S.A.C. Meeting
December 12, 2014
DeRosa University Center – Room 211 A/B
Stockton Campus
10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
APPROVED Meeting Minutes
In attendance:
Sally Draper, Stacey Lucchesi, Becky Davis, Kendra Bruno, Marshea Pratt, Erin Rausch, Jack Schroeder, Linda Selvidge, Lauri McInnis, Jan Wammack, Julian Solis, Shelby Slaugenhaupt, Christine Hammerberg
Representatives Absent: Derek Heath, Ester Rafanan
Guests in attendance: Jaci Griffen (Communications Chair), Kitty Gilbert, Hector Escalante, Desiree Maldonado, Nicole Brehm-Castillo (University Bookstore Manager)
- Call to Order – 10:11 AM
- Announcements
- Learning & Development Update
- The Administrative Excellence program will be starting again in January 2015. Kristina is the lead person.
- Learning & Development is taking a different approach to its provision of managerial training and the type of support offered. More information to come.
- Special Presentation – Pacific Staff Items
- Pacific staff “branded” lanyard will be available in 2 versions (black with white writing, orange with white writing). Pacific staff “branded” coffee mug will be a standard design (black with white writing, university seal with “Staff” printed underneath)
- Nicole will provide more information to S.A.C. reps via e-mail regarding companies the University Bookstore works with to produce items specifically for departments and/or specialty items during the holiday season in the Bookstore, etc.
- The University Bookstore will begin carrying items with the “Tommy the Tiger” and “UOP” branding. The items that are clothing in these lines will have the fuller sizes including plus sizes for women. CalGear doesn’t have dressy button up clothing items in the fuller sizes available at this time.
- Nicole asked for feedback from S.A.C. reps about the University Bookstore overall. Highlights included:
- Concerns about sizing for clothing items – There is a need for fuller size “cut” women’s shirts, lack of button up shirts (professional style). There is also a need for sizes beyond XL for women. Nicole is looking for a company to meet those needs. Currently they sell Men’s clothing in sizes Small – XXL, Women’s clothing Small – XL (although the tapered sides of shirts make the XL seem much smaller).
- Lack of button up/professional looking attire for staff – A lack of button shirts. The XL size is way too small. Nicole said there are some black button up shirts available and she can provide photos of same if that is helpful.
- Marketing – How do people find out about sales? Nicole said information is posted on FB or people can sign-up for their e-mail blast. “Flash” sales aren’t always advertised. However, information is placed in the Pacific Insider.
- Pricing on specialty items – Nicole shared that Club Colors and Promoversity offer discounts based on volume. They do their own graphic work. Orders can be placed directly through the companies or through the University Bookstore. Both companies are willing to come to campus and display what they have to offer and Nicole has their contact information. The University Bookstore does not have a relationship with ImageMasters, Inc. or The Tiger Collection at this time.
- Shelby added that Purchasing does have a list of other “local” sources that they have utilized through the Office of Business and Finance. S.A.C. Reps can contact her for more information.
- Nicole encouraged S.A.C. Reps to e-mail her with any additional suggestions or comments as well as from constituents, .
- New Business
- Approval of November Meeting Minutes
- Corrections: 2nd to last page - “tracked backed” should be corrected to say “tracked back”, last page – “consult” should be changed to “consultant”
- Motion – Move to approve the minutes from the 11/14 meeting with corrections as stated. (Jan Wammack, 2nd Jack Schroeder)
Vote: Motion carried.
- Proposed Revisions to S.A.C. Scholarship Packet – Marshea presented a draft of suggested revisions for the packet. S.A.C. reps weighed in with their feedback.
Suggestions included:
- Tax Liability – Adding verbiage about possible tax liability if recipients pay for expenses themselves rather than through their departments.
- Timeframe of application cycle – Rather than having to “revise” the document every year simply to update the start/end dates of the cycle, use more generic language such as “August-November.”
- Restrict amount of award – Provide a “maximum” amount and/or add language that states, “Funds are discretionary based on what’s available for that application cycle.”
- Eliminate requirement for supervisor’s signature. Simply cc: recipient’s supervisor when acknowledging receipt of application.
- Clarify “12 months” – Decide if it means 12 months from when the award was granted or 12 months from when the conference took place.
- Find ways to eliminate barriers for those who are handwriting their applications and/or do not have e-mail. Refine bullet pointed list of “examples” of financial documentation on page 2.
- Provide links to the University Mission and summary of the Pacific 2020 priority areas and strategies or a 1 sheet of same.
- Provide a version of the application that is a “fillable” .pdf and/or have an “online” process (“fill out, add attachments, hit submit”).
- Provide a space for applicants to list their pay grades. Determine whether an appeal process will be allowed. If so, clearly state that along with how the process works.
- Provide a “sample” de-identified application online.
- Stacey gave an update on the Scholarship Account (GHRC 01).
- At the beginning of this fiscal year, there was a rollover amount in GHRC 01 of $8412.87. In addition, the Office of Business and Finance allowed us to transfer $2500 from the current fiscal year’s general account’s (GHRC) to the current GHRC 01 account.
- At this time, there are 9 scholarships that have been awarded in which the applicants have yet to submit receipts for a total of $5,740.00. Once those receipts are submitted, there will be $2,000 remaining balance in the Scholarship Account GHRC 01.
- Ongoing Business
- Planning Committee for S.A.C. Winter Celebration – The committee has met a couple of times and developed a budget that was distributed for S.A.C. reps to review.
- The theme for the event is “Power Up” and the goal is to encourage staff to kick off the new year refreshed and energized. With that in mind, there will be an emphasis on an energy packed compostable meal as well as activities/games that promote physical activity. A photo booth will also be available.
- Promotional materials will be available in .pdf, .jpg and a few hard copies. At the event, there will also be information to encourage staff to complete the Staff Climate Survey.
- A special hashtag, EventBrite online registration page, and event announcement are being created to further spread the word. Information will be shared via social media, e-mail, University Events calendar and the Pacific Insider.
- Projected budget is $6, 925.00.
- Treasurer’s Report Treasurer – Current Balance $19,400. Pending Transactions: $600. After that transaction is resolved; the remaining balance will be $18,000.
- Voting on Budget for Winter Celebration - Motion to approve the Stockton campus “Power Up” Winter Celebration budget as presented in the amount of $6,925.00.
Motion: Erin Rausch 2nd Linda Selvidge
Vote: Motion Carried.
- AVP External Relations Search – The top 3 candidates recently completed their campus interviews. The Search Committee is hoping to have someone on board in early 2015.
- AVP Business & Finance – The Chair of the Search Committee is Scott Rivinius. The committee is up and running.
- Ombudsperson position – Hector Escalante was selected for this position. His new office will be on the 1st floor of Bannister Hall in the area previously used as a conference room.
- Holiday ROAR - Jan shared that she has received feedback about the disappointing turnout at this event.
- Student Life update, concerns - Erin and Jan gave a presentation to the Student Life Directors about what S.A.C. is doing and is involved in right now. Concerns were discussed regarding shared governance, etc. A Search Committee will be moving forward with a search for the new Dean of Students. Marshea asked if Erin could convey to the Search Committee Chairperson that S.A.C. would like to have a chance to speak with each of the final candidates.
- Dining options during DeRosa University Center remodeling – While the DeRosa University Center will be “offline” over the next couple of weeks, the E.A.T. truck will be in front of McCaffrey Center and the Grove will have expanded options available.
- Electric Car Charging Stations – Ron Harvey will be speaking to S.A.C. reps at the January meeting regarding his proposal for stations to be placed at the Stockton and Sacramento campuses. San Francisco already has a station in place.
- Evaluation of Catering Services – An outside person will be evaluating the University’s current catering services contract with Bon Appetit. A decision will be made in July 2015 as to whether Bon Appetit will no longer be the exclusive caterer for 4 campus venues.
- Cost to use compostable products at a catered on-campus event – Discussion of eliminating the extra cost to “go compostable” at catered events.
- McGeorge/Sacramento Campus – They now have Zip Cars on campus.
- Workplace Flexibility Committee update - Lauri share that the committee recently met with a consultant group that develops & implements surveys for these types of projects. Due to the climate surveys being rolled out this spring semester, the committee decided to hold off on putting out the workplace flexibility survey for now. However, they will hold focus groups with particular target groups on campus. They are in the process of developing open ended questions, etc. They are also looking into using a form similar to the “anonymous feedback” form currently used by S.A.C. to gather feedback. The project timeline is mid-January to mid-February for all 3 campuses and they look forward to S.A.C.’s support.
- External Relations and Athletics update - Christine stated that the Division of External Relations and Athletics will be divided into two separate Divisions. Ted Leland will serve exclusively as Athletics Director. The new AVP of External Relations will oversee a Division that will only include the Latino Outreach Program and Beyond Our Gates. In light of this change, Marshea said the S.A.C. Exec. Board will need to review whether a separate S.A.C. representative is warranted for the new Division that will have only have a handful of constituents in it for the March 2015 election.
- Pacific Basketball during Winter Break - There are Men’s and Women’s Basketball games over the Winter Break. S.A.C. reps and their constituents are encouraged to attend.
Motion – Stacey Lucchesi, 2nd Kendra Bruno
Vote – Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 11:35 a.m.
Minutes Submitted by M. Pratt