Tel: 07715267979
Updated: July 2017
Dear Parents/Guardian of new members joining Teign View GC,
On behalf of Teign View Gymnastics Club I am pleased to welcome your child as a new member of the club.
The aim of the club is to provide a safe, effective and child friendly environment in which the members can participate in General Gymnastics activities under the guidance of appropriately qualified coaches.
We operate an open philosophy and welcome the support of parents or guardians. The members of the club are organised into groups according to their ability, experience and individual needs and coaches will be pleased to discuss the training programmes and your child's needs with you.
We provide a child centred, coach led programme and will endeavour to help your child develop to their optimum level of performance. Our coaches are all British Gymnastics qualified coaches at the appropriate level and have been screened for their suitability to work with children. A Welfare Officer, Lorraine Bond, has been appointed by the club to deal with any safety issues.
Arrangements should be made to escort your child to and from training sessions and events. We would appreciate your child arriving and being collected promptly.
Training times are indicated on the attached Registration Form, but if you have difficulties please contact the Head Coach.
Participants are required to be appropriately dressed in gymnastic attire, but sensitive discretion within the bounds of reasonable safety, will be shown in particular circumstances.
The club has adopted the BG policies for Child Protection, Equality and Codes of Conduct and all officials, coaches, members and parents must adhere to these policies.
The annual registration fee includes membership of BG and this encompasses appropriate insurance for your child and the club.
We would be grateful if you would complete the attached club registration form and return it together with any fees to the club.
Yours sincerely,
Tracey Morey
Head Coach
Teign View GC
Please find enclosed in this information pack the following:
· General information
· Club rules/policies
· Code of conduct – dress
· Code of conduct – Body piercing and adornments
· Photography & video policy
· Photography permission form (to be returned)
· Membership & insurance form (to be returned)
Could you please fill out ALL forms found at the back of this pack an return to the club as soon as possible.
We request that ALL gymnasts do NOT bring mobile phones into the gym. If you need to contact your child in an emergency please use the T.V.G.C. mobile phone 07715267979.
· Head Coach
Tracey Morey Women’s Artistic Club Coach
· Coaches
Michelle Fazakarley Assistant Gymnastics Coach
Sarah Webster Assistant Gymnastics Coach
Toni Morey Awards Coach
Natasha Pybus Awards Coach
Laura Fazakarley Awards Coach
Mollie Bond Awards Coach
Evie Lewis Awards Coach
· Welfare Officer
Lorraine Bond
TVGC is a recreational club with approximately 90 members with an age range of 4 to 18 years.
The club has been running over 40 years and Tracey has been the clubs head coach since 2001.
We meet every Wednesday from 5.00pm to 9.00pm at the Broadmeadow Sports Centre, Teignmouth.
The organisation and running of the club is aided by our dedicated committee, which comprises of coaches, helpers and parents listed below:-
- Chairman
Terry Blackmore – Vice Chairman
Tracey Morey – Head Coach
Lorraine Bond – Welfare Officer
Lynne Blackmore - Secretary
Claire Hardy – Parent Representative
Sophie McDonald – Parent Representative
All coaches hold British Gymnastics qualifications and all staff are regularly CRB checked. In line with B.G. policies we have our own nominated Welfare Officer. The role of the W.O. is to oversee the general well being and good practise of both the gymnasts and coaches.
For further information on BG welfare policies visit the BG web site:
Each gymnastics class is structured with the aim of each child reaching their potential. The club follow various badges and awards.
The gymnasts are moved up through the different classes according to ability and at the discretion of coaches.
Once a year we host our recreational competition where we invite other local and regional clubs to compete with us. This is our main fundraising event.
If you or your child has any concerns/complaints however small please see the head coach or welfare officer.
· All new children have a 2-week trial to establish if they want to continue to come. You will need to pay each session. After this if they do continue you will need to pay their insurance and membership.
· Fees must be paid in advanced on a monthly basis and will be requested on the first Wednesday of each month. We will give you a bill for the amount due the last Wednesday of each month for the following month.
You will be charged for weeks of absent unless you are off for long term medical conditions (ie broken bones or operations). Please make cheques payable to TVGC (name of child/children on back).
· The current club fees can be found on the TVGC web site www.teignviewgymnasticsclub.co.uk/fees/.
· If your child fails to attend for 4 consecutive weeks their name will be removed from class list, unless there is an extraordinary reason i.e. illness.
· We adhere to a strict dress/body piercing code please read enclosed policy.
· We also require you to read the photography/video policy. Enclosed is a form you need to sign if you object to your child being photographed or videoed.
· Please ensure that your child is dressed for gym before they arrive. With their hair tied up and secured with clips. They also need to have a named bag to put any belongings in.
We request that you children arrive and are picked up at the end of the session PROMPTLY please, from the main door of the hall. We escort the children in and out of the hall.
During Training Sessions and at events outside of normal training facilities
British Gymnastics believes that jewellery and adornments worn in body piercing are inappropriate for safe practice in gymnastics.
For Gymnasts
NO JEWELLERY TO BE WORN – includes ear piercings, naval piercings and any other body piercing, rings, necklaces, bracelets, watches etc.
Any gymnast who is unable to remove piercings must inform the Head Coach who will ensure that an appropriate covering is placed over the piercing to prevent any risk of injury to the participant, the coach and others.
For Coaches
NO JEWELLERY TO BE WORN – includes ear piercings, naval piercings and any other body piercing, necklaces, bracelets, watches etc
It is acknowledged that in some circumstances, it may be impossible to remove a ring, e.g. wedding ring. Should this be the case, the ring must be sufficiently covered with protective tape to eliminate any risk.
Coaches must ensure that risks associated with jewels and raised adornments on leotards are eliminated.
For Gymnasts & Coaches
The use of mobile phones while in the gym is banned, if you do bring your mobile in to the gym it must be switched off and kept in bags.
The only phone that should be switched on and is available for emergency contact is Tracey’s gym phone 07715267979.
During Training Sessions and at events outside of normal training facilities
For Gymnasts
The clothing worn by the gymnast should not be too loose or too tight and should be appropriate to the activity. Teign View Gymnastics Club has merchandise for sale, including club leotards, T-shirts, sweatshirts and tracksuits. These items of clothing are the recommended clothing to be worn both during training sessions and at competitions, displays and events when representing the club.
The wearing of any clothing with buckles or clasps is prohibited.
Raised adornments on gymnastics clothing are dangerous and are prohibited.
Gymnasts may work in bare foot or wear gymnastic slippers but socks are prohibited unless for a health reason and at the discretion of the Coach in charge.
Loose hair can become a hazard. Therefore, hair must be securely tied and clipped back to avoid any distraction or loss of vision.
Long fingernails present a risk to the gymnast and the coach. Nails should be kept short and it is the responsibility of the coach to ensure that the length of the fingernail is compatible with the activity.
Both coaches and gymnasts should be aware of the risks associated with wearing spectacles and minimise the risks by wearing flexible frames or contact lenses or ensuring that glasses are secure.
For Coaches
All coaches will wear the club uniform – i.e., club tracksuit, T-shirt and sweatshirt.
Trainers are permitted unless coaching on safety mattresses where the coach should be bare foot.
As above, hair should be tied and clipped back to avoid any distraction or loss of vision.
Fingernails should be kept to an appropriate length in order to support gymnasts safely.
Coaches wearing spectacles should be aware of the risks associated with wearing spectacles and minimise the risks by wearing flexible frames or contact lenses or ensuring that glasses are secure.
Within the Child Protection Policy is the commitment to ensure that all publications and media represent participants appropriately and with due respect.
§ The use of mobile phones within the training facility, namely Broadmeadow Sports Centre, is prohibited, unless registered and approved as a photographic device with Teign View Gymnastics Club.
§ A photograph or image (on website) of a child should not be published without written consent, and personal information of the individual, other than the name, should not accompany the image.
§ Care must be taken to ensure that images of children who are under a court order (if informed) are not recorded or published without permission.
§ Websites, in particular that of Teign View Gymnastics Club, should be carefully monitored to eliminate the use of inappropriate images or improper text.
§ Any instance of the use of inappropriate images should be reported to any member of Teign View Gymnastics Club who, in turn, will report to British Gymnastics and may then inform the appropriate authorities.
§ Teign View Gymnastics Club has a parental consent form that is given to each parent/guardian for the taking and publishing of video, photographs and images.
For participants, by entering for an event/competition/display, there is acceptance that the child/participant may be photographed.
For insurance and membership purposes please fill in the following information and return it to the gym club a.s.a.p.
Thank You.
Gymnasts name ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Date of birth …………………………………………
Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
……………………………………………………………………….. Postcode …………………………………………….
Home telephone number (Inc STD code) …………….…………………………………………
E mail Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
1st emergency contact number …………………………………………………………………………..
2nd emergency contact number …………………………………………………………………………..
Known allergies (i.e. plasters) ………………………………………………………………………………………
Known medical conditions (i.e. Asthma, Diabetes, Epilepsy) …………………………………….
Any previous dislocations or broken bones (if yes please state what bone, where
and when)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Thank you for your time.
Dear Parent,
Future planned events with Teign View Gymnastics Club may result in your child being photographed or videoed. The club participates in displays in the summer and enters some gymnasts into competitions. Occasionally we have articles in the papers for publicity this and all of the above may involve photography or video.
If you have any objections to your child being photographed or filmed for the above reasons please tick the box on the tear off slip below and return it to the gym club.
If no return is received we assume that you are content to have your child photographed or videoed.
Teign View Gymnastics Club
------"------"-cut here-"------"------"------"-cut here-"------"------
o I do not wish my child to be photographed or videoed.
Name of child: …………………………………………………………………………………..
Signature of parent: …………………………………………………. Date: …………………….