

Mind Control

The first thing to discuss about 9/11 is the fact that this event is quite possibly the greatest mind control event in human history. Certain aspects of it are so stark, so profound, that within this historic event can be seen a tremendous gift. But firstly, let me acknowledge the obvious - while my birth nation of America has meted out more violence in the 20th and 21st century than any other entity, it does not change the fact that the events of 9/11 are a great tragedy, not only for what happened on the day, but also for the far, far greater suffering and death that has resulted from it. Having said that, the gift lies in 9/11 serving as a litmus test for humanity. Indeed I will make the case that we have reached the flashpoint in human history that will decide fate of all life on planet Earth because in the nuclear age, we simply cannot sustain the collective insanity of our current path. We have come this close to nuclear annihilation many times over, and facing the truth about 9/11 can be the beginning of the end of that insanity.

The good news is that poll after poll makes it clear that more and more people do not trust the official account of 9/11. Around the world it is safe to say that the majority of people do not accept the official version of the event. In America itself, roughly half doubt or disbelieve the official version altogether. And herein lies the heart of the gift, despite all of the mass media deception people are seeing straight through the lies and regaining the capacity to think and process information intelligently. This is a critical step in the process of liberating humanity from the bondage of ignorance and division.

I have often used a metaphor to describe the current state of human existence, it goes like this: human society has created and overwhelmingly consented to the institutions of power that oppress us, to such a degree that we the people have constructed a massive prison that every man, woman and child for the most part have voluntarily entered; we have then closed the prison door behind us, taken the key within our collective hands and locked the prison door. As if this wasn't bad enough, incredibly we have then handed the key to the prison door to a group of psychopathic tyrants who all too wisely remained outside of the prison, subsequently we continue to beg these tyrants for some crumbs while we remain locked in a prison of our own making.

The prison is a metaphor for our currant financial system, a financial system utilised by the tyrants to control virtually every aspect of human existence, and yet, and please listen to what I am saying here—the tyrants are powerless without our consent. And while we have collectively entered this prison, we can tear down the prison walls of financial enslavement in an instant.

No matter what our religion, non- religion, what colour we are, what country we come from, what group we relate to or philosophy we subscribe to, we, the masses, have the same cause, we want the same things. We want to live a dignified life; we want a just and peaceful world. The powers that be know this very well, that is why they must continuously divide us, divide us and rule us. The key to the maintenance of their tyranny is hoodwinking us into fighting each other for the crumbs from their lavish tables. And believe me, the powers that be revel in the madness of our division and ultimately self-imposed enslavement, they are laughing at us, they mock us. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Do you want a better world, a sane, just and peaceful world? Well so do I, in fact I demand such a world because I refuse to accept the unacceptable. While I hold the tyrants responsible for unGodly amounts of suffering, injustice and death, I cannot ignore the fact that they could not have achieved this without massive compliance from the masses, from us. Which brings us back to an uncomfortable truth, which is we are all guilty to one degree or another. While the truth is often quite painful, the truth is my God and I worship the truth. As Jesus said, the truth shall set you free.

And so it is time to throw political correctness into the rubbish bin of history and speak frankly about who and what is pulling the strings. But before I get into that, I want to issue a huge apology to a group to which I am not a member, because as I will lay out very clearly, if there is one group that cannot be held responsible for 9/11, it is the very group blamed for this crime, and that would be Muslims. So let me say with resounding clarity on behalf of all sane, thinking people, we are deeply sorry that Muslims have been falsely accused of the events of 9/11 and that subsequently, countless Muslim lands and people have endured the farcical war on terror. We apologize for the invasions, occupations, drone strikes, the torture, Guantanamo, for all of the maiming and death that has been rained down on you. Let it be understood from this day forward, from this non-Muslim, that we know the 9/11 false flag was intentionally, falsely, blamed on you so as to cultivate a “clash of civilizations”. We reject the war on terror in total and shall identify those responsible come hell or high water.

When we return we shall discuss the absurdity of the official version of 9/11 and more importantly, whose fingerprints are left all over this event.

Part 2
9-11 - The Official Version

So here is a brief description of the official version of 9/11. 19 hijackers, mostly of Saudi origin, were headed by a lead hijacker named Mohammed Atta. The hijackers received flight school training for small single and twin engine airplanes at various flight schools in the U.S. These hijackers were directed by Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden who lived in caves in Afghanistan while requiring dialysis to survive. Together they managed to outwit the entire defense system of America, despite the fact that in 2001 the U.S. invested more money and resources on defense than just about every other nation on the planet combined. We were told that the breathtakingly vast defense and intelligence apparatus of America had not contemplated the possibility of airplanes being used to fly into buildings.

On 9/11 there was a US military defense drill code named ‘Vigilant Guardian’ that simulated the exact events of 9/11. As a result of this drill there was confusion about whether there were real or simulated hijackings and thus, 19 individuals managed to allegedly hijack 4 planes and freely roam American airspace without any challenge from U.S. interceptor fighter jets. The official version tells us the hijackers successfully hit 3 out of 4 of targets on 9/11, with one airplane being brought down by heroic passengers who shouted “let’s roll” before overwhelming the box cutter armed Muslim fanatic terrorists. The other planes however, hit the Twin Towers and allegedly the Pentagon in Washington DC as well, which happens to be the most heavily guarded airspace on planet Earth.

While none of the virtually indestructible black boxes of any of the four airplanes were ever proven to be recovered, including that of flight 93 which apparently managed an intact nosedive into a field in Pennsylvania which occurred at such a high rate of speed that none of the actual plane, -- fuselage, jet engines, seats or bodies -- was recovered. However, officials did recover two of the hijackers passports and a bandana in Pennsylvania, as well as another alleged hijackers passport from flight 11, which slammed into the North Tower causing a massive fireball.

Although just two buildings were hit by planes in New York City, three buildings were completely destroyed while seven buildings were either partially or fully destroyed. The Twin Towers almost entirely turned to dust while Building 7 collapsed in a process that resembled a controlled demolition, with each of the 3 buildings falling at or near free-fall speed. We are told that the destruction of the Twin Towers was caused by the weakening of the steel support columns from jet fuel fires, and thatbuilding 7 collapsed uniformly in freefall due to a standard office fire. This is the first an only time in history this has occurred to such buildings.

We are also told that the Pentagon was hit by an airplane whose pilot executed a 270 degree banking right turn as it descended 8000 feet, all the while managing to avoid detection of upwards of 85 surveillance cameras covering its flight path as it apparently flew directly into the Pentagon. Footage from the 85 plus surveillance cameras was confiscated by the FBI, but they assure us it was just as described.

While 9/11 created several crime scenes, evidence from these crime scenes was rapidly removed by authorities. The commission created to carry out the official investigation required 442 days to be formed by a foot dragging Bush administration, Henry Kissinger was appointed to lead the investigation and the total budget allocated to investigate the biggest crime in the history of America was a staggeringly miniscule 14 million dollars. By comparison, the U.S. government budgeted 160 million dollars (when adjusted for inflation) to investigate the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986.

Corbett Report short video on absurdity of official version

Part 3
The official version of 9/11 is a terribly bad B-movie, it is a massive insult to our intelligence and all too significantly reveals the depth of mind control that many in our world are subject to. All too ironically, those of us who are not so brain dead as to believe the official version, are called “conspiracy theorists”, despite the obvious fact that the official version of 9/11 is in fact, you guessed it, a conspiracy. It just so happens to be the most ridiculous conspiracy of them all.

And let us not forget these important facts, Osama bin Laden himself denied any involvement in 9/11, and before you have the knee jerk reaction of saying he confessed to it on video, hold that thought. With regard to America’s supposed need to invade Afghanistan in pursuit of bin Laden, the Taliban stated on record that they would extradite him, if only the US would adhere to this paltry thing called due process of law, which involves another little thing called evidence. As it turns out the U.S. decided in favour of invading and occupying two nations and turning them back to the stone-age. As far as evidence is concerned, it’s a sort of “don’t worry about it” kind a thing. So bin Laden was never actually charged with any crime regarding 9/11, with the FBI stating in 2006 that there was quote, “no hard evidence linking bin Laden to 9/11”.

Going back to the supposed bin Laden video confession, if the FBI does not believe it, why do you?

As for the supposed 19 hijackers, there is no video evidence of any of the hijackers boarding the planes, from airports controlled by Israeli security no less. Several items have been used as evidence to implicate these patsies, but these are ridiculous. As already mentioned 3 passports belonging to alleged hijackers were supposedly recovered, in the case of Satam al-Suqami’s passport, it is said to have survived the plane crash's explosive fireball in the North Tower, falling hundreds of feet to the ground and then randomly picked up by a passerby who delivered it to the New York Police Department in pristine condition – no burns, tears, or rips with the picture and name perfectly visible. Once again, no bodies or plane wreckage was recovered from the alleged flight 93 crash site in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, supposedly because the plane crashed at such incredible speed that everything apparently vaporized. Nonetheless two passports, a martyrdom note and a red bandana that is said to have been worn by one of the hijackers were recovered.

So now, let us extract ourselves from the collective insanity required to even entertain the official version of 9/11, instead let us take a look at reality, and the evidence around 9/11 that is part of the public record. As you will see, this evidence indicts certain players who were indeed motivated by a religious fanaticism, but they are not Muslims.

Part 4

First off let us acknowledge the obvious, the U.S. government has done everything in its power to pervert the course of justice and that in itself is a major crime given the mass-murder they continue to cover-up. So this fact alone indicts the U.S. government. Aside from that, the odds of a drill simulating the exact events of the actual reality occurring as pure coincidence is like a fairy story, with no disrespect to those who believe in fairies. I myself accept the existence of fairies as far more likely than the myriad of coincidences that officially occurred regarding 9/11.

Speaking of coincidences, imagine you are a Jewish billionaire businessman named Larry Silverstein, and you have set your sights on acquiring some of the most expensive real estate in the world, specifically the World Trade Center complex with its crown jewels known as the Twin Towers. However, there is a bit of a problem, the Twin Towers were full of the cancer causing asbestos and the cost estimates for the removal of the asbestos ranged from the low billions to the tens of billions – far, far more than the outdated, half-empty Twin Towers were worth. Indeed the Twin Towers were such a liability that the Port Authority of New York had been desperately seeking a way to demolish them since 1990, but the cost of doing so due to the presence of toxic asbestosprevented this.