Psychology Spring 2017Mrs. Costello
Welcome to Psychology!
This half year course will provide you with a broad introduction to the field of psychology. We will be studying the history of psychology, key figures in the field and their theories, gathering data on the study of human behavior, analyzing examples of research findings, and using psychological knowledge to improve the quality of our lives. This survey of psychology will acquaint you with the major concepts and terminology of the discipline and give you a better understanding of yourself and others. We will use a combination of lectures, video clips, demonstrations, and even your own experiences as learning tools.
Key Units
- The Field of Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Personality & theories
- Brain, Body, and Behavior
- Sensation and Perception
- Methods of Psychology
- Motivation, Emotion & Stress
- Consciousness
- Learning, Information Processing and Memory
- Intelligence and Creativity
- Human Development
- Gender Differences
- Theories of Personality
- Conflict and Stress
- Mental Disorders Treatment
Come to class on time with appropriate materials (3 ringed binder with notepaper, pen, pencil). Please ask questions, participate in class discussions and respect others (don’t talk over me or each other, use appropriate language).
- Homework will be given regularly. Students will be given time to write down the assignment in class and should have an assignment book or calendar to keep track of assignments.
- There is a 25% penalty on late homework unless you are absent. You have 1 week to make up any late homework after which a zero will be entered in the grade book for that assignment.
Tests & quizzes:
- Each unit will be assessed with tests and quizzes. Students are encouraged to come for extra help & review afterschool prior to quizzes and tests.
- Tests will be announced at least two class days prior to the exam (example Monday for a test Friday).
- Quizzes will be of both the announced and pop variety.
Grading & Progress reports:
- Grades are calculated by dividing the total points possible in a quarter by the total points earned.
- All grades are recorded on Power Teacher. You and your parents or guardians may view your grades online.
- Progress reports go out at least every 5 weeks!
- A final exam will be given in June which counts as 20% of the course grade.
Lateness to and Absences from class:
- If you come late to class without a pass it will be recorded and a detention assigned after your second late.
- If you are absent for any reason you are responsible for making up that work and have 1 week to do so without penalty. This can be adjusted on a case by case basis under extreme circumstances.
Cell phones & other electronics:
- No cell phone use in class.
- No cell phones on the desk or in your lap!
- No earbuds!
- Failure to comply will result in me taking your phone and potentially giving it to DiBari / detention / behavioral referral
Final Assessment
The final assessment will be an exam that reflects the material presented and discussed during the semester.
Text: Psychology and You
Additional resources will be handed out in class and some will be found on my website.