/ El Camino College
Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment

Assessment of Learning Committee

April 14, 2008 Agenda

Time: 2:30p – 4:00p in Library 202

Coordinators: Jenny Simon, Lars Kjeseth Linda Gallucci (on leave)
Business Rep: Donna Grogan (on leave) &
Ollie Hadley
Soc/Beh Rep: Cristina Gold
Humanities Reps: Rebecca Bergeman &
Darrell Thompson
Nat Sci Rep: Nancy Freeman
Math Rep: Judy Kasabian
Ind / Tech Rep: Ray Lewis
Fine Arts Rep: Harrison Storms
HSA Reps: Kelly Clark & Rory Natividad / Learning Res Rep: Claudia Striepe
Student Services Rep: Claudia Lee
Compton Center Reps: David Maruyama &
Jose Bernaudo
V. P. A. A.: Francisco Arce
Dean Rep: Don Goldberg
Accred Reps: Arvid Spor &
Susie Dever
Inst. Research Rep: Irene Graff


I.  Call to Order (0 minutes)

II.  Assessment of Student Learning Week Tasks (60 minutes)

III.  Accreditation and Long Term Goals (30 minutes)

IV.  Adjourn (0 minutes)

II. Assessment of Student Learning Week Tasks

Assessment Fair for Tuesday, April 22, 12:00-2:00; Compton Center (Location TBA)

1. Darrell Thompson (1:00-2:00pm)



Assessment Fair for Wednesday, April 23, 4:00-6:00pm; ECC Student Activity Center

1. Rebecca Bergeman

2. Claudia Striepe (4:00-5:00pm)

3. Claudia Lee




Assessment Fair for Thursday, April 24, 1:00-3:30pm; ECC Student Activity Center

1. Darrell Thompson (1:00-2:00pm)

2. Irene Graff (2:00-3:00pm)





Mini-Conference, Friday, April 25, 9:00-2:00; ECC Alondra Room

Break-Out Sessions:

A. Assessment Smorgasbord / Rubrics Workshop / SLO Assessment Form Workshop:

1. Claudia Striepe


B. SLO Database Workshop

1. Arvid Spor

2. Lars Kjeseth

C. Round Table: Assessment of Core Competencies

1. Claudia Lee (??)


D. Other?: ______



Other Work that must be done:

II. Accreditation and Long Term Goals We are trying to finish the document that will become part of the introductory material in the accreditation self-study.

Area A:
Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Framework Creation
and Organizational Integration
Current Status:
Infrastructure Under Development (Stage 2)
Benchmarks: / Completion Date:
A1. Course SLOs and complete assessment cycles for every course / Fall 2009
A2. Program and degree SLOs and complete assessment cycles for all programs and degrees / Spring 2011
A3. Integration of SLOs into Program Review and Curriculum Review / Spring 2010
A4. Integration of SLOs into Planning and Budget Processes / Spring 2010
A5. Memorandum of Understandings regarding adjunct faculty participation in SLO Assessments / Spring 2009
Area B:
Dialogue about Student Learning Outcomes and Assessments
Current Status:
Infrastructure Close to Completion (Between Stages 2 & 3)
Benchmarks: / Completion Date:
Area C:
Administration Commitment and Support
Current Status:
Infrastructure Under Development (Stage 2)
Benchmarks: / Completion Date:
Area D:
Alignment of Teaching and Counseling Practices with
Student Learning Outcomes and Assessments
Current Status:
Infrastructure Under Development (Stage 2)
Benchmarks: / Completion Date:
Area E:
Artifacts and Evidence
Current Status:
Building Awareness, with some Infrastructure Under Development (Stage 1)
Benchmarks: / Completion Date: