If a local church building of the United Reformed Church is approved for civil partnership registration, it will become possible for a couple to register a civil partnership and to celebrate a service of Christian worship in the same place (without having to move from one building to another). However, there is a continuing legal prohibition of any religious service ‘while the civil partnership registrar is officiating’. This means there will need to be a distinction between the secular act of registration and the associated worship, even though they may be taking place in the same space and on the same day.
A civil partnership is formed by the couple signing a ‘civil partnership schedule’, at the invitation of and in the presence of a civil partnership registrar, and in the presence of each other and two witnesses – these things are known as ‘the Proceedings’. Nothing else (like vows or any kind of ceremony) is required by law in order for a partnership to be formed, though in practice many of the ceremonies that have taken place in secular buildings since 2005 have included such things by agreement.
However, the rules governing secular buildings also prohibited religious material immediately before and after the registration proceedings; so the accompanying ceremonies never included vows or other material with a religious content. This meant that any ceremony which might be interpreted as a religious blessing had to be in a separate building. In practice, couples who have wanted a service of blessing have had to move to another building and to have a second and distinct ceremony, at which the civil partnership registrar was not present.
What the new legislation from 2011 provides for is the possibility of a civil partnership being registered on religious premises. ‘Proceedings’ on religious premises are more narrowly defined in the rules: the term just means the formation of a civil partnership, and formation means the Registrar’s invitation and the signatures. These, however, must still conform to three requirements:
First, they may not be religious in nature. (In particular, they may not include extracts from a religious marriage service or sacred religious texts, religious rituals, hymns, any other religious music or any form of worship. Thus, for example, it would not be in order for the congregation to be invited to pray during the signing of the civil partnership schedule, nor for recognisably religious music to be played or sung whilst this is taking place.) Secondly, the registration proceedings may not be presided over by a religious leader.[1] Finally, the arrangements for them, and their content, must be approved in advance by the registration authority.
Below are provided two examples of how the formation of a civil partnership and a Christian service might be held within a United Reformed church building on the same day; one in which the civil partnership is formed first and worship follows, and one in which worship is followed by the formation of a civil partnership.
First example
A table for the signature of the civil partnership schedule is placed visibly within the space intended for both registration and worship. (The Communion Table should not be used for this purpose.) No Bible or other religious symbol is placed on this additional table. Two chairs may be placed before the table if desired.
The intended leader of worship or another speaker on behalf of the hosting church may welcome the congregation before the registrar enters the space, but then takes a seat with the congregation in silence.
The congregation, including the appointed witnesses, being assembled, the playing of any religious music now ceases, and the couple enter the space with the registrar. Unless already seated, the intended leader of worship takes a seat with the congregation in silence.
The Registrar presides over the registration proceedings, inviting the couple to form their civil partnership by each signing the schedule. The witnesses and the Registrar then also sign. The Registrar declares that the legal formation of the couple’s civil partnership is complete.
The Registrar is conducted out of the building by the ‘responsible person’ or deputy, taking the signed schedule with him/her. The leader of worship comes forward and assumes presidency of the event, welcoming the congregation in words such as these:
Welcome to ( X United Reformed Church……..), where you have witnessed the formation of the civil partnership between A and B. We meet in the presence of God, to celebrate the love and friendship that A and B have found with one another, to hear them make solemn vows, and to pray for God’s blessing upon them.
In the Bible we read, ‘God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them.’
(1 John 4:16)
God of love,on this day of joy we come to praise you.
When two people find love together you are with them, and in their faces we see your delight.
When love is expressed in commitment and promises, we see a faithfulness like yours.
When the future beckons with hope, we are restored and renewed.
Bless this celebration today with your presence and promise, that all of us may be touched by grace and strengthened with joy, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
We join in the prayer which Jesus taught us, saying together:
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses,as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.
A and B,
you have today been united in partnership with one another.
Before God and before this congregation,
I will ask you to declare your mutual commitment,
as people bound together for all your days
by the love of God, faithful and strong.
But first, I will ask your family and your friends here today
to affirm their willingness to support you as you begin a new life together.
Do you, the family and friends of A and B,
promise to support and strengthen them in the years ahead?
We do.
Eternal God,
be with A and B
as they make promises before you.
May they speak honestly and sincerely,
and be given strength to honour their words.
May we who witness these promises
be gracious in sharing their joy
and persistent in friendship and support.
In your name, the one who is ever faithful, we pray, Amen.
The Vows
I (A) take you (B) to be my partner for life.
I will be faithful to you and honest with you.
I will respect you and trust you.
I will listen to you and care for you.
I will share my life with you in plenty and in want.
I will love you and honour you,
that together we may love God
and serve God’s people
through all our days.
I (B) take you (A) to be my partner for life.
I will be faithful to you and honest with you.
I will respect you and trust you.
I will listen to you and care for you.
I will share my life with you in plenty and in want.
I will love you and honour you,
that together we may love God
and serve God’s people
through all our days.
The Giving of the rings:
Eternal God, whose love surrounds us all,
bless the giving and receiving of these rings.
May they be signs of a love that never ends,
beautiful, holy and strong.
May they be tokens of commitment and faithfulness,
reminders of the vows made today
in the name of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I give you this ring in God’s name as a sign of all that we have promised
and all that we shall share.
Prayer of blessing:
God our Creator, you make us in your image and bless us with the gift of love.
In the passion of love’s touch and the strong bonds of affection
your love and blessing are known.
We pray now for your blessing to be upon A and B.
May they share a deep and holy love,
and be blessed with joy, kindness and faithfulness.
May they be good for one another through the years to come.
May their love endure through difficult and testing times.
May your love, bound with theirs,keep them faithful to one another and close to you,
all the days of their life together,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
and give you peace. Amen.
A and B,
you have today entered a civil partnership
and, before this congregation and before God,
declared your commitment to one another, making solemn vows of love.
You are united together
and you carry with you the blessing of God.
Be together always.
The congregation may greet the couple
O God of love,
we pray for all those who
have made a commitment to love another;
for A and B
on this special day for them,
for those in the first days of love,
and for those who have celebrated many anniversaries.
Be with us all in the joy and vulnerability of loving,
strengthen us in commitment and loyalty,
guide us when love is difficult or costly,
and comfort us whenever love ends.
We pray for the Church…
We pray for the world…
We pray for all in need…
We bring these prayers
in the confidence that you will hear us
and that your love will bless us with new hope.
In the name of Christ, Amen.
The Blessing
Let us go in joy and in peace, for God is with us.
And may the God who made us for one another,
who loves us with a faithful love
and whose spirit makes us passionate and strong,
bless you and embrace you, now and for ever. Amen.
Second example
A table for the signature of the civil partnership schedule is placed visibly within the space intended for both registration and worship. (The Communion Table should not be used for this purpose.) No Bible or other religious symbol is placed on this additional table. Two chairs may be placed before the table if desired.
If the registrar is present during the worship he/she takes a seat with the congregation ; alternatively the registrar may wait in another room until notified by the responsible person or deputy that the worship preceding the registration has ended.
The congregation, including the appointed witnesses, being assembled, the couple enter the space with the leader of worship, who welcomes the congregation in words such as these:
Welcome to ( X United Reformed Church……..), where we shall shortly witness the formation of a civil partnership between A and B.
First, as we meet in the presence of God,
let us celebrate the love and friendship that A and B have found with one another.
Let us hear them make solemn vows,
and pray for God’s blessing upon them in the union they are soon to enter.
In the Bible we read,
God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them.
(1 John 4:16)
God of love,
on this day of joy
we come to praise you.
When two people find love together
you are with them
and in their faces we see your delight.
When love will be expressed in commitment and promises
we see a faithfulness like yours.
When the future beckons with hope
we are restored and renewed.
Bless this celebration today
with your presence and promise,
that all of us may be touched by grace
and strengthened with joy,
through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
We join in saying together the prayer which Jesus taught us, saying..
Our Father,
who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
for ever and ever. Amen.
A and B,
you are soon to be united in partnership with one another
Before God and before this congregation,
I will ask you to declare the mutual commitment
which will be sealed by your legal bond for all your days.
But first, I will ask your family and your friends here today
to affirm their willingness to support you as you begin a new life together.
Do you, the family and friends of A and B,
promise to support and strengthen them in the years ahead?
We do.
Eternal God,
be with A and B
as they make promises before you.
May they speak honestly and sincerely,
and be given strength to honour their words.
May we who witness these promises
be gracious in sharing their joy
and persistent in friendship and support.
In your name, the one who is ever faithful, we pray, Amen.
The Vows
I (A) take you (B) to be my partner for life.
I will be faithful to you and honest with you.
I will respect you and trust you.
I will listen to you and care for you.
I will share my life with you in plenty and in want.
I will love you and honour you,
that together we may love God
and serve God’s people
through all our days.
I (B) take you (A) to be my partner for life.
I will be faithful to you and honest with you.
I will respect you and trust you.
I will listen to you and care for you.
I will share my life with you in plenty and in want.
I will love you and honour you,
that together we may love God
and serve God’s people
through all our days.
The Giving of the rings:
Eternal God, whose love surrounds us all,
bless the giving and receiving of these rings.
May they be signs of a love that never ends,
beautiful, holy and strong.
May they be tokens of commitment and faithfulness,
reminders of the vows made today
in the name of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I give you this ring in God’s name as a sign of all that we have promised and all that we shall share.
Prayer of blessing:
God our Creator, you make us in your image and bless us with the gift of love.
In the passion of love’s touch and the strong bonds of affection
your love and blessing are known.
We pray now for your blessing to be upon A and B.
May they share a deep and holy love,
and be blessed with joy, kindness and faithfulness.
May they be good for one another through the years to come.
May their love endure through difficult and testing times.
May your love, bound with theirs, keep them faithful to one another and close to you,
all the days of their life together,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
and give you peace. Amen.
A and B,
before this congregation and before God,
you have declared your commitment to one another
and made solemn vows of love.
This commitment is shortly to be sealed in law.
You carry with you the blessing of God.
Be together always.
The congregation may greet the couple
O God of love,
we pray for all those who
make commitments to love one another;
for A and B
on this special day for them,
for those in the first days of love,
and for those who have celebrated many anniversaries.
Be with us all in the joy and vulnerability of loving,
strengthen us in commitment and loyalty,
guide us when love is difficult or costly,
and comfort us whenever love ends.
We pray for the Church…
We pray for the world…
We pray for all in need…
We bring these prayers
in the confidence that you will hear us
and that your love will bless us with new hope.
In the name of Christ, Amen.
Let us embrace the future in joy and in peace, for God is with us.
The leader of worship now sits with the congregation and the registrar comes forward (or is conducted into the space by the responsible person or deputy) to preside at the registration proceedings. Any religious music being played ceases at this point.