Welcome to the Program

About this program

The AWRA e-Mentoring Program is delivered by AMMA and funded by the Australian Government.

Mentoring has been identified as one mechanism to achieve greater participation and advancement of women working in the resource, allied and related construction industries; however remote locations, complex rosters and a shortage of female peers has highlighted a need for an alternative to traditional mentoring programs.

The AWRA e-Mentoringprogram is delivered using the Chronus Mentor software, and consists of integrated chat, email and online support applications, allows participants access to a tailored mentoring program regardless of location and work schedule.

The program is conducted over nine months, commencing when you are paired with a Mentee. During that time you will:

  • Listen to the online training
  • Be supported with materials you can access through the online platform and the ‘Art of Mentoring’ online training
  • “Meet” with your mentee by whatever communication means you mutually choose – telephone, Skype or other online, email, text.
  • Be asked to give us feedback so we can ensure we are supporting your needs and so we can fine-tune the AWRA e-Mentoring program for subsequent groups
  • Gain insight into the perspective of someone working in a different part of the industry from you.

Your participation is:

  • Voluntary – you and your mentee can end your relationship at any time
  • A two-way process – you will share your skills, knowledge and experience with your mentee to enable her to explore her professional and personal situation, and you will work together to achieve goals you agree with your Mentee.

Program Administrators

Your program is supported by the AWRA Team within the Australian Mines and Metals Association (AMMA). We are available to be contacted through the Admin function on the online platform, alternatively, email or call (07) 3210 0313.

Using the Program Online Platform

Once you have been accepted into the program, you will be able to access the online platform ( You can view and edit your profile, change your password and how you receive email notifications through the account settings. Once matched the platform will give you access to all the materials you should need to support your working relationship with your mentee. You will be able to record and track your mentee’s progress, and send messages to one another via the platform. You can participate in forum communications with other mentors, and share articles and tips with them.

There is an AWRA e-Mentoring Chronus Mentor User Guide and a FAQs document in the Advice – Knowledge Bases section of the site, and you can access these as soon as you sign in for the first time.

Program Communications

We will contact you mostly through the administration function of the online platform. Announcements that we send to you this way will also be sent to your email address, so you don’t miss any important messages, even if you have not logged on for a while. Please ensure you check your SPAM/Junk folder, as sometimes emails can end up here.

This is also the best way for you to make contact with us. Just log on to the platform and click Contact Adminin the top right corner of the page. Enter the ‘Subject’ and ‘Message’ and click ‘Send Message’.

Program Materials

All the materials you need will be posted in the Mentoring Milestones and/or the Advice section of the online platform. If you have materials you would like to share with others, you can also post these up in the Knowledge Base of the Advice section. Let us know if there are other materials you need at any time.

Mentoring Stages

There are four stages in our nine-month program. These stages and their supporting materials appear in the Mentoring Milestones section of our online platform:

Stage 1: Getting Ready for Mentoring (2-4 weeks)

In the Mentoring Milestones section of the AWRA e-Mentoring Program Portal, you will find a mentoring self-assessment for you to consider your strengths as a mentor and those skills you might wish to develop over the course of the program. You and your mentee can also start to get to know one another, exchange details and start thinking about goals for the program. It would also be helpful during this time for you to familiarise yourself with the online platform and the materials that are available to support you.

Stage 2: Preparing for a Successful Partnership (4-6 weeks)

We expect you to use this time to really get acquainted, establish confidentiality and trust and build a good working alliance, sign off on the Mentoring Partnership Agreement, and for your mentee to start outlining their goals for your mentoring relationship. By the end of this period you should have at least an agreed sense of purpose for the relationship, if not some concrete and specific goals. Towards the end of this stage we will ask you to give us feedback so that we know how you are progressing.

Stage 3: The Middle - Working Towards the Goals (27 weeks)

This is the longest stage. You will be ‘meeting’ frequently with your mentee and helping her to achieve the goals that were set at the last stage. You will also attend a feedback webinar with the program facilitator to support your learning as a mentor and to allow you to connect with other mentors in the program. A few months into this stage we will ask you for more short online feedback, so we can monitor how you are progressing.

Stage 4: Ending the Relationship and Preparing for the Future (4 weeks)

A well-planned ending is important, so about a month before the formal program ends, we suggest you and your mentee start to prepare for ending the relationship. You will review what has been learnt and achieved and establish the nature of the relationship you will have in the future. At the end of the program, you will be asked for a final program evaluation.