4340 E. Kentucky Suite 311 Denver, CO 80246

Outline for GTC Food Safety Training- Denver Public Schools

  1. How the GTC protocols were written
  1. Partnership between DPS Food and Nutrition Services, Denver Department of Environmental Health, Denver Urban Gardens, and Slow Food Denver
  2. Started with GAP/GHP protocols and adapted them for school gardens
  1. How to sign up for the GTC program
  1. Visit GTC website (
  2. Download the form “School Garden”, fill it out and return to
  3. Attend a GTC training session.
  4. Talk to your kitchen manager to inform them that you have signed up for the GTC program.
  1. Produce items that are eligible for the GTC program (see protocols)
  1. Equipment List for Harvest days
  2. Harvest basket
  3. Scale
  4. Recording sheet
  1. Preparation of students for GTC program
  2. Select a class or group to harvest with. Schedule an introduction class to explain the goals of the GTC program.
  3. Prepare a schedule to work with a small group each week
  1. Pre-preparation before the harvest and students
  2. GTC leader checks in with Kitchen Manager
  3. GTC leader gets harvest baskets, scale and recording sheet from Kitchen
  4. Sterilize harvest basket with either dishwasher or 3-compartment sink.
  5. GTC leader surveys garden for produce to pick.
  6. GTC leader prepares hose and Recording Sheet.
  1. Harvest with student procedures
  2. Get students from classroom
  3. Check to see if any student has been ill in the last 2 weeks or are showing symptoms now.
  4. Wash hands. GTC leader demonstrates
  5. GTC leader shows the students what to pick and how to tell if something is ready to be harvested.
  6. Pass out harvest baskets
  7. Students put harvest vegetables into baskets
  8. GTC leader shows students how to wash vegetables.
  9. Produce is weighed and recorded.
  10. Produce is taken to Kitchen Manager and she signs the Recording sheet
  11. Students return to class
  12. GTC leader sterilizes the harvest baskets
  1. Handling procedures in the kitchens (see protocols)
  1. Composting procedures
  2. Composting of produce scraps is optional
  3. Kitchen Manager collects scraps from the garden vegetables.
  4. Students collect scraps from kitchen and add them to compost pile
  1. Guidelines for DUG Community Gardeners to participate in GTC program
  2. See protocols
  1. Questions
  1. Pass out Harvest baskets and Recording Sheets

Slow Food Denver is a chapter of Slow Food U.S.A., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.