Welcome to the children’s unit at The Royal Oldham Hospital. We all hope you enjoy your placement and find information in this pack useful.
Our ward is a busy unit currently with a capacity for 20 beds with an additional 24 hour 6 bedded Observation and Assessment Unit (O&A). We also have a two bedded high dependency room for patients requiring 1:1 or 2:1 nursing care.
The ward itself admits children from A&E, GP’s, Walk in Centres, O&A, Urgent Care Centres (UCC), Community Nurses and Midwives. We have an open access policy for children that regularly attend the unit due to chronic conditions. This means parents can self-refer if their child is unwell as long as the situation is safe and appropriate. The Children’s Unit also take planned surgical, orthopaedic and medical admissions.
Ward Philosophy
We aim to provide a high standard of care at all times which fulfil the needs of each individual patient and their families/carers, whilst taking into account their physical, psychological, spiritual, cultural and social needs. In doing so, we aim to provide care which is non-judgmental and respects the values, health beliefs and choices of each family.
We aim to provide care within the ethos of names nursing, understanding that each child needs to have an identified children’s nurse who is responsible for co-ordinating their care.
We are committed to caring for each child as a family unit and recognise the importance of family participation in planning and delivering care.
We recognise that health takes on many forms, and aim to promote good health and wellbeing for the children in our care.
We identify the need for the nurse to act as a patient advocate and in doing so support his/her best interest.
We recognise and understand the importance of communication with the child and their family/carer.
We recognise and understand the importance of play in children’s development and aim to provide an environment in which play is a vital part of every child’s care.
We recognise the need for professional development of staff within the children’s unit in order to provide optimal, evidenced based care, encompassing the ethos of shared governance. We aim to communicate effectively within the MDT and in doing so meet the child’s individual needs from admission to discharge.
The care we provide will be continues with the children’s community nursing team (CCNT). The aim is to reduce the amount of hospital admissions and the length of a child’s stay in hospital. It also ensures a smooth transition between hospital and home.
We endeavour to provide a warm and friendly environment in which children and their families can find support and reassurance which are appropriate to their needs.
We are committed to creating and promoting an optimum environment for learning:
· To support students in identifying both learning needs and experiences that is appropriate to their level of learning
· To provide a range of learning experiences
· To facilitate personal and professional development of all students and staff members.
As Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust OUR VISION is to be:
'A leading provider of joined up healthcare that will support every person who needs our services, whether in or out of hospital to achieve their fullest health potential.'
Our Values
Our Values guide every action we take. They determine how we work and the promise we make to our patients, their families, the public and each other as colleagues.
WE ARE: Quality Driven, Responsible, Compassionate.
The Nursing Team
Paediatric Matron- Joanne Veichmanis
Ward Manager- Malcolm Wallace
Advanced Nurse practitioner- Simone Gormon
Practice Educator- Julie Barkley
Sisters- Natalie North , Candy Cryer, Nicola Taylor
Karen Stanhope, Kelly Edwards,
Kylie Leyland, Paula Garlick, Rachel Crowther,
Leah Bloy,
Staff Nurses
Aysha Aktar Jennifer Kelly
Shahanaz Begum Amanda Kerrigan
Shomitha Khatun Arwa Ghanem Robert Baron Saliha Shipa
Laura Malik Naheed Mannan Sarah Greenwood Nazma Begum
Mary Hirst Katie Bowler
Jill Mundy Irsha Gul Lauren Hutchings Holly Martin
Beth Thaker Beverley Dingley
Lines of work Agency nurses
Louise Rothwell
Jackie Brogan
Pam Ashton
Christianah Oko-Osi
Claire Ashby
Catherine walsh
Helena Ford
Health Care Support Workers (HCSW)
&Health Care Assistants (HCA)
Adele Cumpsty Kath Grant
Joan Kurtz Kath Morris
Andrea Clayton Natasha Taylor
Zahira Shaheen Carolyn Betherick
Julie platt Paula Esbach
Play Specialists
Louise Gallagher, Sarah Ogden, Lisa McMahon
Ward Clerks
Kelly Brooks Joyce Green
Rita Sarson Carol Sutton
Dr Mir
Dr Mukherjee
Dr Padmakumar
Dr Odeka
Dr Oluwole
Dr Panasa
Dr Rajagopal
Student team
University Link Lecturer (ULL)
Elizabeth Charnock
Practice Education Facilitator (PEF)
Sheryl O’Flanagan
Practice Education Link (PEL)
Amanda Kerrigan
Naheed Mannan
Sign-off Mentors- (PARE Access) Mentors- (PARE Access)
Candy Cryer Arwa Ghanem
Nicola Taylor Shomita Khatun
Amanda Kerrigan Naheed Mannan
Beverley Dingley Leah Bloy
Paula Garlick Karen Stanhope
Rachel Crowther Natalie North
Kelly Edwards
Student Off Duty
Student off duty is completed in conjunction with the trained staff off duty. This is to ensure that students are working with their mentors at least 40% of their placement. Every effort is made to ensure that all students have at least two weeks of off duty in the folder.
If you have any requests then please ensure your mentor is informed or a senior member of the team. However please be aware that due to the number of students in the clinical area your requests may not always be granted.
Any changes to student off duty MUST be discussed and authorised by your mentor, senior member of staff or a member of the student team.
Please remember to have each shift you have worked signed off by the member of staff you have worked alongside that day.
Hours of work
Early: 07:30 – 15:30 (1x 30 minute break) = 7.5 hours
Late: 12:30 – 20:30 (1x 30 minute break) = 7.5 hours
Long day: 07:30 – 20:30 (2x 30 minute break) = 12 hours
Night: 20:00 – 08:00 (2x 45 minute break) = 10.5 hours
Sickness and Absence
If you are unable to attend for your shift it is important that you inform the unit and the university as soon as possible. Sickness and absence is monitored and the university is notified of all student sickness.
Ward telephone numbers: 0161 627 8866
0161 627 8867
Learning Opportunities
The learning experiences are endless on the unit. You will experience a wide variety of medical and nursing interventions. Experiences and learning on the ward will be vast if you are a keen and motivated student.
The ward has a grand round every Friday morning – please make sure you attend at least one of these.
Learning Materials
The unit encourages the sharing of knowledge and experiences through the MDT.
Learning packages, journals and intranet/internet access are available on the unit. Informal and formal teaching sessions are held on the unit which students can attend to gain knowledge and skills. Library facilities are available onsite.
Paediatric Guidelines
During your placement please familiarise yourself with our trust paediatric guidelines. These can be found by;
§ Opening the trust intranet page
§ Click on Policies and Documents
§ Click on Clinical Documents
§ Click on Paediatrics
The Policies will then be listed
Spoke Placements/ Members of the MDT
Play Specialists
Children’s Outpatients
Children’s Community Nurses
Paediatric A&E
Neonatal Unit
Diabetic Nurse
Epilepsy Nurse
Paediatric Pharmacist
Speech therapist
Occupational therapist
Plaster Room
Please discuss the appropriateness of attending specific spoke placements with your mentor to help meet your learning outcomes.
Please indicate on the student off duty if you are attending a spoke placement so you are not presumed off/sick.
Manchester Children’s Early Warning System (EWS) provides age specific parameters for physiological recordings, incorporating a tool to alert staff to the early detection of evolving critical illness. The six physiological parameters being employed when this tool is used are; heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen requirements, systolic blood pressure, conscious level and capillary refill time.
· Pyrexia – Temperature above 38 degrees
· Hyper pyrexia – Temperature above 40 degrees
· Hypothermia – Temperature below 35 degrees
Pulse and Respiratory Rate
· Tachycardia – Pulse faster than normal range for age group. Could be due to pain, anxiety, temperature, medication
· Bardycardia – Pulse slower than normal range for age group. Could be due to deep sleep, medication, shock, haemorrhage
· Tachypnoeic – Respirations faster than normal for age group. Could be due to pain, infection, fluid overload.
Hockenberry, M.J. Wilson, D. (2015) Wong’s Nursing Care of Infants and Children, 10th Ed. Mosby, Elsevier UK.
Samuels, M. Wieteska, S. (2014) Advanced Paediatric Life Support. 5th Ed. Wiley-Blackwell Publication
The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust Paediatric Guidelines for the use of Manchester Children’s Early Warning System - MANCHEWS
Terms and abbreviations you may come across whilst working on the children’s ward
ANTT – Aseptic non touch technique
APLS – Advanced Paediatric Life Support
AXR – abdominal x-ray
Apnoea – A period of absent breathing for more than 20 seconds
Apyrexial/Afebrile – Body temperature within normal
Aseptic – Sterile procedure
Aspirate – 1) To remove/ drain fluid
2) Fluid inhaled into lungs
Axilla – Arm pit
BD – Twice daily
Backslab – A temporary plaster for a fracture
BLS – Basic life support
BM - Blood sugar monitoring
Blanching rash – A rash that disappears when pressed
CAMHS – Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service
CT scan – Computerised Tomography Scan
CXR - Chest x-ray
CPAP – Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
Dynamap – Blood pressure machine
D&V – Diarrhoea and vomiting
ECHO – Echocardiogram
ECG – Electrocardiogram
EEG – Electric encephalogram
FBC – Full blood count
Ketones – A by-product of lipid breakdown
L.P – Lumbar puncture
MC&S – Microscopy, culture and sensitivity
MDT – Multi Disciplinary team
MRI – Magnetic resonance imaging
MSU – Mid stream urine
Nocte – Night
OD - 1) Overdose
2) Once daily
PRN – As required
QDS – Four times daily
Sats – Oxygen saturations
SCBU – Special Baby Care Unit
SHO – House officer
SpR – Reg/ Registar
TDS – Three times daily
UTI – Urinary tract infection