2015 AP Exam Observation Form
Name of Person Observing:
School Name:
AP Coordinator/Test Administrator:
Other Escort provided:
1. Check in with Administration (if you are at the school):
Let the front office know that you are in the building and observing the AP Exam;
You may either be escorted to the AP Exam location or may need to find it yourself.
If you are at an off-site location, you may quietly enter the testing room and tell the Exam Administrator who you are. Please do not interrupt the Administrator if s/he is giving instructions. Please do not interrupt the students.
2. Confirm Number of students testing:
Count the number of students in the room and write it here: ______;
3. Test Administrator/Proctor:
The AP Coordinator/licensed counselor/school-appointed teachers should administer the exams. A proctor may also be present. Proctors and test administrators MAY NOT be teachers in the subject area being tested. A subject area is defined as science, math, English, or social studies. Should you find the AP teacher of the subject being tested in the testing room, please contact Brant Riedel and Susan Edelman/Linda Sklar. (Contact numbers at bottom of page.) The school must contact College Board and report the violation immediately.
One exam administrator is required for up to 35 students, a second is required for up to 50, and a third is required for between 50 and 100.
4. Observe Classroom Testing Procedures:
Confirm that all instructional and reference materials that might help with the current test have been removed or covered;
Confirm that student seating has been arranged so that students are seated 5 feet apart (4 feet for Calculus and U.S. History)
Confirm that students have pencils, pens (black or blue), graphing calculators (for calculus, chemistry, statistics, and physics), and four function calculators (for biology);
Confirm that test materials are handed out in a secure and appropriate manner;
Confirm that the test administrator is familiar with time limits and test schedule (see back of form);
Confirm that test materials are handled in a secure manner within the testing location;
Confirm that students are engaged in the exam.
Confirm that food and drink are not in the testing room (unless accommodation has been approved.)
Observation Timeline: Arrival Time Exit Time
Contact information:
College Board: 888-225-5427
College Board Office of Testing Integrity: 609-406-5427 or 609-406-5441
Brant Reidel : 416-1290 or 416-5450 Susan Edelman: (901) 481-0271 Linda Sklar: (901) 482-9378