Motorcycling western australia

Risk Management for Clubs


Summary Document

18 August 2014










MA Track Licence

Venue Condition


Noise Management




Notifiable Events


First Aid

Analysis of Risks

Leases and Licenses


Informed Participation

Standard of Participation

Unacceptable Conduct and Member Protection Policy

Safety Equipment



Practice (Option 1)

Practice (Option 2)


Visibility at Events

Officials and volunteers


Register of Officials and Volunteers

Position Statement

Standards Applicable to Officials and Volunteers

Plant and Equipment


Protective Clothing




PEOPLE with A Disability


Motorcycling Western Australia Foreword

Motorcycling WA is committed to the promotion of safe participation in motorcycle sport in Western Australia.

However, risk management is more than preventing injury, though clearly a major component.

In this increasingly complex society there are expectations from Government local, state and federal; the community; sponsors; Motorcycling Australia; and other stakeholders that risk associated with motorcycle racing will be effectively managed. There is an increasing obligation on club administrators to ensure the expectations of club members, volunteers and officials are met with regards to their safety, and the safety of others, securely and sustainably.

The risks for clubs falls into the following broad areas.

  • Governance
  • Administration
  • Venues
  • Events
  • Participants
  • Officials/Volunteers
  • Children

Risks are assessed in respect of the following categories of consequence:

  • Safety
  • Finance
  • Environment
  • Reputation
  • Operation

Effectively managing the risks for your club is not a difficult task. In fact you are probably managing most risks associated with your club effectively now. For the most part, risks and mitigations simply requires formally documentation It does take some thought and effort, however once completed the benefits are many.

Risk Management should be a continuous improvement process. That means that although the initial hard work may be done, your Risk Management Plan must be regularly reviewed and amended where necessary.

Keeping on top of all aspects of risk management will ensure that the sport we enjoy now will be passed on to our children in good hands.


The Risk Register and information contained is a DRAFT only, to illustrate the information that MAY be captured and to serve as EXAMPLES ONLY. The risks identified will almost certainly be different for your club, as will be the mitigating actions.

The same warning applies for the Risk Plan, Motorcycling Western Australia have supplied the major headings (the Framework), with the detail filled in to form a DRAFT plan as an EXAMPLE ONLY. Your club plan will differ.

Your club may choose to address as many of the risks categories contained in the draft plan as are relevant. It is likely and expected that your club will identify more categories than those listed.




It is recognised the Constitution is the principle document guiding the operations of our club. Therefore the Constitution will be:

(a)Reviewed at least every 5 years unless otherwise required for reasons of legislative change or other compliance requirement

(b)Available to members and other stakeholders at every meeting of the club

(c)Given to every new committee member


Detail information on how the club will inform committee members on the role and extent of the job. How will the club plan for succession?


Detail on how meetings are to be conducted in an orderly fashion: Suggested

  • List the meeting rules, which may form part of the Constitution


Minutes will be written and clearly record discussion and decision at committee meetings, and will be made available to members by (insert how)

How will minutes be stored and Where in order to meeting record keeping compliance requirements?


Detail how the finances will be managed and reported to ensure accountability. How do you ensure accounts are paid in a timely manner. Qualifications of treasurer? Police check of Treasurer and other signatories.


How the venue or facility is going to be managed. The club owe a duty at law to manage responsibly. Identify to whom the duty of care is owe and how that duty will be discharged.

MA TrackLicence

Where and how is the MA track licence displayed? When is the licence to be applied for and who will do it.

Venue Condition

Explain how the venue is going to be maintained, inspected and how records will be kept for maintenance. How is security to be maintained to prevent unauthorised access.


How are Environmental concerns to be addressed? The failure to management environmental issues are a significant external threat to our sport and clubs.

Noise Management

Control of noise is a serious issues facing our sport and clubs. A process for managing noise is required to be implemented and documented to provide the maximum possible protection for clubs. This should be communicated to Local Government and other community stakeholders.


How is access going to be controlled? A system relying purely on trust is not sustainable.. What are the maximum number of spectators the venue can hold? Proper access control procedures must be in place as well as monitoring and auditing by club committees. Not only must procedures be in place, they must be seen to be enforced. What is the club’s policy for member access? How will records of entry and egress of the venue be maintained? How will adequate supervision of the venue be maintained?


At all times there will be an appropriate number of suitably accredited Officials at the venuefor any activity.

How will this be achieved? What is the succession plan to maintain an adequate level of qualified officials?


At all times there will be a warning sign in accordance with Motorcycling Western Australia venue guidelines. The signage will be placed (state where signage is to be placed at an obviously visible position where all participants are likely to take notice. What other signage is required in order to achieve regulatory compliance?

Notifiable Events

Motorcycling WA willbenotified of any injury, accident or property damage

How will MWA be notified? Who? When?


What insurances are required to be held? Who will be responsible for ensure this is in place and how will adequacy determined, monitored and reviewed?

First Aid

(Club to note the acceptable level of first aid for each level of event, which may not be less than that outlined in the MoMS or other policy). This will depend upon the region, distance from hospitals etc.

Analysis of Risks

How, and by whom, will risks to be identified, assessed and actioned? How and where will this information be keep?

Leases and Licenses

(For clubs that hold a lease), what needs to be done to ensure the lease is maintained and protected? Who has issued you the lease? When is the lease expiry? Where is the lease kept? Are there special conditions to observe? Is there a process to ensure that special conditions are met?


Informed Participation

What needs to be done to insure participants are told about the risks associated with motorcycle competition / participation?

Standard of Participation

What to do to ensure riders are properly skilled

Unacceptable Conduct and Member Protection Policy

Who, What, When and how we will disciplinary issues be managed?

Safety Equipment

Satisfying the need for appropriate safety and personal protection equipment on and off the track.



What are the club processes to ensure permits are applied for (and received), conditions observed and reports submitted.

Practice (Option 1)

This is where you need to list your local practice rules and requirements. The following is a suggestion, however the principle remains that all activity is supervised, all officials are responsible for all activity not just 'their' rider, how is supervision to take place and who is in charge, sign ons must occur before any riding, all injuries are reported, there is a permit and track licence displayed and in place, there is an emergency plan in place and displayed and the report comes back within 5 days. How is the track going to be inspected, What classes of machine can be on the track together, what ages for children. What are the time intervals for each group? Who and how are accidents reported? Supervision of parts of track not visible or larger jumps? Auditing of compliance?

Practice (Option 2)

There will be no access to the track for practice other than for practice sessions organised and promoted by the Club Committee.


How do members know who their coaches are? Do coaches have any priority for coaching activity? Are there any set days for coaching? How do we address the requirements of the Junior Coaching Program?

Visibility at Events

What can we do to make our workers more visible to others and to vehicles/motorcycles. What is the policy on vests, and what colour vests are to be worn and where (vests may be available through MWA)

Officials and volunteers


Officials will be accredited in accordance with the Manual of Motorcycle Sport

Register of Officials and Volunteers

A Register is to be kept of all Officials and Volunteers.

Position Statement

Every class of Official and Volunteerwill have issued a position statement

Standards Applicable to Officialsand Volunteers

What standard of behaviour and service do we expect from our volunteers. What is the process if the standard is not maintained.

Plant and Equipment

What are the risks around your plant and equipment and how will they be addressed? What are the requirements to ensure personnel are trained to use machinery on site correctly? Accreditations? Safety condition of equipment, inspections and records of inspections/service. Safe storage to prevent unauthorised access, children using machines as a playground, to prevent theft and vandalism? Is additional insurance required? What other operational procedures are in place to ensure the proper and safe use of plant and equipment is observed?


There are specific requirements relating motorcycles that need to be met to enable participation. How will this be managed at our club? At competition? At practice?

Protective Clothing

What and where will personal protective clothing need to be worn? How is our club going to manage the wearing of personal protective clothing by participants in accordance with the MoMS


What are the specific risks within our pit areas? What are the rules and procedures to ensure safety is maintained. When and how are members informed?


How is the club going to recognise and protect the rights of children within the club? How is the club going to maintain legal compliance with Working With Children?


How will the club ensure the rights of pregnant participants are protected? A statement is required that recognises the rights of pregnant participants

PEOPLE with A Disability

How will the club ensure the rights of the disabled persons are protected?


What happens if the risk plan processes are not followed? What action will be taken?

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