Year 2015-16
Information regarding the Facilitating Learning and Assessment in Practice (FLAP) module(UZUSKK-15-3 / UZUSKL-15-M)
The module can currently be undertaken at Levels 3 or Masters.
The UWE FLAP module equates to 150 hours of study.
There will be 3 modes of delivery
1.Face to Face FLAP
This isa blended learning module:
- 3 face to face UWE workshop daysof21 hours. These workshop dates are non-negotiable once you have enrolled to the module.
- 2 negotiated, self directed study days. These 2 self directed days should be supported by and agreed with your manager prior to commencement of the module.
- In addition you will need to undertake approximately a further 115 hours of your own study time so that you can achieve the module learning outcomes.
This is in accordance with the NMC validation requirement to the module if you are aNurse , Midwife or Specialist Community Public Health Nurse ( SCPHN) .However these 2 self directed study days are also required if you are an Allied Health Professional for reasons of parity.
2. AEL
This is
- A half day study day with I.T. support where students can access learning resources via blackboard with a dedicated intake lead.
- In accordance with validation, organisations’ educational lead/ PEF or equivalent agrees to commit to support the proposed applicant with the required five study days, to be negotiated with organisations’ educational lead/ PEF or equivalent prior to attendance.
- Allocation of a Mentor for the applicant over the duration of the AEL route that is knowledgeable about the professional specific mentorship standards for example the NMC Standards to support learning and assessment in practice (SLAiP) (2008).
3. Online
This is
- A blended learning approach where students can access learning resources via blackboard with a dedicated intake lead.
- Allocation of a Mentor for the applicant over the duration of the online route that is knowledgeable about the professional specific mentorship standards for example the NMC Standards to support learning and assessment in practice (SLAiP) (2008).
General information to all routes of FLAP:
- Support should be available from a Supporting Mentor /Sign off mentor / Clinical Educator in your area of work whilst undertaking the module.
- At the commencement of the module you will be given an I.T. user name and password providing that you have fulfilled the paperwork requirements of our Continuing Professional Development Department (CPD) and are fully enrolled prior to the start date of the module.
- The I.T. user name and password will give you access to an area called “Blackboard” you will be able to download a final learning resource relevant to your profession e.g. Nursing, Midwifery, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy or Radiography or Radiotherapy.
If attending University on workshop day 1 you will be giveninstruction on accessing the learning materials within Blackboard. However if you wish to request some prior reading please contact the module leader via e mail: .
Otherwise to assist reviewthe reading listbelow:
Aston, L. and Hallam, P. (2014) Successful mentoring in nursing .2nd Ed. Exeter, Learning Matters Ltd.
Hinchliff, S.(2009) The practitioner as teacher .4th Ed.Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.
Scott, I. and Spouse, J.(2013) Practice based learning in nursing, health and social care .Mentorship facilitation and supervision .Oxford, Wiley Blackwell.
Shaw, M. and Fulton, J. (2012)Mentorship in healthcare. Cumbria, M and K.
Walsh, D.(2014) The nurse mentors handbook supporting students in clinical practice.2nd Ed. Berkshire, OU Press.
The module is around the principles of teaching, assessment theory and mentorshipwith an additional learning resource being professionspecific.
For Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)following successful completion of the module, accreditation can be made through your professional bodies for ACE, APPLE and PEAS. Theprofessional body criterias’ have been mapped against the module.
The submission assignment is 2000 words.
Following successful completion of the module there is additional time required for Nurses andMidwiveswho are required to complete a workbook to attain Sign-off Mentorstatus (NMC 2008).Material given to you on workshop day 3 and this is recommended to be completed within 6 months of yourRatifiedField Board result which will be found in your “MyUWE” portal.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Module Leader for support with any queries you may haveprior to the module via the email system only please.I.T. and library support is available through the normal University and Faculty facilities. Before starting the course the course you are advised to read any professional journal articles on mentoring and assessing learners /students.
We look forward to meeting you,
Dorenda and Glenys.
GH / DM Updated March 2015
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