Video Project: Commercial
It is time to begin planning for your video project. Choose a partner that you feel you may work with to produce a completed project. Your video topic must be a school appropriate commercial for a product of your choice. Remember no school rules may be violated and no dangerous acts may be performed during the creation of this video. Video footage must be taped at school during class, before or after school.
Requirements for the Project
- Purpose of Project: Story must be told with end result being a priceless item shown that can’t be bought
- Time Frame: Minimum time is 30 Seconds Maximum time 45 seconds
- School Appropriate: Entire video (topic, language, props, etc.) must be G rated for school appropriateness. Teacher judges the level of appropriateness. Entire video contents must not violate school rules and may in no way endanger any student. No students beyond your classmates should be used during school day. No students may be released from another class to be in your video.
- Storyboard: Script written for each scene in your video must be turned in PRIOR to any video taping occurs
- Content of Video: Story should be told , easy to understand content and voices, sound quality, voice projection, memorization of lines
- Quality of the Video: Props, costume, scene, light, noise—all categories will be judged in your video.
What do I do?
- Read all the requirements of the project.
- Pick a partner and choose a topic. Then decide on a format for your video.
- Write your video project proposal.
- After proposal approval, begin writing storyboard for project.
- Submit timeline of activities—include day, time, and activity (writing storyboard, rehearsing scenes, filming, capturing video, editing video)
- Write detailed storyboard
- Gather props and design scene sets
- Rehearse scenes and film scenes.
- Capture Video—All video will must be completed by your assigned capture time. Bring all required components—tape of video and any external music needed for production of video
- Edit Video—All video must be captured by your assigned edit time.
- Generate a finished product by the due date
- Present video to class—
- Evaluate video, partner participation, self-participation,
- Reflect on the process by writing your opinion of the positive and negative portions of the video process. Offer suggestions for improvement.
Videos will be presented to the class. The group will introduce the video to the class and must tell the class about the process of creating the video (for example…the difficulties/strengths of your process of creating your project!)