Course: Algebra 1

Instruct:Dr. Bolds


Phone:941-721-6800 ext. 1160

Welcome to Our Class! We look forward to a successful, productive, and fun year!

About this Course:

The fundamental purpose of this course is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in the middle grades. The critical areas, called units, deepen and extend understanding of linear, exponential, and quadratic relationships by contrasting them with each other and by applying linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend. Students engage in methods for analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions and applying them to real life problems. The Standards for Mathematical Practice apply throughout the course and, together with the content standards, prescribe that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations.

Students will be challenged to develop a depth of knowledge of the math vocabulary and to apply it to word problems. Conceptual understanding of math will become more important than the mechanics of skillfully solving numerical problems. An increased effort from the student is therefore a greater demand in this course.

Academic Grade:

A student’s final average will be a combination of points earned from tests, quizzes, class work, student notes/notebook,homework, participation in class discussions and activities, and use of his/her calendar.There is no extra credit, but students will have the opportunity to earn bonus points by attempting/answering high level questions correctly in class.

In order to be successful in Algebra 1 students will need to:

  • Come to school regularly and be on time and prepared
  • Create and maintain a regular, nightly study schedule
  • Contribute to class discussion and activities
  • Take accurate, clear and complete notes and learn all vocabulary
  • Maintain an up-to-date notebook
  • Advocate for self by asking questions and getting a clear understanding of tasks, due dates and other teacher expectations.

The supplies needed for this class are:Dr. Bolds Wish List (donations)

  • Calendar/agendaTissue
  • Colored pencilsHand Sanitizer
  • 3 ring binder or 5 subject spiral notebookAntibacterial Wipes

( with pockets)Copy paper

  • Loose leafand Graph paperGraph paper, Loose leaf paper
  • Pencils, eraser, handheld sharpenerElectric Pencil Sharpener
  • Blue/black ink pen
  • Glue Stick
  • Scientific calculator (TI-30 or similar)

Class Expectations

Students will:

  • Be on time and prepared
  • Be respectful at ALL times
  • Participate fully in class activities and discussions
  • Complete all assignments

Absent and Late Work Policy

Late work will be accepted up to two weeks after due date. Absent students will have one day for each day absent to make up all missed assignments. Students will have the opportunity to rework assignments and retake quizzes in order to increase their mastery and improve their overall class average. Students must receive tutoring and complete reinforcement assignments prior to retaking tests or quizzes.

Dr. Bolds will be available for morning tutoring provided thatpriorarrangements have been made.

If you need additional help please utilize:

  • Resources available through the Big Ideas textbook
  • Videos on Khan Academy online
  • Google any math topic for examples, other “help” videos
  • Dr. Bolds

Please read, sign and return the Syllabus Acknowledgement and ContractInformation sheet to verify that you and your parent/guardian are aware of Dr. Bolds classroom expectations for algebra.

Ways to help your child:

  • Provide a regular study place/time
  • Cultivate a positive attitude
  • Check grades regularly
  • Encourage them to ask questions and participate in class
  • Make sure they maintain a good source of supplies
  • Make sure they can talk about the content covered
  • Help them focus on passing the End of Course exam – required for high school graduation

Welcome to the 2018-2019 School Year

To: Students, Parents/Guardians

A copy of my syllabus has been posted on my website. Please take time to read it carefully. My goal is to have open communication and clear expectations so that this year is successful for us all.

MSA has adopted theBig Ideas Math textbook series for grades 6-9. In addition to a classroom set of textbooks, students will have a Student Journal, access to the Dynamic Student Edition eBook (app or web-based), online resources (including homework, assessments, and tutorials), and additional practice through Algebra Nation.

Please stay informed with grade averages through parent portal. If you see any unfavorable trends in your grades, please contact me. We will develop a success plan/contract to refocus you and place you back on track for successful completion of algebra.

If your contact information changes, please notify MSA immediately.

Thank you for support.

Dr. Bolds


Syllabus Acknowledgement and Contact Information

We have read the syllabus and we are aware and agree to Dr. Bolds Class Expectations.


Student Name (Print/sign)Date:


Parent/Guardian (Print/sign)Date:

Parent Contact information:

( )______

Main PhoneAlternate Phone


Email Address