
Welcome to our pre-school.

We provide a friendly and caring environment for children aged 2 to 5 years.

Sessions take place in a warm and cosy hall and we make use of local outdoor play facilities.

Our experienced and qualified staff team ensure that children are provided with a varied range of engaging activities.

Windsor Hall specialises in ‘Learning through Play’. Children learn best when they are active and involved in ‘hands on’ activities. At Windsor Hall, we focus on the prime areas of development; Communication and language, Physical development and Personal, Social and Emotional development. We also teach Maths, Literacy, Expressive arts and design and Knowledge and understanding of the world through play based activities.

We place a strong emphasis on lifelong learning skills;

*Making relationships with adults and peers.

*Developing self confidence.

*Becoming an independent learner.

Each child has a key person who will ensure that each individual child’s developmental needs and interests are reflected and provided for in our learning environment. This helps each child progress and have fun.

We work in partnership with parents and have an ‘Open Door’ policy, this means you are welcome to come in and visit/stay and play, at any time. Parents are children’s most important educators and we really value your input.

We welcome volunteers and parents and carers who have a skill to share (playing a musical instrument, pasta making etc) or would just like to help. Please let us know if you would like more information about volunteering or coming in to share a skill.

Session Times

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

9.15a.m to 12. 15p.m/Lunch Club 12.15-12.45/12.45-2.15

Thursday and Friday

9.15a.m to 12. 15p.m/lunch club 12.15-12.45

Costs per hour £6

Government Funded Places available for 2,3 and 4 year olds.

Our Team

We have a fully qualified and experienced staff team.

We are:

Jessica - Pre-school leader(Early Years Teacher), designated safeguarding contact/ First Aid.

Ahdieh - Pre-schooldeputy leader (Level6 – Early Years Graduate), designated safeguarding contact/ First Aid.

Emily – Pre-school assistant (WT Level 2).

Lynsey – Pre-school assistant (WT Level 2).

Jaime – Pre-school assistant (Level 3).

Sadzida – Pre-school assistant

Lisa – Pre-School assistant (Level 3)

All staff hold an enhanced DBS check and a range of other qualifications, further details available on request.

Windsor Hall Pre-School believes that each parent is their child’s first and most important educator. There are lots of ways in which you can help your child whilst he/she is at pre-school.

What you can do:

*Come to pre-start visits with your child. This will help you and your child to familiarise yourselves with the setting.

*Contribute to your child’s learning journey book. You are welcome to take this home at any point to share with your child and to add pictures and comments about what they have done or progress they have made at home (such as potty training or drawing a face for the first time).

*Volunteer, we have an ‘open door’ policy which means that you are welcome to stay and play at any time. We also need regular volunteers to enable us to take the children on regular outings to the park and other trips.

*Ensure that hats, coats, lunchboxes are named.

*Prompt arrival and collection is essential to your child’s sense of wellbeing and the smooth running of the setting.

*Keep us up to date with your contact details, your child’s allergies, food preferences, likes and dislikes etc.

*Clothing. We like messy activities and lots of outdoor play at
Windsor Hall, so please ensure your child wears appropriate clothes. In hot weather, we ask that you apply sun cream before they start their session. We encourage children to be as independent as possible, clothing that is easy for them to manage will help them to do this.

*We provide snack, drinks, wipes. We ask that your child brings with them a change of clothes, nappies (if appropriate) and lunch if staying to lunch club.

*Talk to us! We are here to help.

Term dates:

Autumn Term 2017

Wednesday 6th Sept-Friday 15th December.

Half Term Monday 23rd October – Friday 27th October.

Spring Term 2018

Thursday 4th January-Thursday 29th March.

Half Term Monday 12th February – Friday 16th February.

Summer Term 2018

Tuesday 17th April – Tuesday 24th July.

Half Term Monday 28th May – Friday 1st June

You are welcome to ‘stay and play’ anytime.

We hope you can join us.

Full copies of policies and procedures available on request.

Tel: 07766551680


Don’t forget to look at our facebook page for pictures of all our lovely activities and great activity ideas to try at home!