Sequoias Community College District

Faculty Enrichment Committee


Tuesday, December 5th, 2017

LRC Conference Room 210, 1:10pm – 2:00pm

Attendees: Joseph Teller, Marshall Fulbright, Jon Blakely, Monica Felix-Mora, Mario Bringetto, Don Nikkel, Linda Yamakawa, Nicole Schafer, Glena Crumal

Meeting called to order at 1:10pm.

  1. Comments: items on/not on the agenda

Don thanked Joseph for supporting the workshop this week regarding adjunct faculty looking to become full-time faculty.

  1. Announcements: none.
  1. Action
  2. Approval of November minutes: Mario moved to approve. Linda

seconds. Approved.

  1. Discussion
  2. Budget Report: close to 50% of stipend budget remains.
  1. Revisions to FLEX Prior Authorization Forms: COSTA Exec met to review

and discuss the role of division chair when approving FLEX workshops and proposal forms. It now allows the chair to check whether he/she chooses to agree or disagree if activity meets the criteria for FLEX. If chair disagrees, FEC Administrative Chair would discuss proposal with division chair. Marshall asked about the “Designee” responsibility, sans Division Chair, such as with LRC faculty. Wording in the second sentenceof first paragraph was, “FLEX credit will not be awarded without prior approval for your activity,”and will be edited to “FLEX credit will not be awarded without completed version of this proposal on file.”Marshall requested proposal paperwork be submitted within a specific timeframe after event, not indicated as it reads currently. Joseph will review what contract states regarding 14 working days.

  1. Revision to FEC bylaws: Joseph met with Sarah Harris regarding

outcomesand assessment.Sarah asked if there was a process of sharing data and recommendations to FEC on workshops/presentations that are faculty related. Joseph suggested to include into bylaws.The conversation had two important points, (1) how can regular communication be established between O&A and FEC and (2) for accreditation purposes. FEC decided to remove “along with recommendations” from the bylaws addition. Don motion to move bylaws to action item. Linda seconds. Approved. One abstention. Don moved to approve the revision of the bylaws. Mario seconds. Approved unanimously. Joseph will submit to Senate in January.

  1. Sabbatical packet revision & timeline: Joseph reviewed sabbatical packet. There were two edits since original FEC approval. One is addition of the “Part 3: Human Subjects” section and the second part is an addition of Dean signature. Dean acknowledgment will help with scheduling classes to fill the space of that faculty member on sabbatical. Joseph will host a sabbatical information session this Friday, December 8th from noon to 1pm in LRC 205. Joseph will determine a date on a Friday in February for an application workshop.
  1. Speakers on AB 19 and 705: Joseph has been contacting potential speakers to invite for next semester on new legislation. If anyone else knows of experts in these areas or has connections, please contact Joseph. Budget for speakers would need to be considered. Marshall mentioned Pha in Basic Skills is planning to host a few speakers. Joseph urged everyone hosting these type of workshops/speakers to submit a proposal and apply for Flex credit.

Meeting adjourned at 1:55pm.

Next meeting:Tuesday, February 6th, 1:10pm-2:00pm, LRC 210