RollMaster Web Portal Setup -- RollMaster Software -- 4/8/16
RollMaster Side Web Portal Setup
User Web Portal Control Setup:
Under the User Control menu in the System Control Maintenance module, there is a dedicated Web Portal Usermenu that appears as follows: User Web Portal Control. Three controls appear in this screen and are explained below:
Allowed to setup web portal users- this first control determines who will see the (F6) Web option in the Customer Maintenance module. That option allows completion of the setup of Customers to the online Web Portal. You should only set this control to “Y” for yes for those Users who understand all the functionality of the Web Order system and those who will be responsible for implementation and continued processing of orders placed via the web.
Show Pending Web Orders on menu status- this control determines whether a User, while logged into RollMaster, can receive an alert on the screen when Web Orders are placed on the web and imported into the Web Order Maintenance module. That alert will appear as a flashing message at the very bottom left of the RollMaster screen as follows: $$$New Web Order$$$. Set this control to “Y” for yes for those Users who need to see this alert.
Update required on web property mgmt- this thirdcontrol determines whether a User can access and change certain fields in the “Ship To” box of the Customer Maintenance module that controls whether those fields will be considered “required fields of entry” for Web Orders on a Customer-by-Customer basis. Those fields are as follows: Customer PO, Building, and Unit. Set this control to “Y” for yes if the User has permission to set these fields for Web OrderCustomers.
As soon as you enter through the last field of the User Web Portal Controlscreen or hit Esc to exit, the system will prompt the following: Save Changes? Type a “Y” to save any changes or a “D” to delete the User, if applicable.
Web Portal Email Message Maintenance:
As the name indicates, this module will allow you to set up Emailsthat will be generated during Web Portalorder processing. Please Note:you will need to set up an email client such as Outlook or Mozilla in order to send emails from the Web Portal. You can create more than one version and each message can be added to All Branches or you can set up a different messages for every Branch by selecting a Branch ID at the top of this message box. When you create multiple messages, you then have the ability to select the applicable message before sending. Please note that this message is sent after both a Web Order and an Orderare created from the Property Management/Builders Template module. An example of a Web Portal EmailMessageappears as follows:
After creating a message, click the Savebutton. The title doesn’t have to appear on the first line, but may help to distinguish between multiple messages. To add another message, type over the existing message and click the Save As Newbutton. A “Save As” screen will appear as follows:
You can select a specific Branchin which to save the message, or keep the default “All Branches,” and you will then type a new Namein the next field. Be sure to click Savebefore you Exit. Use the Deletebutton to delete an existing message.
Please Note: This menu option will only appear under the following custom menus: MENU.FIL, MENUNO.FIL, and MENUB2BT.FIL.
Also, an email needs to be created such as so that email alerts are sent as a backup to the notification within RollMaster. This can be helpful in the event orders come in during evening hours or over the weekend.
Customer Maintenance Web POrtal Setup:
There are fields in the main Customer Maintenancescreen and in the Ship To Codesscreen that need to be completed for Web Portal functionality. In the main screen, the Mgmt. Co. (Parent) box should only be checked when identifying the customer accounts that are the “parent” or “umbrella” Property Management/Builder companies in the system. Among other features, with this box checked, the Property Management Report(accessed from the top of the Customer Maintenance screen)will display a list of all Properties—set up as individual Customers in the system—that are owned/managed by the selectedCustomer ID. Check this field only for those true ParentCompanies where you need to link up all the apartment complexes, condominiums, and/or builder neighborhoods to be able to generate combined reports and sales analysis, but the individual address remains its own Customer ID.
In the Ship To Codescreen, for applicable Web PortalShip Toaddresses, additional fields need to be completed. The Required in Web/Order Systemfield needs to be checked in order to access other setup fields. This field controls the three prompts at the very bottom of the screen and can only be accessed by Users with permission. If a User has permission, they are then allowed to determine whether any of the three fields are considered required fields of entry when a Web Order is placed for this Ship Toaddress. If any of these options are checked, the Web Portal program will display a red asterisk next to these fields, and your client will not be able to leave these fields blank when placing a Web Order.
The Invoice Preferencesfields control the default of where the Invoices will be mailed for each Ship Toaddress, whether that be the “Sold To” location, “Ship To” location or the Property Manager, if one has been assigned. At the very bottom of the screen are additional fields for Property ManagementShip To Codes. At the Property Management Co field, if this “Ship To” address needs to be tracked on the Property Management Report for a ParentProperty Management/Builder Company, you will need to add the Customer IDof the Parent Company in this field to complete the setup for that report. Use the Lookupbutton to prompt a list of all existing Customer IDsdesignated as Property Management Companies. This feature also allows you to make the Property Management Company address the billing address. However, before you can do that you must use the Property Managersoption that appears at the top left of the Ship-To Code Maintenancescreen to add any Property Management Companies prior to assigning one in this field. (See explanation below.)
Use the Property Managers option if this Ship To Codeneeds to be tracked on the Property Management Report for a “Parent” Property ManagementCompany or “Parent” Builder Company. When you select this option, a Property Managers or Buildersscreen will appear as follows:
To begin adding Property Managers, click the Addbutton. The system will then prompt the following:
Click the down arrow button to the right of the Property Managerfield to display a list of existing Property Managers or Builders that have been designated as such in the system prior to this step via the Customer Maintenance module. Click on the applicable name and then click the Addbutton in this screen to complete the process. If applicable, you can add multiple Property Managers or Builders to any Ship To Codevia this feature. Once a list has been created, you can then use the Rankcolumn in the first screen to prioritize the list. When you click in the Rankcolumn, an up or down arrow button will appear to the right of the list and you can click the arrow until you have organized the list in the proper order. Once a Property Manager or Builder list has been compiled, you will also see a Deleteoption in the first screen to allow you to delete entries.
The Web Setupoption will only be available for RollMaster clients using the Web Portal program, and only Users with permission to create Web Portal logins will have access to this option. For those who do have permission, when you click on this option, aCustomer Web Login Setupbox will appear as follows:
The WebLogin Setupshould be completed for each Property that will be logging into the Web Portal system to place online orders. RollMaster recommends using the Customer ID as the User Loginand a universal password for everyone--such as the owner of your flooring company’s name--as the Password. You can then type out their entire name in the Contactfield and then enter their Emailaddress in the remaining fields. Please note that this username and password is kept internally for accessing your Customer’sWeb Portal. You will actually go to their Web Portal and use this to log in and then create an Admin user for them to begin using the Web Portal.
At the top left, to the right of the Exitoption, another option appears as follows: Update Password in Mass. When you click on this option, the system will prompt the following:
If you wish to update the Web Setuppassword for all Customers, click the Yesbutton to continue. The system will prompt you to enter a New Password. Type in the password and hit enter to save. Please Note: only one Loginrecord can be set up for each Customer ID, but the Logindata can be updated at any time, or deleted altogether by clicking on the Deletebutton that appears to the right of the User Loginfield of an existing Customer Web Login Setupscreen. Click the Print All Loginsbutton to print a list of existing Web Login Setup IDs.
Web Portal Template Setup in Property Management:
Templates for the Web Portal system are first created in the Property Management/ Builder Templates module. From within an existing Template, click the Functionsmenu to display the following option: Web Setup.When you select this option, the system will display a Property Management Web Setup Screenas follows:
In the Property Unit Web Namefield at the top left of the screen, type in the Unit Nameas you would like it to display in the Web Portal system for your client. In the Webcolumn, click in that column next to each line that should prompt in the Web Portal—those lines should display a “Y” for yes. In the Web Namecolumn, click in that column next to each line to type in a generic name to upload with the line for simplified client selection. Before you exit, click in the Send to Webbox when you have made your selections. The Add, Add Before, and Deleteoptions will become available if you click in the Ln# column, allowing you to add additional Line Comments for the Web Setup. Click the Exitbutton to return to the previous screen.
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