Mrs. Romo’s 2014 Language Arts Policies and Procedures
Keep in your folders all year
YOUR GOOD CHARACTER IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. The following procedures are expectations for all students to follow in order to maximize learning time and contribute to a positive environment at Childers Middle School.
Before Class: Bring your binder, book, agenda, and pencilto class. You must have a separate binder for this class. No large zip/Velcro binders as they easily become unorganized and the zipping/Velcro is disruptive. Sharpen your pencil before the bell. You may bring your own sharpener that has a "catch" for the shavings.
Beginning of the Hour: You must be seated in your assigned seat or sharpening your pencil to avoid being counted tardy. Complete your DD (Daily Drill) and agenda. If you have been absent, get your missed assignments from the classroom agenda and absent folder.
Arriving Late: Do not disturb the class. Quietly hand the teacher your pass and begin your work. If you do not have a pass, fill out the tardy sheet hanging by the door. Remember: 3 tardies equal after school detention.
Leaving the Room: You may only leave the room if it is an emergency. Raise your hand to ask permission, sign out, and take a pass. Be sure to sign in when you return.
Throwing Away Trash: Do not wad up paper while others are talking. Wait to throw trash away until the end of the hour unless told otherwise and do not shoot baskets into the trash can.
Asking Questions/Having Discussions: Please be respectful. Raise your hand to be recognized before speaking. If the teacher or a peer is speaking, please be quiet and listen.
Chewing Gum: No gum!
End of the Hour: Everyone is expected to clean up any trash from the day's activities. The teacher dismisses the class, not the bell.
Using Your Locker: Keep all purses, backpacks, large coats, etc. in your assigned locker. You may not go back to your locker for any reason after the tardy bell has rung.
In the Halls and at Special Events: You are expected to walk appropriately in the halls; including to and from lunch. You are to be respectful of all adults and students in the building. Students should show positive spirit by supporting others’ activities and accomplishments at special events.
Substitute Teachers: All procedures and rules are to be followed if a substitute is teaching. Take pride in yourself and the school and treat any guest in the room including a substitute teacher with the utmost respect.
Paper Heading: In the upper left corner after the red line put the following heading:
First Name Last Name
Month Day Year
Class Hour
10% will be deducted from assignments with no heading or incomplete heading.
Daily DrillsFormat:
(Please make sure you number each one!!!!)
- Date: 8-25-14
Answer question or complete task
- Daily Drills will be graded weekly. Put fivedrills on one page; you may use the back too. If you are absent, you still have to make up the Daily Drill!
Excuse Sheet: If you do not have your assignment, you need to complete the following on paper:
Title the paper: Excuse Sheet
1. Your heading
2. Title of the missing assignment
3. Your excuse as to why you do not have your assignment on time
4. Date assignment will be turned in (write this in your agenda too!!)
Turning in Make-Up Work:You are responsible for retrieving the work you missed while you were absent. You will have the number of days you are absent plus one to make up the work. When the work is completed, write “AbsentWork” at the top and turn it in on or before the due date in the Absent Work Basket.
Turning in Late Work:You are responsible for turning in any late work. You may turn in assignments late for 50% credit. You must fill out an excuse sheet on the day the assignment is due. When the work is completed, write “Late Work” at the top and turn it in to the Late Work Basket.
Cell Phones: Cell phones are not allowed out in class. Please take the time to turn them off before the bell rings.
Policies and Procedure Consequences:
1 Offense = Verbal Warning
2 Offense = Consequence Card
3 Offense = Phone Call Home + After School Detention
- Other immediate consequences will be used as necessary including after school detention or office referral.
- 3 tardies will result in after school detention.
Rewards: Students with excellent behavior will be rewarded at the end of each quarter.
Student: I have read Mrs. Romo’s Policies and Procedures and understand the expectations for
7th Grade Language Arts.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian: I have read Mrs. Romo’s Policies and Procedures and understand the
expectations set for my child.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______