Welcome to Navigate Powered by NIDES Physical Education 12!

Please note that the First Assignment is a requirement to be registered in the course.

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Instructions: This assignment is intended to take approximately 5 - 10 hours to complete. It is worth 10% of your final grade for the course, so complete it carefully:
Read each question carefully before answering

  1. Answer all questions to the best of your ability, and in your own words.
  2. Take your time and explore all of the resources. You will receive a higher mark on your First Assignment if you include your learning from the readings and resources provided.
  3. Contact the PE 12 teacher for help if needed. Teacher contact information can be found on the Navigate website
  4. When you have completed this assignment, attach it to your registration form or submit it as an attachment to an email to:

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Assignment total:

PE 12 First Assignment

This assignment is 10% of your final grade. It is in your best interest to consult the evaluation rubric at the end of the assignment to gain an understanding of the First Assignment requirements. You must complete ALL SECTIONS of this assignment to begin the course.

The purpose of this initial assignment is for you to demonstrate your current understanding of the following Physical Education 12 Knowledge Learning Outcomes :

  • Components of Overall Health, Physical Fitness & Principles of Training
  • Canadian Physical Activity Levels and Factors Affecting Participation
  • Prevention & Treatment of Athletic Injuries
  • Ethical and Unethical Behaviour in Sports
  • Your Personal Abilities & Interests

Online resources:

Components of Overall Health:

Health-Related Components of Physical Fitness:

Principles of Training (Slides 1-18):

Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines:

Canadian Obesity:

Ethical Decision-Making:

Six Pillars of Character:

SECTION ONE: Review of Physical Education Terms and Concepts

Components of Overall Health:

1 – Provide a definition of the six components of health and an example of an activity that can potentially improve each component.

Insert Answer Here

2 – Decide which component is your biggest area of strength and which component requires the most improvement. Provide a detailed reason for your choices.

Insert Answer Here

Health-Related Components of Physical Fitness

Health-Related Components of Physical Fitness:

3 – For each Component of Physical Fitness rate your current level of fitness using the rating scale below. Explain why you choose each particular rating.

Scale:1 – Very Poor

2 – Below Average

3 – Average

4 – Good

5 – Excellent

Insert Answer Here

Principles of Training

Principles of Training (Slides 1-18):

4 – Define the FITT, PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD, REST and SPECIFICITY principles. Explain how these principles can be used to maximize the benefits of physical activity.

Insert Answer Here

SECTION TWO: Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines & Society

Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines:

5 – Using the above resource (after clicking on the link click on the “click to read” button under Canadian Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines Handbook further down the page) answer the following questions in detail.

A)Explain the difference between physical activity and sedentary behavior.

Insert answer here

B)The Youth Guidelines are listed on Page 7. List them and explain whether or not you meet the proposed guidelines. If you do not, explain what you could change in your schedule to meet these minimum guidelines.

Insert answer here

C)Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines are listed on Page 8. Explain how your current daily lifestyle compares to these suggestions. What changes can you make to ensure you’re meeting the guidelines suggested?

Insert answer here

Research – Obesity rates are continually increasing in Canada. Through online research answer the following questions:

What are the most up to date obesity statistics for Canadian adults and youth?

Insert answer here

What are the contributing factors to increased obesity rates?

Insert answer here

Imagine you have been tasked by the Canadian government to implement national programs to decrease obesity rates (and increase physical activity rates) in Canadian youth; in detail, explain what steps you would take and why.

Submit your research section as a separate document and be sure to list your information resources

Here is a good place to start your online research:

Statistics Canada will provide the most up to date statistics.

SECTION THREE: Treatment of Athletic Injuries

6 – As a grade 12 student you are leading a physical activity class at your local Recreation Centre. During the course of your activity two of your participants sustain injuries:

  • A 12 yr. old sustains a badly sprained ankle
  • A 13 yr. old breaks her arm

Explain your steps in treating each injury, ensuring the physical and mental well-being of each child and any required follow-up. Include as many details as possible and your information sources.

Insert answer here

SECTION FOUR: Ethical Decision-Making in Sport and Physical Activity

Power Point:

Any individual who is placed in a leadership role in a physical activity and/or sport environment will frequently be required to make decisions based on ethics. (For example: Who should get more playing time? Should this individual take part in this activity based on their injury/health? Does this situation require discipline? Etc…)

The above Power Point contains ethical considerations for coaches (and sport leaders such as recreation co-ordinators, fitness class instructors, etc.) and some Sport Ethical Dilemmas to consider.

7 – Explain, in your own words, how you would respond to the Sport Ethical Dilemma on slides 6 and 7. Be sure to include your decision making process and your reasoning used to back up your final decision. (Consider you have the participant and their parent heavily pressuring you to allow the participant back into the activity… you need to back up you decision)

Insert Answer Here

8 – The Six Pillars of Character are regularly used as guidelines for ethical decision-making. They are listed beginning on page 7 of the following document:

For each of the six pillars provide an example of how each can be used by a sport/physical activity leader to role model positive ethical behavior for youth participants. Insert Answer Here

SECTION FIVE: Personal Abilities & Interests

9 – Prior to beginning Physical Education 12 it is very important you have a solid understanding of your current Health profile, your abilities and your physical activity interests. This initial understanding will aid you as you progress through the course.

Complete the following chart in as much detail as possible:

PE 12 Pre – Pre Course Personal Profile
Overall Health Components:
The Overall Health Component I would most like to improve is:
I plan to make this improvement by:
Physical Fitness Components:
The TWO physical fitness components I would most like to improve are:
1 –
2 –
I plan to improve in these two areas by:
Principles of Training:
Using the FITT Principle acronym describe your current use of physical activity:
Frequency – How often do you exercise per week?
Intensity – How hard do you work during exercise?
Time – How long is each physical activity session?
Type – What type of physical activity do you usually do?
Of the above 4 principles which would you most like to change or improve? How and Why?
Inquiry Questions:
As you begin Physical Education 12 it is important to develop two questions you would like to explore as you progress through the course. These two questions should demonstrate deep thought and topics that can be explored throughout the course. These can cover any aspect of Health and Physical Education.
Question #1:
Question #2:

Evaluation Rubric:

Incomplete Submission
Sections of the First Assignment not completed. All sections must be submitted to begin the course / 0 and resubmit to begin the course
Not Meeting Expectations
All sections attempted
Several details and thoughts not present
Organizational and grammar errors effect content of assignment / 1
Partially Meeting Expectations
All sections attempted
Minimal details and thought not present
Organizational and grammar errors present / 2
Fully Meeting Expectations
All sections complete
All details, opinions and thoughts are present
Minimal grammar and organizational errors / 3
Exceeding Expectations
All sections complete
All sections demonstrate deep thought and detail
Well organized, grammatically correct throughout / 4