Welcome to the Georgia Aquarium located in Atlanta, Georgia. Join my family and me as we learn more about fresh and marine water animals from around the world.

The Georgia Aquarium is the largest aquarium in the world. It holds 8 million gallons of water and has the largest collection of aquatic animals. The specially designed whale shark habitat alone has 6.3 million gallons of water. The Georgia Aquarium is the only aquarium outside of Asia to house whale sharks, the world’s largest fish. The Georgia Aquarium houses two females, Alice and Trixie, and two males, Yushan and Taroko. These whale sharks consume 12,000 pounds of fish and gel per year. You can support whale sharks at Georgia Aquarium and around the globe by adopting your very own whale shark thru the Georgia Aquarium.

The Georgia Aquarium contains the largest collection of giant grouper, potato grouper, tarpon, batfish, sawfish, blacktip reef sharks, and giant hammerhead sharksin an aquarium. This exhibit is called the “Ocean Voyager”. The Georgia Aquarium is also the only aquarium in the United States to house a manta ray, the largest of all rays.

The “Cold Water Quest” Exhibit gives you a glimpse of the marine animals that are found in some of the coldest waters in the world. Beneath the waves curious animals such as Australianweedy sea dragons,garibaldi damselfish and Japanese spider crabs hang among rocky ledges and kelp forests. These are the same regions that support the world’s major fisheries. Through a better understanding of the animals that live in these regions, you will learn that better management of ocean resources will not only protect marine life but also guarantee sustainable fisheries for everyone.

The “Georgia Explorer” Gallery is a highly interactive gallery with touch pools full of horseshoe crabs, sea stars, stingrays and shrimp. Several large habitats feature a loggerhead sea turtle and the fish of Gray’s Reef – an underwater area off the Georgia coast.

Rivers are a source of life for animals, people and cultures throughout the world. In the River Scout gallery you will discover a wide diversity of animals found in the rivers of Africa, South America, Asia and right here in Georgia.

Saving the best for last is the very relaxing Tropical Diver Exhibit featuring the very colorful marine life in tropical coral reefs. These exhibits are appropriately arranged like a gallery of living art.You will encounter curious garden eels popping up out of the sand and above them a swirling mass of thousands of tiny glassy sweepers. Children finally “find Nemo” as well as seahorses, fairy basslets, yellow-head jawfish and other jewels of the sea. Further along, three impressive exhibits of jellyfish will mesmerize you. At the center of this gallery is one of the largest living reef exhibits of any aquarium inthe world. Living corals and thousands of colorful reef fish are presented in a faithful recreation of a tropical Pacific coral reef, complete with an overhead crashing wave.

Thank you for taking an underwater adventure with my family and me!