Iamlookingforwardtospendingtimewithyouandteachingyouaboutlifeonourplanet! Honors Biologyis a two semester course in which we will study living organisms and processes, both in lecture and in the laboratory. This course is intended to prepare you for the rigors of the IB program and for college level science courses.


Although achieving high letter grades is a worthwhile goal, it is not the ultimate goal of a balanced education. On the other hand, I do know that grades are very important to you and your parents. They are important to me too and I will take care to see that your grades are determined fairly. Grades will be updated and posted every two weeks or so. I will follow the department grading scale where:

A= 90-100%

B= 80-89%




Your grade will be determined using the following guidelines:

25%=Daily work, Quizzes, and Labs


50%=Tests and Special Projects

20%= Final Exam

Quizzes and Tests: 0-100% Scale

Daily Work and Labs: 0-10 scale where 10=A+


Your participation grade will be determined by how well you focus in class and contribute to class discussions and the group learning process. It will be 5% of your overall grade but more importantly, listening and asking questions and paying attention are critical to learning.

Participation points will be tallied daily and updated in the grade book every week or two.

You can gain points by:

1)Doing the Opening Activity correctly and on your own.

2)Answering discussion questions in class correctly.

3)Taking notes and paying attention.

4)Asking thoughtful and relevant questions and listening during the answers.

You can lose participation points by:

1)Not doing the Opening Activity independently or by constantly “borrowing” answers from others for discussion questions.

2)Interrupting others, blurting out answers inappropriately, or giving away answers.

3)Doing other work in class, sleeping, being on your phone, or being openly inattentive (sitting with your head down for long periods or reading a magazine would be examples of this), negative, or disruptive.

4)Not bringing necessary materials to class such as books and notes.

5)Being tardy or not being in your seat when the bell rings disrupts the Opening Activity and can result in a loss of participation points.

Participation scores will be based on effort so everybody will have a chance to receive full points.

Bad News: I give homework assignments on most days, including Fridays. Extra Credit rarely (if ever) happens in this class, partly due to restrictions placed on schools in the past few years.

Good News: I will replace the lowest test score of the semester with the grade of the optional experiment as long as the student has not been caught cheating on any quiz or test! There will be an optional experiment offered both semesters. I am available for help any time after school or at other arranged times, so feel free to visit and ask questions.


1)Be in your seat with your homework out when the bell rings. Your work should be done when you come in. If you are late, your work is late.

2) Bring required materials to class each day. I will follow the school policy with regard to tardies and truancy.

3)Be respectful to everybody else and try to keep the noise volume down. No cell phones are to be out unless specifically permitted.

4)Do not converse or leave your seat during notes, work time, or when somebody else is talking.

5)NO PROFANITY is to be heard in class.

6)Respect school property and the property of others.

7)Follow the teacher’s directions with no back talk and obey all school rules.


I am confident that we will work together and enjoy each other most of the time. I will however follow the discipline cycle for negative student behavior. If I see a problem with something you do or say in class, I will talk to you about it. If the problem persists, I may assign a consequence and call your parents. If the problem still persists, you will be referred to your GLC…and repeated problems after that may involve suspension or other serious consequence. Major problems may go directly to the GLC without prior discussion.


1)Homework is due when the opening bell rings.

2) Some assignments (such as Practice Tests) cannot be accepted late. Other late work can be turned in no later than the next day for half credit. After that, it will remain in the grade book as a zero.

3)Keeping track of work and getting it done is your responsibility, not mine! Don’t count on me to remind you if you missed work or a quiz because of illness, other activities, sports, etc. Always make sure you know what is due. Check the board and listen carefully!

4)Extracurricular activities cannot be used as an excuse for late work. If you miss a quiz or homework because you were home sick, you have at least the same number of days you missed to make it up when you get back. If more time is needed because of special circumstances, arrange that with me right away. Don’t stress! Remember, the experiment can take the place of your lowest test. If a test or quiz is missed, it needs to be made up by the next Wednesday at lunch or right after school as arranged. Tests from the prior 6 week grading period may no longer be made up.


These are two issues that can land you in a lot of trouble, Any form of cheating on a test or quiz can result in the loss of the score earned and the loss of the chance to do the optional experiment. Cheating on daily work will earn you (and anybody else involved) a zero.

I will spend a full class period on lab safety and you will sign and abide by a safety agreement. I will also give safety directions before each lab. Willful disregard of safety instructions can earn you an immediate trip to the GLC! Be careful and mature in lab.

SIGNATURES: I have read the above and agree to abide by all guidelines.

STUDENT: ______

ADULT: ______

Please call with any questions or concerns! I am happy to help or counsel students whenever I can. We’re in this together. 