60/3 Baghramian Street, Yerevan, RA
Tel: (+374 10) 22 58 06, Mob: (+374 94) 06 77 07
1.Family and First name: MartirosyanRshtun
2. Education:
Date / Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:January 1996 – December 1998 / NationalAcademy of Science of Armenia, PostgraduateSchool. MA in Sociology of Economy
September 1983 – June 1990 / YerevanStateUniversity, Department of Philosophy and Sociology. Honours Diploma in Sociology and Philosophy
September 1993 – July 1994 / American University of Armenia, Extension Department. Certificate: State Policy and Management
3.Language skills:
Language / Reading / Speaking / WritingArmenian / Mother tongue
Russian / 1 / 1 / 1
English / 1 / 2 / 1
German / 3 / 3 / 3
Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)
4. Trainings and Courses
- February-March 1998, “Modern methods of Effective Management of SMEs”. Greek organization of SMEs and Handicraft. Certificate.
- October-November 2000, “Promotion of Private sector and SMEs”.JICA, Tokyo Stock Exchange, Tokyo Small Business Management and Technology Institute, Japan Bank for International Cooperation. Certificate.
- September 2004, “The financial support of the Entrepreneurship Regional Programmes”. Nidzitsa Development Foundation, Poland. Certificate.
- October 2005, “The role of SMEs and Small Farms in Regional and Local Development”. UNDP – EDUCON, Czech Republic, Certificate.
- March 2005, “Locale Economic Development Program PACA (Participatory Appraisal of Competitive Advantage) methodology”, GIZ /ProSME, Yerevan. Certificate of Trainer.
- July 2007, Locale Economic Development Summer Academy, Duisburg, Germany. Certificate.
- June 2008, Value Chain Program Design: Promoting Market Solutions for MSMEs, Washington, USA. Certificate.
- July 2010, Private organisations development programs and structures in Hungary: Budapest, Hungary.
5.Key qualifications:
- Design and implementation Regional and Community InfrastructureDevelopment programs,
- Initiate and provide Public Private Partnership programs and Projects,
- Policy design and strategy planning for private sector development programs,
- Conception, organisation and execution of management training courses and workshops,
- Economic/agricultural and social development programs design and implementation the villages,
- Permanent representative in Black See Economic Cooperation organisation working group (agriculture, Small and Medium Business and Family Business)
- Market researches,
- Staff recruitment, training and qualification,
- Family business sphere researches and problem solutions,
- Professional participation in different boards (national and international levels) on economic, community and regional development,
- Strategic planning for creation of an SME Development National Centre and its nationwide structure,
- Impact monitoring and evaluation of organisation development programs.
- Private sector support programs design and implementation,
- Organization of private sector studies on SME development and Locale (Community) Economic Development,
- Design of SME development national and regional programs,
- Value Chain Program Design and implementation,
Date / Location / Company / Position / Description2014 until now / Gavar / Gavar State University / Lecturer /
- Local Economic Development
- Private Secure Development
- SME Policy and Strategy
- Basics of Business Management
2015 - 2017 / Yerevan / Yerevan State University / Invited lecturer /
- Local Economic Development
2014 -2017 / Yerevan / National Assembly of RA / Agricultural, Economic and Social Policy Expert /
- Expertise laws and strategic documents related Agriculture, Economic and Social spheres.
- Developing laws and statutes.
- Participate in drafting laws and other legal documents related to private sector development;
June – September 2014 / Lori region / AYWA / Head of local economic development experts group /
- Design and Implementation Local Economic Development programs in 5 rural clusters in Lori region (approximately 75 villages)for women,
- Design rural social - economic development project concepts with detailed work-plans for 75 villages(Women Social Economic Empowerment),
2010 until 2014
2015until now / Yerevan
Yerevan / COAF Children of Armenia Found
COAF Children of Armenia Found / Head of Economic Development programs
Consultant /
- Manage and coordination Agricultural Development programs in 27 villages (Armavir and Lori regions),
- Design and implementation Comprehensive Rural Development Program in Armenia,
- Handicraft development project design and implementation, monitoring and coaching in LevonGalchyan art Studio (Miasnikian village),
- Business consultancy for small farms and small businesses in villages,
- Family businesses support programs design and development,
- Monitoring, evaluation and coaching.
- Marketing,
- Organisation fundraising events and Crowd finding projects.
2007 until now / Yerevan / LED Academy / President /
- Design and implementation Locale (Community) Economic Development Programs,
- Manage LED Academy activity.
- Market researches.
2006 -2009 / Yerevan / GIZ/ProSME / LED programs coordinator /
- Implementation of Local Economy Development Programmes (LED) in Armenia;
- Identification of potential host organizations nationwide for LED exercises
- IntroducePACA (Participatory Appraisal of Competitive Advantages) methodology in Georgia and ToT
- Organizing LED exercises in the identified areas, including all work from accommodation for the LED experts team, the facilitation of exercises with workshops and interviews to monitoring and evaluation of the impact and the follow-up
2002 - 2006 / Yerevan / SME Development National Centre of Armenia / Executive Director /
- Implement the state policy on small and medium entrepreneurship development;
- Manage and implement annual state programs on small and medium entrepreneurship development in Armenia and coordinate programme proceeding;
- Conduct surveys using different methods (selective and expert);
- Design and implement small and medium entrepreneurship and regional economic development programmes with Donor organizations (WB, UNDP, OSCE, EU TASIC/UK, BSEC, USAID, DFID, JICA, GIZ, EOMEX);
- Establish a network of SME support and development structures in all regions of Armenia;
- Organizing and facilitating SME Forums and Workshops;
- Representing private sector support infrastructure of Armenia in international forums;
- Participate in drafting of laws and other legal documents related to SMEs and regional economic development;
- Manage and supervise SME DNC staff.
!999 - 2002 / Yerevan / Ministry of Trade and Economic Development / Head of SME Development Department /
- Design and execute the SME Development and SME support regional infrastructure development policy and strategy;
- Prepare annual reports on the SME sphere in Armenia;
- Conduct research on SME related issues;
- Regularly monitor SME sector and analyse the results as well as study the existing statistics;
- Participate in drafting laws and other legal documents related to SMEs and regional economic development;
- Plan and organise business forums, conferences, seminars and meetings for expert groups;
- Manage and supervise the staff of the SME Development Department.
!997 - 1999 / Yerevan / Ministry of industry and trade, / Head of Microeconomic Programs /
- Participate in the design of the policy and strategy for private sector development in Armenia;
- Assist in developing micro programs to support SMEs;
- Participate in drafting laws and other legal documents related to private sector development;
- Plan and organize business forums, conferences, seminars and meetings for expert groups;
- Coordinate TACIS Programme “SME Development Strategy in Armenia” AR-10;
- As a member of BSEC SME working group, participate in BSEC seminars held twice a year in Istanbul;
- Manage and supervise the staff of the SME Development Department.
1994 - 1996 / Yerevan / UNICEF, “Healty Vilige” Program / Head of sociological group /
- Conduct sociological research and fact analysis in the border villagers of Armenia;
- Conduct assessment of economic and social priorities in selected rural communities;
- Conduct assessment of the economic potential in the selected border villages;
- Design social and economic development programmes for selected border villages of Armenia (Tavush, Lori and Aragathotn regions);
1990 - 1994 / Yerevan / National Academy of Science of Armenia / Research Officer /
- Carry out sociological research among young people involved in Artsakh Liberation Movement;
- Carry out Marketing research;
- Conduct sociological surveys on the Referendum of the Independence of Armenia in 1991;
- Conduct observations of social, economic and psychological consequences of the Earthquake in the North of Armenia in 1988.
- Other relevantinformation (e.g., Publication)
Memberships: ERENET(EntrepreneurshipResearch andEducationNetwork of Central European Universities)
LED Academy, Armenian Sociological Association, BSEC – KAS Family Businesses Experts Group, Agricultural and Small Farms Development Experts Group,
Other skills: Yerevan Music School after RomanosMelikyan. Piano,
- “Agricultural SMEs in Armenia” (Research, English), July 2015, BSEC – Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Ankara, Turkey.
- Local Economic Development in Akhtala, Alaverdi, Toumanian, Vanadzor and Spitak regions/ Rural Clusters. 5 editions, AYWA, Armenia, Yerevan 2014
- “Family Businesses and SME’s in Armenia”. (Research, English), November 2013, BSEC – Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Ankara, Turkey.
- More than 20 Brochures “Regional and community development in 20 communities of Armenia”.
- “Development of the SME sector in Armenia”. (Research, English), January 2007, ERENET PROFILE, ISSUE Vol. II, N 1, Budapest, Hungary.
- “Перспективы развития франчайзинга в Армении и международное экономическое сотрудничество”, (статья, на русском), Февраль 2006, журнал «Купи брэнд» Франчайзинг в России».
- Dozens articles in Armenians particularized magazines and newspaper on the subject of the economic developments in Armenia during 1997 – 2006 (Armenian).
- Dozens articles in Armenians particularized magazines and newspaper on the subject of the sociological researches, public opinion, and socio-economic situation in Armenia during 1990 – 2006 (Armenian).
- “The personality in the cross-road”, (Research. Armenian), Armenian Academy of Science. March 1996.
- Co-author of the monograph “Disaster area: Economic, social and psychological problems”, (Research. Armenian), Armenian Academy of Science. February 1995.
CV / xxx